My doppelganger drama

Chapter 309 Another preparation before the curtain

The next day, each sect prepared, and a strong team was ready to set off.

This posture was completely arranged to welcome the possible arrival of Gui Ren.

Brother Duomu belongs to the Hundred Eyes Sect of Surrealist Art, the Jade Sect of which all members are white-robed fairies and fair-minded people, and the Demon-Eating Church of the society brother who is addicted to tattoos.

Sorry, sounds like a weird group going to a comic-con.

But this is the style of the Worshiping Cang Cult, and Wan Yi feels that there is nothing wrong with his description.

The action route this time is very long, because this team needs to recover the disaster fragments from multiple strongholds at once.

But they will solve this matter as quickly as possible and with thunderous means.

If nothing else goes wrong, this may be the decisive battle for the Baicang Sect here.

No one from the Demon-Eating Church came to make trouble. Even the leader there just nodded to each other after meeting Ricardo and left.

Brother Duomu is more aware of the influence of his boss.

As for the brother whose arm was blown off, he was shivering behind the team and did not dare to be exposed to Ricardo's sight.

After everyone discussed it, they each got on a few aircraft and set off together.

It was confirmed that the aircraft left the stronghold. When several aircraft left the stronghold, they were immediately confirmed and reported.


On the other end, a man responded and then picked up the communication from the other side: Bai Cang is setting out on a large scale. It seems there is no hidden meaning.

It seems that they really can't hide anymore and want to burn the boat. Then let's help them. We have played enough cat and mouse games. Next, let us experience the power of this big cult that is extremely feared by the whole world. Bar.

Okay, okay, we've been waiting for a long time.

We will let them know the consequences of provoking gangs. In the Sinking Sky Islands, even worshiping Cang will not work!

In the communication, the gangsters are eager to try. They have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. They have no respect for the Baicang Cult that they have been suppressing and persecuting.

Suddenly, a female voice sounded in the communication: I'm going too.

Gang leader, you...? Everyone in the channel was very surprised.

The trapped beast is still fighting, let alone worshiping the Cang? Since we want to give a head-on attack, we must go all out. The female voice said, Gui Yiyi, the one who gave us the information about the stronghold before, will also inform them about this matter.

Should we tell them too?

After all, they said they would cooperate to deal with Baicang, and there is no reason to refuse. They are small in number, but their fighting power is not bad. The female voice said.


Jeffrey was lying on the sofa staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Hey, Jeffrey, Baicang is on the move, and this time almost all of them are out. Rost suddenly appeared at the foot of the room and said.

Yeah. Jeffrey straightened up from the sofa, It's pretty fast.

Wouldn't it be better to hurry up? You can rest early. Rost looked at Jeffrey and said.

Hey, thanks, Rost.

Confirm the location of the Ether Furnace first. This is the key point. The gang has also set off. We don't need to take the lead. Just cooperate tacitly. If there is danger, don't be in a daze like last time. Just start the third stage and find a way to evacuate.

Yes, yes, why do you act like an old woman?

I'm serious. Rost suddenly lowered his voice.

Jeffrey was stunned for a moment.

You are very optimistic. I have always admired your optimism, but this is just an appearance. Your optimism reveals your disregard for your own life. But after you came out of your dream a few days ago, I found that you seemed a little Damn it, I don’t know if this is good or bad for you,” Rost said.

Jeffrey was silent.

But since you have paid even a little attention to death, I have to say something serious to you: be careful along the way.

Jeffrey put on his coat, straightened his collar, and smiled: Okay!

Brother Duomu has moved over, and the gang seems to have made some moves. During the dream carnival, several main avatars of the Sinking Sky Island Group discussed together.

Whether the Worshiping Cang Cult succeeds or not, our goal is the Disaster Broken Page. I feel that the sooner we can get that kind of thing, the better. King Wuyi stretched out his hand and said.

This time the big guys are gathering, we may at most provide a cover. You should be prepared, but don't trick us. Brother Green Goblin said.

