My doppelganger drama

Chapter 420 Repertoire: New World

Coffin suddenly began to move without warning, and the group of people from the National Archives quickly arrived at their stronghold in the nearest large human settlement.

After reporting the file information, they began to rest and replenish supplies while waiting for news from their superiors.

This time all the monitoring instruments were destroyed, so they probably had to wait for a while.

Lidalu took advantage of this time to flip through some of the latest journals in the archives.

During this time, the archive’s journals received close attention from countless people.

Although it is already very important, because many new research results in the archives will be published in journals, adventurers in need will pay attention to it, and other organizations that do monster research will not miss it.

However, because during this period of time, various large monsters that almost existed in legends but whose true identities were not seen began to appear frequently in activity records, the archives suddenly became busy and sent a large number of investigation and research teams to investigate various monsters.

As for those monsters, especially those mobile natural disasters in the catalog of big ferocious beasts, you should not miss them no matter what your initial considerations are.

Oh, there are so many dragon species. Let's take a look. The Sky Thunder Dragon, the Yangming Dragon, the Batai Dragon... tsk tsk, they are all famous and ferocious beasts and giant dragons recorded in ancient books.

Dragon species in this world are innately superior to other species. Although it seems a bit puzzling to me, after all, according to research, the body structure of mammal species is obviously better. The newcomer said with some confusion. said.

Lidalu smiled and shrugged: Qi Dan, you are not an adventurer, and you have no admiration or awe for the dragon species.

Exactly, and that's not what I want to say. I'm just curious about why the dragon species is so unique. The young newcomer known as Qi Dan said meticulously.

After all, for monsters, body structure is only one aspect of rating. Most mammal species don't have the tough bodies and thick scaly carapace of dragon species. They don't have sharp claws and teeth. Even their body size is generally inferior. Lida Lu He said this after thinking for a while.

Not to mention that despite these practical factors, many dragon species also possess magical special powers.

It just feels a little strange. It's not that I can't accept the reality. Qi Dan shook his head helplessly.

Don't be so unhappy. Isn't this our Keba? Although it is said to be an indeterminate species, according to our observations it is indeed a human being, so let's just consider it a lactating species!

There are differences between monsters and humans, Mr. Lidaro!

The two of them chatted, one big and one small, while Lidalu continued to flip through the journal.

Suddenly, he frowned: Oh? Powerful monsters are migrating in unison? Is there a certain target?

Hearing this, Qi Dan also curiously poked his head over and saw the content in the corner of the journal, but it was not a definite description, just a guess.

Since the frequent natural disasters during this period, those ancient monsters have awakened one after another, and many famous monsters have also become more active.

The reason behind this is curious.

There must be some relationship between the frequent natural disasters and the activities of powerful monsters. At first, it was just considered that natural disasters affected the original habitable areas of the monsters.

However, as various monsters acted aggressively and conflicts occurred frequently, humans also realized that something was wrong.

Powerful monsters will never really attack each other unless they have a special relationship and are necessary.

Monsters are about hunting and surviving, not fighting.

There is no benefit to winning, it only increases the risk. Unless you are really strong to a certain level, challenging other strong people of the same level and ecology is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

But this pattern has been completely shattered these days.

Although there are currently no records of battles between major ferocious beasts other than Keba, among the ferocious beasts and evil beasts listed below, there are already many records and sighting reports of battles with the same rating.

This is not a good thing for human beings who can just sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

Because after fighting on both sides, they don't care where the battlefield is. Even if they break into a human settlement, they don't care much.

The losses caused by that time will be unavoidable.

Not to mention that when the monsters are in such frequent activities and migrate, this warlike habit is even more troublesome.

Two powerful monsters happened to be passing through a certain human town, and then they locked eyes and started fighting.

Not to mention the ferocious beasts, for some remote settlements, the evil beasts are already a disaster that is difficult to deal with, and the two of them are even more temperamental when fighting.

Qi Dan directly reached out and took away the journal from Lidalu's hand as if he showed no respect for his senior, and looked back and forth at the column carefully.

Lidalu also waved her hands cheerfully, but didn't pay much attention to it.

After reading it, Qi Dan said somewhat strangely: When crossing the sea in the east, do they want to go to the New World?

Oh? That undeveloped area? I remember that there are not many monsters there, the distribution density is low, and the resources are rich. Many people want to make money there. Big countries also have ideas to shift their focus there. Daru said with some surprise.

Qi Dan nodded: My parents were members of the previous exploration teams and have stayed there all year round for development tasks.

It's so great. Lidaru praised.

Developers and pioneers are always worthy of admiration, especially those who respond to the call of the country.

Qi Dan was noncommittal and continued: The conditions on the land under our feet are too harsh now. Humanity has struggled for thousands of years, and the territory is only meager. It is also often invaded by monsters. Even the hinterland of humanity must be wary of the invasion of powerful monsters at any time, so the country has The development of the New World can be said to be imperative.”

An undeveloped new continent with extremely low monster density.

It might be more intuitive to use another name in this world.


But now, the monsters are migrating eastward and even starting to cross the sea, which suddenly makes Qi Dan a little nervous.

Nowadays, there is a fertile archipelago in the southwestern sea of ​​the mainland. There are polar ice fields up from the North Sea. There is an endless sea in the west. Although there are scattered islands in the east, there is only the new continent after crossing the ocean.

If the targets of these monsters are really the New World, it will not be a good thing for the country.

And the pioneer explorers working there will also face huge threats.

At this moment, the door of the rest area was pushed open, and the old man who led the team came over.

Mr. Kutch?

Everyone noticed that the old man had a stern look on his face.

Everyone, have you rested?

Everyone looked at each other, then cheered up: No problem!

Then, our team will suspend the surveillance operation on Keba and head to the East China Sea to meet up with other teams. The matter is urgent. This is an emergency call. You can contact your families here. We will have a contact meeting in the future. If you have any difficulties, we will set off in half an hour. If you have any questions or inconveniences, you can come and talk to me.

After saying that, old man Kaqi turned around and left quickly, as if there were still many things to solve.

Lidaro and Qi Dan were both stunned for a moment.

Qi Dan frowned: No way?

Lidalu suddenly laughed out loud: Boy, I heard that the communication in the New World is very poor?

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