My doppelganger drama

Chapter 338 When a main level with a low sense of presence is cleared

I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, we are still worried that Zhongzhong, your companions will appear at any time, crush us to pieces and take you home. Wan Yi said nonchalantly.

Under normal circumstances, they should be able to track it, but because you have opened the boundary before, our regular tracking methods will be covered by boundary interference, and I have been in a state of near-death, unable to actively call for help. . Ikaria answered.

Then can you ask for help now?

Yes, but I'm not sure whether you can catch my call for help. If the call for help is caught by you, I may fall into a more dangerous situation. My judgment still needs to confirm your intention first.

Reasonable. Wan Yi nodded slightly.

No wonder they had been wandering around for so long. With Gui Renren's strength, he should have tracked them down, but in the end he didn't have a clue.

After confirming this aspect, Wan Yi felt relieved for the time being.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party is lying and has already sent the so-called signal. For the time being, it can only be regarded as a test.

Afterwards, Wan Yi did not hide anything and directly informed Ikaria of the changes in the outside world.

After hearing that the boundaries began to collapse and fall, Wan Yi noticed that Ikaria's breathing paused slightly.

You don't seem too surprised by this.

Taoist master, he mentioned this matter to us before.

Taoist? Wan Yi thought.

Returned to the Taoist Master, a mysterious existence, the leader of a major force in the broken world, but there is quite little information.

I hope I won’t be another person with poor clothes.

I only saw that person once when I was granted a title, but I also didn't see his face. But he has always guided us on the way forward. Ikaria said seriously.

It can be seen that she obviously respects this Taoist master.

What does he think of this incident caused by the Baicang Cult?

'If you don't return to oneness, you will die slowly.' These are the Taoist master's original words.

He approves of this?

Our goal is to unify itself, but coercive measures like worshiping Cang will lead to many sacrifices, which is also not what we want to see.

However, although you sent three of you at once, it seems that you take it very seriously. But after seeing the subsequent impact of this incident, I feel that sending only three of you is not enough.

If the Taoist master had anticipated Bai Cang's actions in sinking the Sky Island Group, it would be too much to send them all in one person for such a thing that directly affects the entire Broken World.

As a result, only three people were sent.



Baicang was fully prepared, but Guiyi was negligent because of his arrogance. This sounds too funny.

Are you trying to say that the master's attitude towards this matter is ambiguous? Ikaria said bluntly.

Judging from the current clues, it's hard not to think so. Wan Yi also answered calmly.

I don't deny this. Ikaria closed her eyes and replied.

Wan Yi nodded, while in his mind Wan Yi was taking notes and discussing along the way.

Did you, Guiyi, have any similar actions to unite? Baicang has already taken the first bold step. You, Guiyi, should have more resources than Baicang.

It sounded like he was mocking Gui Yi, but Wan Yi definitely didn't mean it that way.

The Book of Disaster. Ikaria spat out a word calmly.

Oh? Wan Yi cheered up.

The original Disaster Broken Page should be able to achieve the current situation more gently. Dao Master tried it very early, but it seemed to have failed at the time, which caused some problems, and finally it was sealed in the Disaster Islands. , Guiyi will start exploring the path again. Ikaria replied calmly.

So the Book of Disaster is actually in your hands.

Ikaria nodded.

I'm becoming more and more curious about what that book is. Why can a book that symbolizes disaster determine the direction of this broken world? Wan Yi said after considering it.

It was a perfect prop that was pieced together for a certain purpose a long time ago. The fragments used in it were beyond ordinary people's imagination. It had been baptized by something and gained the power to reach the essence of the broken world. Love. Kalia said.

Wan Yi listened and kept nodding.

Although vague, it is indeed valuable information.

Ikaria is easy to talk, but her sentences are also very clever.

Wan Yi got a lot of valuable information from her, but after careful consideration, he found that these contents seemed to be based on speculation, and it was difficult to restore the original appearance of some things in detail.

What should be revealed is revealed, and what should not be said is left unsaid, but it gives the impression that a lot has been said.

He obviously looks smaller than Xu Shen, but this is probably the difference.

But Wan Yi doesn't hate either of these people.

Xu Shen has the cuteness of Xu Shen, and Ikaria also has the advantages of Ikaria.

After a long conversation, some of Wan Yi's curiosity was basically satisfied.