Wan Yi's body is petting the cat: If you can pick up the leaks, I won't have to do anything. It's you who should work hard.

This time can be different from last time. At most, I can help you drag down a few cadres from the Cang Sect. If you are more powerful, don't force others to do anything. The noisy monster said.

It's okay. There are plenty of people out front to protect us from the wind and rain.

The point is, Brother Duomu still hasn't figured out why the Worshipers gathered a large amount of etheric energy and activated several disaster pages. The little princess said.

Don't look like you're complaining about me. I've tried to find out, but if you go too far, the boss will definitely strangle me to death immediately. If I can easily get such a secret among secrets, it will be better for me. You have to doubt whether it’s true or not.” Brother Duomu immediately expressed his injustice in the group chat.

You really love your big brother.

The main body doesn't protect us from wind and rain. It's rare to meet someone who treats me well. How can I be more moved? Brother Duomu said solemnly.

It doesn't matter, I will take action. Suddenly, Modern Brother joined the group chat.

Eh? Brother Modern, have you finished your third metamorphosis?

Hmm, as my quality has improved, my mastery of the field has also improved. I should be able to make some use of it by then. I was offended last time, so I can save a little bit this time.

Six six six! Modern big brother protects us! the clones shouted one after another.

I won't go. Brother Ju Grudge said at the beginning that he would not be with Brother Modern, and he kept his promise this time.

He has a reason too.

The Wan Yi Monument is still accumulating energy, which refers to Wan Yi's fate. This is not the time to take it out.

Originally, there were no masks and music scores last time, so it was just right to take this opportunity to show them out for the first time. However, that trip was consumed, and now it is inappropriate.

Then let me take a trip. I have changed five times. A clone suddenly said.

Brother supervisor! Long time no see!

Well, after all, I'm in charge of District 13, so I rarely hang out outside. The supervisor said with a smile.

You're progressing too fast, why have you only had five qualitative changes? Brother Modern asked.

Because we are all about supplementing the qualitative changes later, we don't pay much attention to the quality of each qualitative change. In this way, as long as the body adapts to the qualitative change, you can immediately try the next time. Just treat it as a way to explore the way for everyone. The supervisor said with a smile.

Wow, supervisor, you are so kind.

It's okay. I've been improving a little lately, and I haven't shown up for a long time. Let me go this time.

Yes, yes. Wan Yi nodded in agreement.

The troupe said a few words to get ready and set off immediately.

The three of them were drinking water and reading in the small stronghold. Ikaria looked at the terminal in her hand and waited for a long time before finally receiving news from the Fuso gang.

Here comes the news. Sure enough, it was right to convey the previous information to the local gang. Ikaria said calmly.

After they tried to raid a powerful Cang worship team according to the intelligence route given by Domu Ge, they basically confirmed the authenticity of the information given by Domu Ge.

Because that route was the most important of all the information at that time.

If there is nothing wrong with this most important information, there is a high probability that the information on other strongholds will not be false.

However, they have too few manpower. Going through each stronghold one by one is inefficient and easy to scare the enemy. If the key and main strongholds cannot be found, there is no point in adding more small marginal strongholds.

In this case, Ikaria chose to share this information with the local gang.

Manpower, in Fuso City, gangsters are the most in need of manpower.

The gangsters can easily handle the information that is troublesome to Gui Yiyi and produce more additional information from it.

For example, now, the information about the large-scale departure of the Worshiping Cang Sect was sent to the three Guiyi people.

Because we wiped out that team that time before, let them feel the urgency and prepare to end this matter quickly. Fortus thought.

As expected, I really want to thank the brother who gave Ikarya the information. Jay, who has a voice as sweet as a singer, said with unobvious joy.

Without further ado, let's go. No matter what they want to do, what is certain is that as long as everyone is dead, nothing will be done. Fortus said coldly.

Ikaria put away the terminal and walked directly out of the door without saying a word, very simply.

The other two people saw this, smiled at each other, and followed one after another.

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