My doppelganger drama

Chapter 373 “Omnic Machine”

Who are you? Shen Yuezhi said looking at the coffee machine.

This question deserves elaboration. The coffee machine said, As you can see, I am now a coffee machine. As long as you add enough ingredients, I can brew a cup of hot coffee as you want.

Shen Yuezhi was about to speak but stopped.

Of course, I think that's not what you want to ask. But I also have some doubts about my current situation. I only know my mission, and other things are very vague. If I really have such a thing as memory, If so, in human terms, I might be in a state of amnesia.

The coffee machine talked eloquently.

What did you just say about maintaining the world... Shen Yuezhi pointed out.

Yes, that is my mission. I think my existence may be a test for mankind in today's world. The coffee machine said seriously. have a coffee machine?

Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things. This is what you humans often say.

That's right.

That's right. In my judgment, people at the bottom of society are the most useful samples for my judgment.

So you have a crush on me? Shen Yuezhi frowned.

I don't need to 'fall in love' with anyone in particular. I need to observe far more than just you. It's just that your position in this environment is the most convenient for me to rely on, so I chose you.

Shen Yuezhi felt dizzy after hearing this.

Actually, I should have kept observing in secret, but that spider exposed my existence in front of you. Even if I appear in your field of vision again, you will recognize me at once. So I Will communicate with you directly,” the coffee maker continued.

In the end, it was still the cultist's fault, Shen Yuezhi thought.

So, what should I do? Shen Yuezhi asked nervously.

Do what you have to do, and keep doing whatever you want to do, the coffee machine said.


After saying that, the coffee machine fell into silence, and Shen Yuezhi lay on his bed dejectedly, seemingly falling into endless exhaustion and confusion.

He covered his face with his hands, his thoughts in his mind a mess.

There is no doubt that he knows nothing about this world so far.

All I know is that he traveled through time with many people, and there were no familiar people around him. He stayed here alone in an unfamiliar place. He was strictly controlled and raised like domestic animals.

It was difficult for him to accept that he was reduced to such a situation from a young man who aspired to a harmonious society and to adapt quickly.

Based on what he had learned in the past, he was keenly aware of the constraints of the so-called city officials here, and he was aware of the power that the so-called traveling refugees might have.

So he did it nervously.

So far, his actions have been successful.

Someone supported him and stood behind him. Everyone shouted loudly together, and the combined voice was much louder than one person.

Judging from the words of the cultist, it was obvious that the city was not indifferent.

The marches and appeals caused trouble to those people, and even many powerful people in this world had secret contacts with him, hoping to help him.

This seemed to give him some unrealistic fantasies.

Sure enough, the world was far from as friendly as he had seen so far.

The officials casually gave them away to the cult.

Shen Yuezhi has not read many online novels, but he is familiar with some classic routines in online novels.

When extraordinary power exists and can lift a few people to the point where they are separated from ordinary people, the order of existence in his mind is just a luxury.

He looked at the quiet coffee machine nearby.

Can I make coffee?

Can I have black coffee?

Do you know the types of coffee?

“As a coffee maker, I think this is something you need to know.”

The threshold for this coffee machine is quite high...

After Wan Yi found something abnormal in the Book of Disasters, he looked for the faintly flashing name in Gui Yiyi's database.

In the end, he discovered that the advanced-sounding name omnic was already from a very early time in Guiyi's disaster records.

It can even be traced back hundreds of years.

Correspondingly, its records are not as detailed as the blood stains found before.

Omnics, like most scourges, did not start out as machines.

Initially, omnic was just a scourge of change. The essence of its ability was to activate inorganic objects and give them life and even thinking.

This is a very powerful ability, which also led to the omnic himself becoming famous as a troublemaker.

He was in the territory of the Silver and Gold Union, so naturally, the greedy people of the Silver and Gold Union targeted him.

He once established cooperation with the Silver and Gold Alliance, but later had conflicts with it and was encircled and suppressed by the Silver and Gold Alliance.

And the omnic was finally put to death under the siege of a large coalition.

Originally, the silver-gold alliance was just a daily operation that could be destroyed if it could not be obtained, but they did not expect the power that could bring disaster to people in desperate situations.

Disaster begins.

According to Gui Yiyi's follow-up investigation, it was concluded that the omnic entered the fourth stage of disaster at a desperate moment.

But just after entering the disaster, his body was annihilated by a powerful attack.

The omnic died, but the creations of his powers surprisingly did not return to normal with his death.

Those activated inorganic substances spontaneously gathered into a team, and even elected a leader as the leader, and launched an organized revenge against the silver-gold alliance.

The original ability to activate inorganic substances has not been lost, but the activation that could be achieved unconditionally simply by relying on ether energy has become a condition that requires the structure of the activation object to be sufficiently precise.

As time passed and the war progressed, a mechanical army swept across the territory of the Silver and Gold Alliance.

The name was revealed in the Book of Disaster, and the Silver, Gold, and Server Alliance officially allowed Gui to intervene.

It is said that even Baicang participated in that battle.

Gui Yiyi and Baicang faced the omnic army and were forced to stand on a united front.

The outcome is obvious.

With the combined efforts of many parties, the omnics were wiped out, everything that could cause the disastrous power to spread was eradicated, and the names on the Book of Disaster were completely dimmed.

Now that things have happened, even this kind of 'old antique' disaster in history has happened. Wan Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The main body, I have investigated the source of the mutation a little bit. If the location is limited to the Silver and Gold Union... The Green Devil came back after finishing his work and said.

His final note was slightly drawn out, and everyone understood it tacitly.

What? I didn't see anything? Lucas was on his way back to the church's stronghold and bought a bag of coffee beans. The quality was good. There should be a coffee machine in the church.

If not, just buy one.

Looking back, although the tent was blown up at that time, if you look around with your holographic perspective, there is actually no shadow of the coffee machine. The little princess mentioned.

The coffee machine has run away? Lucas was surprised.

It doesn't seem to be a particularly surprising thing in this world. It's well known that I have clones. Wan Yi was not surprised at all.

“It’s too abstract for an omnic to come back and turn into a coffee machine.”

What? You look down on the coffee machine, the omnic, the omnic, and you don't have to tell what form the other party is.

Maybe it can even be a sweeping robot.

“A sweeping robot should be cuter than a coffee machine.”

That's right. This is the reason why you 'raised' three sweeping robots at home.

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