My doppelganger drama

Chapter 443 Drama: Flash Horse Tracking

Early the next morning, the investigation team completed its assembly.

The investigation team is divided into several teams, each responsible for tracking the whereabouts of different large ferocious beasts to find out their purpose of migrating here.

The targets they want to track are all large ferocious beasts that have arrived in the New World earlier and whose whereabouts are generally predictable based on the records of the previous investigation team.

If Keba can be found, tracking a large and dangerous beast like Keba is definitely one of the best options. But now they don’t have Keba’s whereabouts, and they can only wait until they meet him. Say it again.

Wan Yi was also assigned a team.

After the teams were assigned, everyone acted quickly and started their respective tasks.

Wan Yi also met acquaintances in his team, Qi Dan and Li Dalu.

You let me go last night, right? Upon seeing Qi Dan, Wan Yi spoke directly and without mercy.

Qi Dan and Lida Lu, who were about to say hello, suddenly didn't know what to say.

I'm sorry. After a moment of pause, Qi Dan apologized honestly.

So I won't invite you, but you will treat me to dinner next time. Wan Yi said.

Okay. Qi Dan agreed blankly.

Wan Yi looked at Qi Dan, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: I feel a little more comfortable. I'm in good spirits. Have you encountered anything good?

The corners of Lidalu's mouth twitched.

It's not a good thing, but how can I put it? My mind is a little clearer, that's all. Qi Dan lowered his head and blinked, then raised his head again.

His expression remained the same as before, no big changes could be seen.

But the real changes lie deeper.

Okay, our team members are all here, let's take a look at our target first. A woman came over. Judging from the clothes she was wearing, she was an experienced investigative scholar.

After everyone met each other, they didn't spend too much time getting familiar with each other and went straight to the topic.

She spread out a document in front of everyone and everyone looked at it.

The target we want to track is the 'Flash Horse'.

Oh? Lidalu became interested, This can be said to be very easy, but it can also be said to be quite difficult.

Qi Dan nodded in agreement.

Everyone present except Wan Yi seemed to be quite familiar with the monster in front of them.

The picture in front of me shows a group of blue and white horses with thick manes on the back of their necks and on their limbs. However, the tail is not an ordinary horse tail, but a slender, slender, long tail with scales.

A pair of blue eyes are as calm as lake water, but there seems to be a storm hidden in them.

Qi Dan glanced at Wan Yi and knew that Wan Yi probably didn't understand, so he introduced him: The big fierce beast in the shape of a lactating stallion, the 'Flash Horse'. It runs like wind and lightning. Whenever it rushes with all its strength, it can It can stir up large-scale storms and has the power to control strong winds and thunder and lightning.”

Wan Yi nodded to express understanding.

Lidaro followed: The character of the Flash Horse is unique among all the big beasts. According to the special investigation, it is basically certain that the Flash Horse may be very timid.

Timid? Wan Yi showed an interested expression.

Wan Yi has seen the performance of many ferocious beasts in this world. There is no doubt that each of them lives up to the name of big ferocious. When they wreak havoc, they will be terrifying existences that can overturn the ecological environment of a place.

And now, he was told that a monster with such great power could be timid?

Yes, the Flash Horse is timid and extremely vigilant. If it is frightened, it will launch a long-distance attack until the mood stabilizes. Most of the disasters caused by the Flash Horse in the records are basically caused by the Flash Horse being in panic. Caused by wanton venting.


Wan Yi thought of his own troupe's titular mascot, Miss Illustration and Wenwen.

It’s been a while since Tu Wenwen left.

In the final stage of the sinking island group incident, Jeffrey and his mouse partner Rost were taken to receive a special baptism by their fallen brotherhood according to the agreement with Wan Yi.

During this time, he should have been running around with Jeffrey to gain experience.

She can still be seen frequently in the Nightmare Carnival, and her performance in the troupe's scripts has also been visibly improved.

However, Wan Yi doubted whether she had really mastered the techniques of the Fallen Brotherhood. After all, she still looked surprised every time she did it.

Having said that, the increase in strength is real, and it stimulates Xu Shen to work hard.

In a sense, it is a very good motivation.

Turning your attention away from the two little ones that were being nurtured, after explaining the mission clearly, it was time for the team to set off.

The Flash Horse is timid, so don't worry about it attacking.

But relatively, it is very vigilant. If it is discovered, it will definitely leave the scene as quickly as possible.

The storm caused when running will also cause a lot of trouble. After the target is completely lost, it will be difficult to find it again.

As Lidaru said, it can be easy or it can be hard.

Following behind the team, Wan Yi was talking to the clones who had been released into the forest.

Flash Pony? Is that the rainbow pony in the middle of the lake?

My Little Pony! There's a My Little Pony here too!

It's broken. We can't let the supervisor know about this.

My Little Pony? Where is the Little Pony? The supervisor immediately appeared.

By the lake? You actually met the real owner.

You'll meet him just by wandering around. That kid is really timid. I saw him drinking water before when a fish jumped in the water and frightened him into teleporting.


Wan Yi reviewed the messy synchronized memories, and after eliminating a large number of images of unknown meaning, he found the blue and white horse standing in the middle of the lake.

Basically the same as the picture.

Speaking of fast horses, we happen to have a good horse too.

How about a try on a horse from another world? My body, come on!

Hey, I can't wait for the opening!

We haven't started yet, don't say such dirty things so straightforwardly.

I didn't say it out loud, I just thought about it in my heart! If you heard it, you should reflect on your own problems.


Wan Yi unilaterally ignored the mess in his mind.

Leaving the settlement, they met many tracking teams like them along the way. Before setting off, they all greeted each other very warmly.

After the actual departure, the atmosphere quickly calmed down.

After going a little deeper, we were soon surrounded by towering trees.

They have completely entered the virgin forest.

The leading scholar led the group along a relatively long road. Wan Yi was a little curious about how the other party could tell the direction. Is it a bug?

But before I had time to think too much, I seemed to have already arrived at my destination.

What a huge lake! Lidalu said in a low voice.

Just as the clone remembered, this was a green lake hidden in the mountains.

Surrounded by mountains, you can’t even see the other side.

It does have some foundation as a tourist attraction.

After Qi Dan looked at the lake, his eyes would look at the surrounding forest from time to time.

Qi Dan, what's wrong? Lidalu noticed this and asked.

Qi Dan thought about it and said, I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel like we've just started. There seems to be something in the surrounding jungle watching us, and there's more than one.

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