My doppelganger drama

Chapter 291 Clothes poles and clothes drying racks on the sea

Why are you dazed? Take this opportunity to test how far your power can go. Jeffrey was reminded by the little princess again to regain his consciousness.

He quickly tried to mobilize the etheric energy.

The ether energy flows very normally, even... smoother than my own body in reality.

If my original body was like a rushing river when using etheric energy, then the body in this script is like a vast ocean!

Is it that exaggerated?

No matter what, Jeffrey was really eager to try and wanted to know how he could perform in this situation.

It's a pity that I don't have the most skilled weapons at hand.

Newcomer, why are you still standing there? Are you here to see the sea? At some point, the second mate's clothes pole came to him and looked at him and cursed.

Sorry, I just don't have the weapon at hand.

Well, you're lucky, here's this for you. Clothes Gan directly took out a slender clothes drying pole from behind and handed it to Jeffrey.

When he first saw the clothes-drying pole, Jeffrey was a little dazed, but when he got the clothes-drying pole, the weight that almost made him lose his grip and the silky feel made his heart tremble.

What a weapon! He couldn't help but say.

Go ahead, I'll take it back if you don't do it well. Yi Gan said.

After Jeffrey responded, a crab-like sea monster happened to climb up, and he immediately danced the clothes pole.

So convenient!

He thought to himself.

There wasn't much of a shock. The crab sea monster's carapace shattered on the spot, exploding a mixture of yellow, blue and green juice, and fell backwards.

Although Jeffrey didn't have much understanding of weapons, he still felt unimpeded just by wielding this long-handled weapon with brute force that he had never practiced before.

It's so cool.

This must be a magic weapon!


After killing a few sea monsters with it, I looked at both ends of the weapon.

Why is it a clothes drying pole!

Still can't help but complain like this.

Suddenly, a slender water column penetrated from under the boat at an extremely fast speed.

Jeffrey almost didn't react in time, and turned his head in time. His hair was directly brushed by the water column, and his hair flew around, feeling a burning sensation.


He looked down and saw a group of sea monsters that were shaped like arrows. Their limbs were slender but steady, helping them to lie on the surface of the ship. Their black mouths, like the muzzles of guns, absorbed the surrounding water waves, and then spit them out upwards.

The hull itself is made of unknown material, but it has no damage as a battlefield.

But Jeffrey saw with his own eyes that a sailor was hit by a water column because he failed to react in time. His body was easily penetrated and then cut open. The body fell into two halves and fell into the water, becoming nourishment for sea monsters.

Jeffrey broke out in a cold sweat and realized that these sea monsters were not just monsters that looked strange!

The emergence of this batch of shooter fish will undoubtedly directly increase the difficulty of this fishing by several levels.

We can't let them continue to be suppressed like this!

Jeffrey made a prompt decision and jumped off the ship. After his ability was activated, his feet were still stuck to the hull of the ship as if they were on the ground.

The group of water-shooting fish monsters fired directly at the target that was brought up to him, with extremely high accuracy.

Jeffrey held the clothes drying pole steady with both hands and blocked several water jets after predicting.

The huge impact almost knocked the clothes drying rod out of his hand, and his arms felt numb after blocking it.

In terms of physical lethality alone, it is probably even better than the gun he likes to use outside.

They seem pretty clumsy themselves, though!

After Jeffrey reached a certain level with support, he stretched out his hand and pulled.

In an instant, he captured these targets at the limit of his abilities.

This group of fish monsters moved, as if trying to resist the change of gravity.

But this attempt quickly failed.

They all flew sideways.

Because they were sea monsters, Jeffrey did not send them back to the sea, but lifted them into the air for other sailors on the ship to kill them.

Just when he felt a little confident that he had dealt with these shooting fish monsters, under the sea, a black shadow approached without warning, and then jumped up suddenly!

It was a shark whose body surface was covered with dense white bones!

Jeffrey didn't notice the other party's approach at all. When the other party moved in the sea water, it didn't even cause fluctuations in the water flow!

