My doppelganger drama

Chapter 439 Play: The World and Dogs

The fleet approached the New World in an atmosphere of survival.

According to the information returned by the previous investigation team, their stronghold was established in a bay.

After getting closer, they saw people from the early investigation team coming to respond before they even had to look for it.

Under the guidance of the responder, the fleet rounded a cliff and saw a prosperous settlement.

The buildings are closely arranged to make full use of the limited space, and people can be seen everywhere.

Seeing the arrival of the fleet, the people from the preliminary investigation team and the pioneer team who were working at hand waved their hands and warmly welcomed the arrival of the new team.

This enthusiastic atmosphere alleviated some of the dull mood of the new investigation team due to the double blow of Orochi and Keba.

Wan Yi and Qi Dan disembarked after the fleet docked, and then began to look at these buildings in detail.

Compared with the architectural styles in the Old World that have developed more advanced and begun to modernize, the buildings in the New World that were built with limited technology are slightly more retro.

Wan Yi noticed that this architectural style was very mixed.

It is mainly close to the oriental style of the original world in his impression, and there are also some shadows of the original ethnic minority buildings. It seems that the foundation of this world is quite rich.

After Qi Dan took a few glances, the novelty passed and he didn't care so much anymore.

His mind is still confused now.

It's about the big snake Orochi and the black knight who suddenly appeared behind.

Hey, don't be in a daze, aren't you going to find your parents? Wan Yi came over and asked.

Qi Dan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head: I'm not here to find a relative.

You won't die if you find a parent. Are you the chief investigative scholar and need to stay close to the investigation team? Wan Yi mocked mercilessly.

You just can't delay this kind of awkward thing, otherwise he can find countless reasons for himself not to do things.

Qi Dan remained silent and did not speak.

Wan Yi sighed, thinking that after all, he had just met someone, and the relationship was just like that, so it was still difficult to persuade him in this aspect.

Neither Lidalu nor the old man Khaki was there.

Ridalu's friend, the Tachiman's arms suddenly showed their extraordinary strength and lost their arms in a head-to-head confrontation with Coffin. If the situation hadn't been inappropriate at that time, Wan Yi would definitely have said, This is the ugly state of the Tachigou.

But in fact it's not like that. In the real world, you use your life to perform such high-risk and difficult moves, and it's just to save your teammates.

So handsome.

The investigation team is discussing how to attach the best prosthetic limb so as not to affect the combat effectiveness of this swordsman.

The prosthetic technology in this world is very advanced, because adventurers often lose arms and legs when fighting monsters. The prosthetic limbs here can already use incredible technology to achieve performance that is no different from the human body with a seemingly ordinary appearance.

However, this kind of prosthetic limb needs to be built by a dedicated person, and it also requires a lot of consideration for an important and strong person.

Ridalu has been accompanying this heroic tachiman recently.

As for Old Khaki, they are discussing matters about the big snake Orochi and the last black knight.

Having been officially sighted and described, Orochi the Orochi will be officially included in the general catalog of monster files.

For the time being, we have moved from the unknown supernumerary catalog to the unknown species catalog. After all, there is not much information about Orochi just from a one-person meeting.

As for the Black Knight, it's another headache.

What exactly is that?

Looks like a human being, a knight.

But the aura exuding from his body was very different from that of a normal human being.

Even if the knight is not a monster, the dark horse under the knight certainly is.

But I only got a glimpse of this black knight. Although the other party helped the investigation team, things about monsters are sometimes more complicated than people, so we really can't draw any conclusions.

Maybe that black knight was just out of curiosity and wanted to steal the tail of a big snake Oroch?

Although it sounds funny, after seeing such a free and happy powerful monster like Coffin, the senior investigation scholars in the investigation team gradually felt that their horizons had broadened.

Nothing seems strange anymore.

However, despite being depressed, scholars and adventurers were more happy after analyzing it.

Before arriving in the New World, I directly encountered a legendary demon monster and a mysterious unknown monster. This kind of situation could only be encountered in the Old World for who knows how often.

After discussion, the Black Knight was finally included in the catalog of uncertain species, and its dark horse was also given the codename Nightmare Star, following the Black Knight's catalog.

But a large amount of information on both remains a mystery.

Qi Dan originally wanted to go to the place where he stayed to rest.

Then he turned around and saw Wan Yi approaching with a simple animal skin scroll.

Qi Dan took a look and said, Where did you get the standard mission statement from the Federation of Trade Unions?

It's over there. No matter what, you have to get familiar with your future base camp. Wan Yi pointed to a notice board not far away. Behind the notice board, it looked like a small newsstand. Building, where is the branch of the Federation of Trade Unions here.

Although the place is small, there are quite a lot of people gathered there.

Can you take the mission? Qi Dan looked at Wan Yi suspiciously.

Adventurer certification is not required to accept missions here, because there is a shortage of manpower. Wan Yi said.

So casual? Qi Dan was a little surprised, and then said to Wan Yi: It should just be some odd jobs.

No, it's a hunting mission. The monsters rated as evil beasts seem to be new types of monsters in the New World. I plan to go to the archives database branch here first to look at the monster information in the New World. Wan Yi smiled with a smile. said with an expression.

The amount of information in Wan Yizuo's words was a little too much, which made Qi Dan stunned.

Seeing that Qi Dan didn't reply, Wan Yi went on his own.

Qi Dan quickly followed up and said: The archives also established a database here?

Yes, it's very reasonable. Everything you investigate must be recorded.

Indeed, it is important to check this kind of information first after coming here... But! Are you going to deal with the evil beast?! You don't want your life!

Don't make a fuss. People who don't know better think I'm going to fight a big beast, although it's not impossible.

You are just a consultant!

Does a person with no skills deserve to be called a consultant? Wan Yi said domineeringly.

The non-working royal advisers who were passing by showed an embarrassed expression, and then walked quickly past.

Anyway, I'm going to the database first.

I want to go too. Qi Dan was also curious about the monsters in this new world.

Coffin also ate the tail of the big snake,

The plump meat bug disappeared into Coffin's mouth. The portion was really not that much, after all, Coffin mostly had to eat a whole one.

But even though the portion may not seem like much, the feeling of fullness after eating it is very satisfying.

This makes Coffin very satisfied.

The main reason why Wan Yi cut off the tail and fed it to the dogs was that after he got the tail, he found that the tail seemed to be just an ordinary tail, and even the bones were not very strong.

He didn't believe that this kind of thing could be used to make a unique weapon.

It seems that the six-headed snake is still not enough, Wan Yi plans to wait until the big snake becomes an adult before trying again.

Coffin wiped his mouth casually, and with a flash of green light, all the mess was washed away.

This is the main reason why this mad dog can stay so clean during long-term field operations and always looks like a handsome guy.

He looked at the unfamiliar place around him, stretched out his limbs and started running.

Climbing up a hillside, he stood on the cliff.

The endless land, thousands of mountains and mountains, the occasional moving figure of monsters, and the powerful aura enveloped this fast land one by one.

And at the deepest point, Coffin's eyes looked through an unknown distance and saw a mysterious valley.


He looked up to the sky and roared, announcing to the continent the arrival of the vicious dogs.

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