My doppelganger drama

Chapter 361 Worshiping Cang Sect Conference

Memory...can we really be affected by that kind of thing?

After all, our memories are essentially the same, and the relationship between memory and the spirit and soul is a bit unclear.

Looking at the feeling just now, you were in a state of spontaneously falling into memories, and then based on the current situation, you constructed a memory that should not have existed, and then continued on by yourself.

Then because no one else was present, you were the only one with the only perspective over there, so we followed your senses and made a misjudgment.

Listening to the analysis of his clone in his mind, Brother Duomu walked back.

This place was so evil that he would encounter a fake leader while strolling around. He didn't dare to think about what else he might encounter if he continued to wander around.

Does this mean that if there are other clones present, we can use another perspective to judge whether it is a memory? he asked.

Not necessarily. There is too little information about this strange ability to form a truly reliable conjecture. And we do not rule out the possibility that the other party is hiding something.

If the fake leader's ability is related to memory, well, it would be quite strange. At present, I don't feel that this memory ability has any direct lethality.

After this period of continuous contact with powerful people, and with the support of Gui Yiyi's database, Wan Yi has realized how important pure killing is in high-level operations in this world.

No matter how flashy your ability is, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced and severely weakened once it falls into someone else's domain or even a realm.

There are not many fields and realms that specialize in special functions, and such realms and realms can often only ensure that one's own power is not severely suppressed by outside influences.

Non-offensive fields face obvious disadvantages when faced with conventional combat-specialized fields.

The Gui Renmei Ke encountered in the Disaster Archipelago was not without fighting ability, and he was not weak at all. After all, he was Gui Renren. But once the combat intensity is high, his non-combat-specific qualitative change tendencies and areas have no chance to intervene.

Not to mention compared with the two giants in the field, Huang Pu and Yang Chongguang, even if Aikalia, who is not very proficient in the field, is reunited, the feeling given to Wan Yi is not comparable to that of Merck.

After all, Merck was attacked by Wan Yi's clone and the jade bead was shattered without even reacting.

Forget it, Wan Yi has a pretty good impression of Merck, so he won't continue beating him to death.

Take Wan Yi himself as an example. Although he once again awakened his domain through a wonderful way, and the domain effect is quite powerful, however, it is not lethal...

He has the ability to make himself unaffected and even make other realm masters unhappy. However, he cannot make the final decision with his body alone.

Fortunately, the existence of the clone can fill this gap for him, but others are not so lucky.

After thinking so much, Wan Yi was still secretly slandering the small-minded fake leader.

But the other party did reveal a lot to Wan Yi in the conversation just now.

If what he said is true, then the man in colorful clothes has also lived for a long time, and he also knew the color spectrum a long time ago, and may even know the color spectrum in its heyday.

He knew the meaning of the color spectrum, so he kept the music score and let her go.

But he claimed that it was just because of friendship, not because he wanted to take advantage.

There are still people who want to use the color spectrum, and they are probably his competitors as mentioned by the man in colorful clothes.

As for Wan Yi himself, at the level of the self, his nonsensical images have reached a point where they are comparable to the normal self, which also becomes the possibility that he may be targeted by relevant people.

Not good news overall.

Didn't this tell Wan Yi that he had a potential enemy, but he refused to tell him the true face of his enemy?

That fake leader is really very cautious!

Domugo rested overnight in the room assigned to him in the temporary stronghold provided to the Hundred Eyes Sect.

Early the next morning, Meta came to visit and took him to have breakfast and prepare to participate in the recognition meeting.

After all, the man in colorful clothes is back, and it seems that the situation they have been stuck in here can finally be moved.

After they had breakfast, they met with the rest of the sect.

It's too slow. Your breakfast is the epitome of your life. Ricardo said in his iconic tone as soon as he saw them.

It's hard for you to know whether his calm and unchanging tone is really criticizing you.

But no matter what, just listen first and that's it.

Speaking of which, what is the connection between breakfast and life in miniature?

Brother Dome asked Meta, but Meta glared at him and did not intend to answer the question on this occasion.

Change clothes. Ricardo took out two sets of clothes from nowhere and put them on their faces. They were brand new uniforms.

