My doppelganger drama

Chapter 434 Play: Big Egg and Dog

That's probably it. Brother Hyundai sat in the back seat of the car and smiled with Wan Yi.

It feels like I'm watching some gangster movie.

It's just a normal black and white thing and I don't want to pay. Noisy said strangely.

Didn't the original plan say to keep a low profile? Wan Yi asked.

After all, the Silver and Gold Alliance is now very tight on the theater troupes and will not let go of any clues. I heard that some serious opera troupes, theater troupes, and even circuses have been investigated by the Silver and Gold Alliance.

But if you really want to catch Wan Yi, this headless behavior is obviously not going to work.

It's already very low-key. We made very detailed preparations before we dared to go wild. The gang opposite was just incidental, the focus is still on the pharmaceutical company.

Modern Brother looked at the suitcase that Green Goblin had just handed to Noisy Monster.

After using the ether suppression potion and arriving at this golden island circle, commonly known as the golden circle, Wan Yi discovered such an interesting thing by surprise.

It is said to be able to suppress etheric energy and delay the frequency of troublesome attacks. If used for a long period of time, it can even solve this possible emotional out-of-control phenomenon once and for all.

Ordinary people also say that using one can prevent etheric energy from accumulating in the body and causing harm to others.

If this thing is real, it is undoubtedly an invention that transcends the ages.

Everyone no longer has to be a troublemaker, and the troublemakers can also stay sane. Wouldn't everyone be happy?

But Wan Yi felt something was wrong as soon as he heard it, and the smell of shady things was about to overflow.

After a simple investigation, it was discovered that the pharmaceutical company behind the potion was related to the Second Silver-Gold Joint Research Institute.

There is direct cooperation between them, and the principal researcher is a member of the Second Institute.

As soon as he heard about the research institute, Wan Yi became excited.

If the research institute can't break into it for the time being, it would be a good idea to find some samples of their research products to take a look at.

The noisy monster picked up a potion, filled it with the matching injection in the box, and injected it directly into himself without changing his expression.

After a while, all the medicine was injected into his body.

Huh? The activity of ether energy has indeed weakened. At this time, the little princess's voice sounded first.

How come you felt it before me? the noisy monster said blankly.

Because you are stupid. The other configurations are the same, but there is a big difference between a hyperactive brain and a non-moving brain! the little princess teased.

The noisy monster narrowed his eyes and was about to speak when Wan Yi interrupted the unimportant topic: Is it just active?

Yes, it's only active. Hearing this, the little princess also said with a strange tone.

Brother Modern whistled: Okay, okay, the conspiracy of big companies has been exposed by us in one fell swoop. Are we going to become city heroes next?

Only the activity is weakened, but in fact the overall quantity and quality of the ether energy has not changed significantly.

It really won't have any impact on the spirit for a while, and it will be a little difficult to mobilize again.

But after the Noisy Monster knew that the activity was only weakened, and just thought about the period of discomfort, the activity of the ether energy in the body suddenly began to loosen.

What? I can still move again. Noisy said strangely.

It seems like it just slightly lengthens the span of mobilizing etheric energy through emotions, which is effective in a sense, but can it be boasted of being completely solved by just this? Brother Modern said sarcastically.

The Green Goblin sat in the passenger seat and took a look: Let's take the rest back and study them first. It's better to try more.

Vehicles traveling on city-managed roads quickly become unrecognizable.

While the evil forces in the Silver-Gold United Cyber ​​City are gradually growing, far away in the world of Coffin's script, the fleet is also traveling very smoothly.

During the subsequent voyage, the investigation team did not see the excitement of the battle between two big beasts like the first night.

In other words, after experiencing such an impactful start on the first night at sea, it will probably be difficult to shake the minds of the investigation team again if they see anything later.

The scenery on the sea is unfamiliar to most people, but after a long time, they will always get tired of it and eventually become bored.

Fortunately, the view of the sea may be boring, but the view of the monster is definitely not.

The appearance of a large number of sea monsters is exciting, and strange monsters can often be seen on some anchored islands along the way.

There are weak ones, there are powerful evil beasts, and even vicious beasts.

But the big ferocious beast was never seen again.

Peaceful journey.

On this day, Wan Yi received news that the fleet would resist the New World in three days or early tomorrow morning!

After knowing this, Wan Yi went back to the theater to check Coffin's script.

I want to confirm where Coffin is now.

According to his speed, if he hurried seriously, he would probably arrive in a few days.

But as far as Wan Yi knew, it was impossible for Coffin to devote himself to the journey.

After all, I went to do Poseidon on the first day of departure.

The script was displayed on the stage, and Wan Yi did not see Coffin's figure at a glance, but caught a glimpse of a flying giant egg.


Wan Yi was stunned for a moment.


After confirming that he had read the script correctly, Wan Yi continued reading.

The egg was dark red, flashing with red light, and seemed to be moving in the seawater in an unknown direction.

Soon, Coffin appeared on the screen.

Sure enough, Coffin was still paddling for so many days, really paddling in the sea.

Then chasing the dark red egg.

Wan Yi clicked on the script and went back to read it a few times, and found that a few weeks ago, Coffin encountered this fast-moving egg while catching a group of monsters that looked like flying fish.

Something unexpected happened.

Coffin chased the egg, and the egg moved extremely fast. Coffin couldn't catch up with the speed of swimming in the sea with his hair tentacles!

Coffin also launched an attack on it. The egg was obviously conscious. It was shaken by several of Coffin's attacks at first, but it was not damaged. Then it actually began to actively dodge Coffin's attacks.

However, Coffin is indeed difficult to deal with, making it difficult for Dan to get rid of him.

In the end, the dog and the egg started a ghost-catching game all over the sea.

Wan Yi's eyes twitched as he watched.

This is good, he has to go to the New World first. Coffin is so obsessed with chasing the egg that he doesn't know when he will be able to land.

While watching, Wan Yi suddenly noticed some details and couldn't help but frown.

When you catch Coffin and the egg in the same frame, you will be surprised to find that the size of the egg is so amazing that it would take several adults to hug it.

The eggs are already so big, how terrifying will the things they lay out be?

And not only that, the shadow of a big, ferocious mouth flashed across the surface of the egg from time to time.

Every time it flickers, whatever it passes along its path, whether living or inorganic, is absorbed by its surface.

It passed by a reef and passed by the sharp corners of the reef. As a result, there was no bump at all. The sharp corners of the reef disappeared, leaving a smooth cut surface.

It's like... a black hole.

This egg is devouring everything around it!

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