My doppelganger drama

Chapter 384 Jumping Spider Bishop

Everyone, please calm down.

The double-voiced electronic synthesized sound was interrupted, and the four worshipers began to quarrel.

The noisy sound of cooking pots suddenly stopped, and everyone turned to look at the source of the sound, a high-end coffee machine with black and gold colors.

Merck looked at the coffee machine, and the data flow in his eyes was running at high speed, as if his eyes were shining. In fact, he was shocked when he saw the coffee machine.

Shen Yuezhi opened his mouth, but still didn't speak immediately.

Boy, do you know him? Meta suddenly glanced at Shen Yuezhi and asked.

It's not a very delicate expression management, but Meta easily caught and judged it.

Yes, Shen Yuezhi is my friend. The coffee machine did not give anyone a chance to embarrass Shen Yuezhi, and took the initiative to keep the focus on himself.

You didn't even tell me that you had such an electronic pet. If I had known it, I wouldn't have bought my own coffee machine. The craftsmanship of the newly bought coffee machine is a bit weak. Lucas couldn't help but say.

Shen Yuezhi's face was complicated: You really don't know?

I just want to drink coffee. Lucas said without changing his expression and said it in another sentence.

If you want to drink coffee, I can prepare it for you, but I don't have much time. You should hurry up and finish the business. The coffee machine interrupted in time.

Brother Dome's mouth was already open, and he was almost about to start a new topic following Lucas's words.

Wan Yi's conversational rhythm, mental circuitry, and even his attitude towards situations are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

I'm very happy that because Meta has been talking cross talk with Domu Ge for a long time and because of his own personality, he can adapt to it very well.

As for Bishop Jumping Spider, he is a serious person, no, a serious spider, but Lucas's mouth is endless, so he is forced to become a complainer.

Its brain can keep up, but it only occasionally cooperates, and most of the time it chooses to ignore it and end with a curse.

The coffee machine was very smart. It realized the tacit understanding of talk therapy between the four Cang worshipers, and interrupted it when Lucas started.

Otherwise, these four people may start chatting again, and then they won't be able to get to the point for a long time.

Although the coffee machine will not regret it, it does feel that it is a mistake not to put some restrictions on them.

Indeed, when the purpose is exposed, there is really no room for leisure. Mr. Coffee Machine is right. Merck agreed, and at the same time raised the document Shen Yuezhi had given him before.

As for the details, let's talk about it later. Mr. Coffee Machine, can you make me a cup of coffee now?

As he spoke, this Gui Ren elegantly and rigorously tidied his collar.

Merck and Shen Yuezhi started working where they were.

Considering many aspects, Merck has not given up preparations for refugee work because of the emergence of omnics.

When he was responsible for this work, Suer once conveyed the words of the Taoist Master:

Disasters cannot override the future of refugees.

This sentence must be taken seriously, and it is indeed not wrong.

It seems that there are a lot of refugees appearing at once, but this directly spits out all the possible refugees from the boundary zone for a long time in the future.

This is a tail payment that is hard to swallow in a broken world.

After this final payment, there will be no more new refugees.

If the situation cannot be stabilized, the foundation of the entire broken world will be shaken.

At that time, no disaster recovery is needed, and the humans in the broken world will be able to get rid of themselves.

I have to say that this trend is already happening now.

Therefore, although Merck knew it was urgent, the work at hand did not stop. Even if it was accelerated, it would not hinder the extremely high efficiency of this returnee.

Discussions and testing with Shen Yuezhi, documents were passed back and forth between the two.

Laphne stood quietly behind Shen Yuezhi, like a human-shaped pillar.

A little further away, the four worshipers also took a break and started chatting normally.

The four of them played cards and talked while playing.

There hasn't been any movement since you came back. I thought you were scared. Bishop Jumping Spider said slowly while looking at his cards.

That's called recharging your strength. The city has been under martial law recently, and even some business channels have been restricted. We can't bring in reinforcements, so just two people coming to you are looking for death, right? Meta said lightly.

Hey, don't you choose to evacuate but want to summon your strength for revenge? Bishop Jumping Spider didn't seem to care much.

You have been quite powerful these days, but you are still far behind us. Meta said, Just in the matchup between the four of us, I am more than 80% sure that I can beat you, Clavitia. , you are no longer a human being.


Lucas and Dome's eyes were on Bishop Jumping Spider at the same time.

Upon hearing this name, Bishop Jumping Spider trembled.

But he soon regained his composure, and his two largest black pearl-like eyes narrowed slightly: If you are so confident, you can try it. Although I don't know how you, a young man, know this name, I hope you are not just Know the name itself.”

Its voice was slow and slow, and Lucas rarely felt a sense of oppression from his own bishop.

A blasphemer in the Spider God Religion, a master in his own field who has mastered his own field under the blessing of the Spider God. He is a close friend and chief bishop of the former leader. But he was exposed in the struggle between the two religions. He was clearly fighting for the Spider God but was betrayed. , the Spider God cast his gaze, and the blessing turned into a curse, turning him into this pitiful state now. It’s a shame that you are still willing to continue to serve the Spider God Cult.”

Meta didn't care about this sense of oppression. Thanks to the help of Brother Domu, he felt the strong oppression of Big Brother Ricardo at high intensity some time ago. Now this is completely insignificant compared with Big Brother.

Listening to Meta telling a story that few people know today, Bishop Jumping Spider looked unhappy.

Others couldn't see Spider's expression, but Wan Yi could feel it.

Bishop Jumping Spider's mood was not very peaceful, it was probably a deep scar.

If it was you in the rumors, then I would be on my knees now, but now...well, I heard that you were a beauty before, but you are still quite cute now, although I don't really appreciate spiders. Mei Ta laughed.

At this moment, Lucas played his card, causing Meta's original smile to suddenly drop due to the change in the card game.

At the same time, Bishop Jumping Spider's mood quickly adjusted.

Hmph, you glib young man. Do you really think that your unfamiliar domain mastery makes you invincible? Even if you are a domain master, there are times when you are easily defeated. The Jumping Spider Bishop rubbed his forefoot and said disdainfully.

After all, since the winning rate is so high, you still choose to sit here and play cards with us. Is it because you have scruples? Are you afraid of our little leader? Lucas added.

Faced with the siege of the two men, Meta suddenly revealed his true form.

He's not good at talking.

Meta's eyes kept glancing at Brother Dom, hoping that he could speak a few words with his usual eloquence.

As a result, Brother Duomu was looking at his cards in a daze.

Noticing Meta's gaze, Brother Duomu glanced at him coldly: What are you looking at? How can you win against others if you can't understand the cards?

Meta: ...

His luck and card skills are really bad. He was just talking bad words while dealing bad cards, which disgusted Brother Duomu, who is a teammate, and Brother Duomu was not here to coddle him.

In the end, the Spider God combination won the game.

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