My doppelganger drama

Chapter 312 Be careful when taking over the baton

The Brotherhood followed the smell of etheric energy and explored.

This lower-level sky island is also full of abandoned buildings, and the environment is slightly complicated, but this cannot stop everyone in the Brotherhood.

However, after approaching a group of buildings, their steps couldn't help but slow down.

She's quite clever at playing tricks. Jima said with a serious smile.

Baicang reluctantly spread out a large amount of ether energy, filling the entire area, creating a confusing effect. Even if it was just a temporary measure, all Baicang wanted to do was delay.

Everyone in the Brotherhood walked directly into the area in front of them.

The next moment, a few scattered figures launched an attack from around the building.

Jima's smile became more and more crazier, and he raised his tin staff and slammed it on the ground.


The metal rings collided violently, and the strange fluctuations instantly shattered the attacks of the surrounding worshipers and enveloped them.

These Cang Worshipers suddenly began to bleed from their orifices and their internal organs were damaged.

Go. Jima just took the lead and had no intention of continuing to take action, so he simply gave the order.

Upon hearing this, the Brotherhood hunters also acted accordingly and rushed towards the surrounding believers.

The building complex suddenly became a mess.

Jeffrey fired a few shots at random and started paddling.

Baicang's defensive strength here is not very strong, so he can just rely on others to deal with it casually, and he is too lazy to take action.

Suddenly, he glanced in one direction. He noticed it but just moved away without making any response.

A shadow escaped from the ground and attacked Jima directly.

A small woman with ether particles floating around her body jumped up from the shadow, and stabbed Jima's neck with the blade in her hand.

The troublesome person worshiping Cang Cult!

Jima looked defenseless.

But he just shook the tin stick slightly, and the wave appeared again, shaking the woman's body.

The other party endured the severe pain in her body and clenched the blade to continue stabbing, but Jima turned aside and grabbed her wrist.

Your courage is commendable, this is your reward. Jima squeezed the woman's wrist tightly.


The woman's wrist bones were broken, and she groaned. Then Jima pulled her in front of her and kicked her right knee.

Under the influence of the terrifying force, the woman knelt down on the spot, quickly raised her head, and saw Jima smiling ferociously, raising the tin staff and thrusting out with all her strength.

The tin rod penetrated the woman's mouth, passed through the back of her head, and nailed her to the ground.

The disaster's vitality prevented the woman from dying on the spot, but she was still trying to struggle.

Jima looked at it, stretched out his finger and flicked the tin stick.


The fluctuations spread again, and the woman who was crucified with a tin rod bore the brunt of it, and she couldn't even let out a clear scream.

Jima smiled, raised his palms in front of his body, and said jokingly: Amitabha, this is the process of cleansing the soul, donor.

Suddenly, a blue light bullet flashed past, directly smashing the woman's head.

Jima originally wanted to have fun again, but when he saw this, he turned around and saw Jeffrey who had put away his gun: Jeffrey, what are you doing?

If you don't attack while Bai Cang's defense is weak, why are you still playing your game of crossing people here? Jeffrey retorted.

Jima shrugged and lifted the tin stick from the ground helplessly: Forget it, let's hurry up.

After solving this group of Cang Worshipers, the Brotherhood's team advanced quickly.

But after a while, the sound of an aircraft suddenly came from the air.

Several aircraft arrived, and members of the Worshiping Cang Cult jumped out one by one, looking maliciously at the people in the Brotherhood in front of them.

They are all sinful souls and need to be washed. Zhima saw the suddenly growing group of worshipers and was not afraid at all.

Jeffrey scanned the worshipers in front of him one by one.

None of them are weak, and a few are quite powerful. If they are not dealt with carefully, they will definitely overturn.

But I don’t seem to see anyone from the Hundred Eyes Sect. Do you have other arrangements?

Just as they were thinking, an aircraft flashed across the sky, casting several black shadows and landing not far from them.


Feeling watched, Jeffrey turned his head and saw those familiar overlapping eyes.

Baimu Church, be present.

Jima's eyes immediately locked on the box in Meta's hand.

That thing is crucial, grab it. He became a little more serious and ordered.

With the issuance of this order, a fierce battle is about to break out.

Meta also glanced around the brotherhood: Others are fine. The one with the tin stick makes me very uncomfortable, so be careful.

