My doppelganger drama

Chapter 413 Silver and Gold Alliance: Angry!

Wan Yi simply finished his closing part, and in the next few days, the body entered a state of high-intensity leisure vacation.

Since he has mastered the field himself, too many times other clones have had good reasons to mess around.

As a main body, you have the most awesome field, so we can be your backup shield and cheerleader in the back row!

Even those clones with names will naturally not find things to do for themselves when they can rest. Wouldn't it be nice to overlap with the main body as a domain ammunition bag?

Anyway, in the end, the credit lies with you, so you don't have to worry about it.

All in all, this evil trend is spreading among Wanyi recently.

So Wan Yi went on a vacation alone and went to District 13 to play with magical animals.

At the same time that Wan Yi officially announced that his body was beginning to break down, the professional team formed by Wan Yi also went to the free sky island group where the refugee movement was targeting.

Shen Yuezhi and others have arrived at their destination.

As a group of free sky islands, the forces here are inherently mixed, and the city's infrastructure lags far behind the bronze-level sky islands that combine silver and gold.

But just because of the game between various aspects, this land cannot be developed well.

Not long ago, the Dawn Alliance had taken advantage of the chaos caused by the disintegration of the boundary zone in the Free Sky Island Group, and took strong action to help promote the refugee movement.

Some new buildings are being erected, and bustling crowds fill every corner of the place in a short time.

Shen Yuezhi's arrival received an unexpected welcome.

The refugees from the Silver Sky Island established contact with the refugee movement on the Free Sky Island without any barriers.

Shen Yuezhi and his team are treated well and will take on more responsibilities in the future. They still have a long way to go.

Guiyi directly announced its optimism and help for the refugee movement and its willingness to provide more help.

This news did not cause much reaction.

It is not uncommon to join forces to support some small organizations. The current size of the refugee movement is still not enough in the eyes of some people.

But the latter claim really shocked a lot of people.

Baicang stated that it is concerned about the development of the refugee movement and will provide certain assistance when necessary.

Gui Yiyi and Baicang Sect pay double attention! ?

This incident was somewhat unexpected, attracting more attention to the refugee movement.

Normally, this is not a good thing for a small and growing organization. Too much attention can easily lead to all kinds of troubles.

But the refugee movement is not an ordinary small organization. Both Guiyi and Baicangjiao know that what the future stage of the refugee movement will be, it needs visibility. Only by building visibility can more refugees and like-minded people gather.

As for right and wrong, it's just a small stepping stone.

On the other side, the Silver-Gold Alliance was caught in a huge shock that affected the entire alliance.

The three bronze-level islands were emptied of people and money, and even one island disappeared on the spot!

The investigators who followed them did not even find a person in charge. Almost all the management of the three empty islands were wiped out. Those who survived were also insane and in a trance. They needed to receive treatment before they could consider questioning.

Only then did the Silver and Gold Alliance realize the seriousness of the problem.

Subsequently, many people denounced the statements made by Gui Yiyi and Baicang Sect.

The liars who destroyed the city! They made the island miserable!

The people are being coerced, and the refugee movement is not as beautiful as it seems!

Beware of those behind the scenes disrupting world order!

A large empty island disappeared overnight, and the shadow of the disaster has not dissipated. We need an explanation!

Suddenly, a large amount of public opinion broke out in the Silver and Gold Alliance around the refugee issue.

The people of the Silver and Gold Alliance were very smart in this regard and mobilized all available weapons to attack the weak points of Guiyiyi and Baicang Sect.

The first to bear the brunt was the disappearance of Bronze Level 8 Sky Island.

The sky island suddenly disappeared. This process could only rely on the verbal descriptions of a few people and unclear video records. It was a headache for the Silver and Gold Joint Investigation Bureau, but it was beneficial to the propaganda department.

They showed off their Spring and Autumn style of writing and exaggerated the victims on the empty island, using this as a favorable public opinion weapon to criticize the hypocrisy of Gui Yiyi and the evil of Bai Cang.

But within a few hours of the relevant reports being sent out, a brand new piece of news from an unfamiliar source came out.

That's a video.

The scene in the video was a bit eerie, but after walking around for a while, I quickly discovered that this place seemed to be a circus, or a mobile theater troupe.

The figures in red robes stirred inside, and the one who finally occupied the center of the picture was a tall and thin figure in a white mask. The hem of his cloak fluttered like tentacles, and his scarlet eyes seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

He calls himself the director of the theater carnival.

Next to him, there was a delicate girl with thick black hair that almost touched her heels. She was wearing a slim-fitting dark red and white clown costume, with eye shadow and light clown makeup on her face, and her hair was tied into a lively and energetic twin tails. .

He calls himself the little princess of the troupe and emphasizes that he is a man, but his every move has captured the hearts of many people.

These two are the spokespersons of that mysterious force.

The simple self-introduction and environment display are over. Everyone must be impatient to know who we are. King Wu Yi said in a sinister and hoarse voice.

We can be the wonderland in your dreams, a circus that brings happiness to you. The little princess continued.

It can also be a thought-provoking nightmare, an abyss troupe that makes you struggle endlessly. Wu Yiwang said.

This is the 'Theater Troupe', where everyone's souls return.

You have never died, because you have never truly lived in this world.

Obviously, this is a promotional video. The previous content may impress some people, but what most people are most concerned about is the end of the video.

A vague black figure with a head like a crow announced in an ugly hoarse voice that the troupe was responsible for the demise of Bronze Level 8 Sky Island.

In an instant, the previous series of foreshadowings were far less shocking than this incident.

Did you know? A very powerful force has emerged recently. They receive favorable treatment. After joining, you will have sweet dreams to dream about every day, and you can move bricks even when you dream!

...I'm sorry, what did you just say? New forces? I didn't listen carefully, but I don't think it's important.

This troupe blew up a large sky island.

Cool! Wonder how I can get in touch with them?

This is such a realistic conversation.

Upon seeing this, the Silver and Gold Alliance had no choice but to overturn what they had just said and target this new ghost theater troupe.

The Silver-Gold Joint Investigation Bureau took immediate action. Even though the alliance was still in chaos and short of manpower, the disappearance of an empty island still required the highest level of attention.

They're going to give those clowns in the previous video a good beating.

As for being afraid of opponents who can destroy Sky Island?

Oh, that large alliance doesn't have this ability, but when the exertion of power involves a struggle of forces, it is often shackled.

There is no need to confront the troupe's hidden methods head-on.

The people of Silver and Gold United are smart about their budgets.

Regardless of whether this troupe is a cover promoted by Gui Yiyi and Baicang.

They also want to give this group of rampant lunatics a little bit of the anger from the Silver and Gold Alliance.

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