When the conversation came to an end, Wan Yi stood up and said goodbye: Thank you for your generous disclosure. We will return to Fuso soon. You can also inform your partners to greet you there.

Thank you for your help. Ikaria also replied politely.

Our troupe has always valued harmony. Wan Yi was polite.

If you hadn't sent a group of bombers up here, I might have believed it.

Ikaria kept these words deep in her heart.

Disaster Archipelago, explore this place. Wan Yi said to the clones.

We've been working for a long time. Why do you think you can give us orders?

Not bad, very conscious. I reward you for working overtime for twenty-four hours.

When will you die, body?

I don't know, definitely after you.

Everyone will wait and see.

Let's work overtime before we see what happens, everyone.

You are poisonous, right?

Facts have proved that in terms of disgusting people, Wan Yi's original body may still be slightly better than Chunliang's clones.

Of course, the premise is that the clones are really innocent.

Afterwards, the clones discuss it a little more seriously.

But to be honest, if this news was revealed to us so easily, then either the Disaster Archipelago is just an internal name for Guiyi, and it is actually called something else. Or this archipelago cannot be found or reached by ordinary means.

Indeed, the place where the Book of Disaster is stored should not be that simple.

Look slowly at the 'world map' you saw before. There will always be results. Let's work hard to get more manpower! The manpower has been a bit lacking recently!

Yes, yes, we will wait until I have completed three qualitative transformations recently.

Yes, there's also this matter. After the three qualitative changes, brothers, there are really fewer and fewer ways to play. A clone said with emotion.

The third qualitative change is a small watershed for people in the broken world.

Before the third qualitative change, the pressure for qualitative change was still very slight, and there was more plasticity for future planning.

But after three times, as the number of absorbed fragments increases, every qualitative change requires caution. The pressure of sequelae and the possibility of qualitative conflict are all problems.

Wan Yi's pressure is much less, but it has to be said that there is still some.

This time it’s really “planning to teach you how to play games”.

Just after Wan Yi temporarily locked the next target, several worshiping aircraft left the sinking island group early.

And it is heading in the direction of the United Earth.

Domego is naturally among them.

I originally thought that after finishing the work, everyone would go back to their homes, but I didn't expect that there would be an award ceremony inside Baicang.

Let’s think so for now.

What's the name of that organization? Theater troupe? Yes, let me tell you, this organization is really outrageous. They can create an area with huge coverage that even one person cannot break. Although there is no such thing as a single one. Realm is so subversive, but it’s really powerful and quite eye-catching.”

At this time, Meta was communicating with someone next to him, and the other party was the priest guide from the Bronze Level 006 Sky Island.

The situation at that time was called chaos. The Fallen Brotherhood directly took out two third-stage disasters. My God, three-stage disasters! How many are there in the entire Broken World? The Brotherhood missed two at once! But in the end Still being dealt with by the troupe, ahem, I have to say that the troupe is still stronger.

In fact, there are three three stages, but Jeffrey's touching control strength can only be regarded as half, and he was paddling the whole time at the time, so he was really good at paddling.

Even if his immediate boss was beaten to death, it would not change his mind about paddling.

Brother Dome thought while listening to Brother Meta's contact.

But it is true that this fallen brotherhood was originally regarded as a unique and troublesome organization, but after this battle, it was exposed a lot.

This uniqueness is somewhat too unique.

As Meta said, there are not many troublemakers who can develop normally, and the third stage troublemakers are even rarer, but all of them are extremely powerful.

Don't look at it, but it was easily solved by Bell.

But if Wan Yi doesn't use the power of the person in the play, if he wants to take down the wise stick man with his current cards, he may have to fill in a lot of clones.

Including the giant beast Batu, it is completely impossible to fight.

Originally, after Wan Yi knew about these two things, domain and realm, he thought that after the version update, the disaster would be a little powerless.

The version that ends up causing disaster is much wilder than these two domains.

Wan Yi added so many buffs to himself in that battle and put so many negative statuses on the opponent, but in the end he still couldn't do anything without Bell.

Thinking about it this way, the Fallen Brotherhood also needs to continue to follow up.

After a trip to the Sinking Sky Islands, I felt like my things suddenly changed a lot.

Ah, no.

It's all a matter of the body, nothing to do with Brother Duomu.

Let's go to the Award Ceremony first and see if we can get any benefits.

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