The rest of the sect followed suit, and everyone followed the plan and dispersed one after another.

Disasters are troublesome, especially those after the second stage.

The calamity ability at this stage will enter a period of radical change, and all three categories of calamity will grow in all kinds of strange ways during this period.

Several adaptive troublemakers took on the responsibility of tanks and charged into the battle, while the armed troublemakers followed the adaptive troublemakers to launch attacks. Even if they did not cooperate well, that was the case among Brotherhood hunters.

When fighting side by side with adaptive troublemakers, there is basically no need to consider friendly damage. Anyway, after the second stage, their self-healing ability is exaggerated.

The disaster of the change system is wandering on the sidelines, interference of interference, and output of output.

Baicang relied on the qualitative change of blessings to fight. Although there was some discomfort at the beginning of the fight, they were not weak after all. They quickly adapted and started to counterattack.

However, due to the numerical disadvantage of the Brotherhood Hunters, the situation gradually became unfavorable.

But Jima, standing at the back, was not anxious at all and still kept smiling.

Seeing that as the battle situation changed, there were more and more corpses under his feet. His eyes flashed, and he raised his tin staff high and touched the ground hard.


The metal ring shook violently, and terrifying fluctuations swept across the entire place. Most of the people in Baicang were not able to react in time and were directly affected, bleeding from their seven orifices.

Batu! Come on! Zhima pointed at a strong man with a tin stick who had several weapons stuck in his body but remained calm-faced.

The troublemaker named Batu accepted the order, and a large number of ether particles scattered from his body. Then the particles began to burn, and his eyes began to fill with dark red color.

The other troublemakers who were originally around Batu immediately evacuated from him after hearing Jima's order.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Batu shouted to the sky, his voice became rougher and blurry, and finally turned into an inhuman roar.

The flesh and blood on his body proliferates in large quantities, wrapping up all the corpses on the field, even the living people who can't dodge, devouring them, and then continues to proliferate!

what is that?!

Three stages! Some believers realized the problem, The three stages of self-adaptation are causing disaster!

A huge shadow gradually rose, and the pieces of flesh condensed, squirming and gradually forming an outline.

It's barely humanoid, with slender limbs and sharp claws. Countless tentacles of varying thicknesses protrude from the back. Its face also looks like a flower of flesh and blood blooming. In the center of the flower is a sharp, spiral-shaped mouthpart, from which a long tentacle-shaped tongue protrudes. .

The beast is coming!

The tentacles whipped down, and the surrounding buildings were wiped out on the spot. The worshipers launched attacks, but most of the attacks were unable to penetrate the opponent's flesh armor. Even if they were injured, the giant beast in front of them could Regenerate at a rapid speed.

The three-stage calamity attack instantly reversed the situation.

The scale is a bit outrageous. This is the first time I've seen a three-stage adaptive disaster. Meta looked at the behemoth in the distance and clicked his tongue.

Brother Duomu was also surprised, and Wan Yi and others were talking about it in his mind.

Is the third stage of disaster so terrible? He thought of Jeffrey's third stage and asked.

There are too many mysteries about the disaster man, and I am not very clear about it. I have only seen the third stage of an armed system. After entering the third stage, his big sword was unstoppable. I tried my best to make the opponent's sword go away. , almost died at his hands. Meta said.

Did you escape in the end?

I'll fight back to the limit.

It doesn't sound very good either.

That's you, Brother Meta. I'm awesome.


Suddenly, several thick tentacles actually crossed a long distance and grabbed Meta and Domgo who were on their way.

The two immediately jumped away, and the building where they were originally turned into ruins on the spot.

The range of the tentacles is also very large. Meta said.

The tentacles whipped him again. Meta directly raised his hand, his eyes opened, and the tentacles actually hit him, but he still followed the original trajectory in the air without any impact.

The eyeballs in Meta's hand shook violently. He landed on a building, and the eyes in his hand were focused on the tentacles in front of him.


Blazing red light swept through them, and the tentacles closest to them were cut off on the spot.

But as soon as it was cut off, brand new tentacles sprouted from the section.

Multiple eyes.

Hearing the sound, Duomu turned around and saw two boxes being thrown over.

Catch the box with both hands.

Meta said: You go, I will take the back seat.

Okay. He agreed without hesitation, and Brother Duomu ran away.

Thank you so much! Brother Meta! You are my big brother Duomu forever!

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