Just when Jeffrey felt that he had to leave at least one hand before he could try to escape, a net made of wire nearby suddenly spread spontaneously. The wire penetrated into the mouth of the shark monster and penetrated it from the inside. Blood It flows along the wire but is quickly absorbed by the wire.

Hey man, new guy?

Jeffrey was stunned when he heard a somewhat honest voice coming from near him.

He turned around and saw a...

Clothes rack?

It was a human figure made of clothes racks. The clothes racks on the body were colorful, but the single clothes rack on the head was pink.

When talking to Jeffrey, the clothes hanger man held his hands behind his head and waded with his legs crossed on the vertical surface of the ship, but he was also very stable like Jeffrey.

Jeffrey was really frightened.

What is this?

Although this period of time together has made him understand that the troupe is a group of walking abstract artists, only occasionally can he see their more serious side.

But after coming to this script today, he felt that he had seen less before.

Are you...are these nets...uh...clothes racks and...people? Or...

The most intuitive manifestation is that he is already incoherent.

As the first mate, I have to make some contribution. After all, I found that the net made with my body is really useful, and it makes fishing a lot easier.

Just as he was talking, another group of shark monsters lurked over.

Under careful observation this time, Jeffrey could still catch a glimpse of the shadow swimming quickly under the water.

The clothes-drying man next to him also got up.

This time, the shark monsters only jumped up and pounced at the same time.

Jeffrey blocked two of them at the same time, and then he saw the clothes drying rack next to him making a strange hand gesture. Following his body movements, his posture was coordinated, and the surrounding air flow changed.


With extremely exquisite skills, it passed directly through the several shark monsters that rushed towards it and returned to the starting point.

The shark monsters were chopped into pieces one by one and fell back into the sea like dumplings.

The clothes hanger man rubbed the clothes hanger with his hands, and all the blood on it was absorbed.

Jeffrey: ...

This fishing and hunting was solved by the big bosses on the ship showing their magic skills.

Jeffrey ended his first job on the ship, making his own contribution.

But he was not happy at all, and even sat on the deck quite melancholy, looking up at the gloomy sky in a daze.



A shake on the deck caught Jeffrey's attention.

It was the body of a shark monster, but it was several times larger than what he had faced before. It looked like a truck.

The person who brought it up was Captain Luo Xi.

Luo Xi had just come up from the sea. His body was wet and stained with blood. He looked like a client who had returned from a massacre.

No, it was indeed the scene of a massacre, and Luo Xi was the one who did it.

Sparks appeared on Luo Xi's body, and his wet body dried up immediately. Then he flicked his hand and lit a spark on the body of the shark monster.

The entire shark monster burned, but the raging flames had no intention of spreading to the obviously wooden deck.

This is the magical power this captain possesses.

Jeffrey couldn't see through it, but there was no doubt that it was very strong.

But when the captain was underwater before, he didn't feel it, so he probably didn't use it.

If it is used now, is it for barbecue?

I heard that you performed well. You're a newcomer. You're better than I thought. I didn't count on you. Luo Xi walked to Jeffrey and said.

In fact, you don’t need to say the last sentence.

Jeffrey thought to himself, and then said: I'm glad I could help.

It will be a bit unaccustomed to you the first time, but you will enjoy it after a while. This time, the harvest was quite fruitful. Most of the fish can be eaten directly. I have dealt with the inedible ones and it is no problem. I have a small welcome in the evening Yes, don't dislike it, Luo Xi said.

Ah! Well, thank you! Jeffrey responded quickly.

What Luo Xi just said contained a lot of information.

After Rosie left, Jeffrey looked at the sailors who were handling the caught fish.

The fish they collected looked normal. There were no strange things growing on their bodies, no extra limbs, and no weird organs.

Dig out the fish meat and check the inside. If there is no problem, it is a normal fish.

The other fish were piled together and burned by the fire lit by Captain Luo Xi, as if they could be eaten this way.

Sure enough, the ocean of this script was different from what he imagined.

Jeffrey leaned his head back and watched the clouds move.

Although it was just the beginning, he already began to hate the sea.

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