Speaking of which, Domego and Meta's uniforms have indeed been weathered since they returned from the Sky Island Group, and they haven't changed them yet.

When I turned around, I realized that most of the people had changed their clothes and were neatly dressed. Even the unruly collars of their large robes were neatly arranged.

Except Ricardo.

Brother Duomu looked at the big brother in front of him.

He was still wearing a somewhat tattered uniform casually, and the eye patterns on it were also frayed. None of the buttons were buttoned, exposing part of his strong chest muscles.

This is the style of a big boss who dares to challenge the fake leader.

Brother Duomu thought about changing into a new uniform, but after getting dressed, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable. He felt like an obedient elementary school student. Wan Yi had never been so obedient in elementary school.

So he reached out and pulled at the collar, freeing at least the area from his neck to his chest. He then tied up his hair, which had been kept loose these days, to reveal the unruly metal jewelry on his ears.

After finishing, he looked at Meta who looked as if he was going for an interview. He raised the corner of his mouth, and then stood in the nearest position behind Ricardo quite naturally.

Some people want to accuse Duomuge of this shameless act of approaching.

But Ricardo glanced around, and suddenly everyone had no intention of talking anymore.

Veins popped out on Meta's forehead.

This guy Duome had a face that looked like everyone owed him money. He rarely smiled, just to provoke him, right?

Then he domineeringly grabbed the buttons from the collar to the chest.

Ricardo glanced at him again.

... After thinking about it, Meta buttoned up the chest and left the collar a bit.

After buttoning his clothes, he moved directly behind Duomu and kicked Duomu's calf without any trace.

He originally thought it would be over, but Brother Duomu kicked him back with a cold face.

At this moment, he looked like he couldn’t take a joke!

The farce on the Hundred Eyes Sect's side was over, and Ricardo led everyone deep into the church.

In the deepest part of a magnificent room, there is a conference room with tables like layers of rings. In the center, the man in colorful clothes is already standing here.

When they arrived, many people were already here.

When Brother Duomu entered here, his eyes quickly scanned the figures closest to the man in color, and he realized that he seemed to have arrived at the core of Baicang.

Among those present, all the top branch sects were present, and almost all the high-level sects were present.

These sects all sent quite a few delegations.

Brother Duomu saw the familiar music score, and her unique temperament made her stand out from the crowd, and she could be found at a glance.

The various small and medium-sized sects that followed also sent out top representatives within the sect, and their momentum was not weak.

After realizing this, Brother Duomu quickly searched and finally saw a little girl wearing a purple tulle dress. The gorgeous decorations on her body showed nobility, but the atmosphere was quite depressing.

Black-stained sclera and bloody eyes.

Long time no see, Atya, the young leader of the Spider God Sect.

He looked for it more expectantly.

But it's a pity that Mr. Jumping Spider Bishop is not here.

But also, the doppelgänger Lucas who was in the Silver-Gold Alliance had originally planned to make some big move with Bishop Jumping Spider early in the morning. It's a pity that due to the boundary zone expansion incident some time ago, nothing happened.

And that plan was recently picked up again, so the Spider God Sect is in a critical period, and the Spider God Sect's top leaders now only have a little girl and a big jumping spider, so it is impossible for everyone to attend this meeting.

There are actually quite a few worshiping members here who look like boys and girls. They all have their own origins, so the little leader of Atea is not very conspicuous.

Perhaps because Brother Duomu paid too much attention, the other party suddenly turned his gaze and looked at Brother Duomu.

The next moment, a pair of spider's sharp fangs flashed in front of Brother Dom's eyes, and the venom secreted on them was vaguely visible.


Ricardo casually stretched out his hand to crush the illusory fangs, and opened several eyes on half of his face to look at Atea.

Atea's eyes quickly turned to Ricardo, and the two were tit for tat.

Control your own temper, young man. Ricardo said in a consistent tone.

Hundred-eyed bastard... Atya said coldly and looked away.

Duomu was amazed. Atea looked small, but his aura was really not weak. He could even vaguely compete with Ricardo's aura.

A certain color spectrum is taller than Atea, why is he such a waste?

Although his eyes were almost poked out just now, it didn't stop Duomu from following his boss and having fun.

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