My doppelganger drama

Chapter 288 Gonghuo

Redini was fighting more and more courageously, and the scene was chaotic. There was no hope of any organized plan in this kind of melee among small gangs.

And in fact, perhaps Redini alone can handle these rabble more than enough.

However, there are many people in these resistance teams, and they are basically people who have already put their lives on the line regardless of breaking the pot, so they will not be frightened by Redini's ferocity at all.

After taking off his coat, Domegu quietly approached Redini in the chaos.

After getting close to a certain distance, Brother Dome stopped.

It would be more interesting to manipulate him here to gain control and let him be directly hacked to death by those people. It should also be considered as giving these people a chance to vent.

Wan Yi's unique way of doing nothing exudes inexplicable kindness.

Suddenly, a gangster came next to him with a small sickle and slashed at the dazzled Domu brother.

Brother Duomu didn't even look back. He reached out and grabbed the other person's wrist and pulled him towards him. He grabbed the other person's neck with both hands and twisted it.


A corpse fell lightly. Domugu still looked at Redini, and the overlapping pupils in his eyes began to rotate.

Redini once again chopped down an opponent, raised his machete and was about to pursue him, when his body suddenly froze.

A strong feeling of being watched shrouded his back, followed by his body losing the ability to move for a while and freezing in place.

The other people facing Redini didn't know what was going on, but there was no doubt that this was a good opportunity!

They were about to rush forward, but far before that, there was a thunder, purple lightning flashed across, and Redini's body and head were separated.

Lightning splashed on the surrounding ground, leaving streaks of scorch marks from lightning strikes. Not even a drop of blood flowed from Leidini's body, which was all evaporated by lightning.

Everyone was stunned.

Brother Duomu looked at the figure with thunder and lightning leaping on his body not far ahead.

what happened? Could it be that this rebel group is still crouching tiger, hiding dragon?

The lightning dissipated slightly, and he saw a figure wearing featureless robes to hide his identity.

Others couldn't recognize who it was, but Brother Duomu, as Wan Yi, immediately remembered this outfit.

At that time, the main body and three mushrooms... no, I was walking back to the base with Wuyiwang, Curse Brother and Modern Brother in the time after the earthquake in Fu Kong.

Met three people from Guiyi.

Although the person in front of me is well concealed, upon careful observation it is not difficult to find that she is a woman, probably one of the three people.

However, why did Gui Yiyi interfere with the gang affairs here instead of messing with the Baicang Sect?

And it happened to be at this unlucky time.

Fortunately, he and Meta did not directly choose to attack Redini. Otherwise, if they faced this person head-on, the matter would have been troublesome.

There wasn't much of a tall figure holding a scythe that was much taller than a person. The blade shone with a strange purple light, and the lightning made a thunderous sound.

Ikaria! The young man whose sword was struck by stars before being silenced and chopped over came over clutching his wound.

It seemed like they were acquaintances, and the name of the member who returned to the group turned out to be Ikaria.

Quite a cute name.

Domego turned around and looked at Meta, who was making messy hand gestures, meaning to retreat if the situation went wrong.

Suddenly, more gangsters suddenly appeared around.

Where are the Redis people? Another gang leader came out and looked around and asked. It seemed that he was here for support.

Redis, not Redini?

Brother Duomu was a little surprised.

Actually, I wanted to say it before. Brother Duomu, you misremembered his name. His name was Redis. Wan Yi kindly reminded him in his mind.

In this case, I still think Leidini sounds better. Brother Duomu was not ashamed at all.

Anyway, the person is dead. He said the man’s name was Redini and he called him Redini.

Back to the present moment, it is difficult to evacuate now.

There were quite a few gangsters surrounding them all of a sudden. It seemed that the resistance gang here had attracted some attention from the gangsters because of its large scale.

The gangsters who came to support quickly noticed Redini's at least five-year-old body, and they immediately frowned.

Redini was not a figure to be trifled with among the middle and lower levels of the gang. Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by the rebel gang before they could support him.

This is really dramatic.

Surrounded by gangs, the resistance group gathered together, looking solemn.

The robed figure known as Ikaria remained unmoved and quietly looked at the surrounding situation.

Seeing this, an elegant man in a suit from the gang stepped forward and said: I really don't understand. You have been living in this place for who knows how many years. Why do you have to show up at this juncture? What do you think? Can you get any benefit from this?

Originally, we could have said we were in peace by paying you protection money, but after the earthquake, your gang not only refused to help us repair our homes, but even arrested young men at will. We have tolerated you for a long time! The young man next to Ikaria The announcement was echoed by many people around.

So that's it. The elegant man raised his eyebrows, You think we are catching young men, but in fact, to be honest with you, although they suffered a little bit, the treatment was not good at all. They directly joined our gang. You have received the care-free treatment that you have always dreamed of.

Liar, my friend has never come back! If they really don't have to worry about food and clothing, they can't even come back and say they're safe?! Someone immediately retorted.

As I said, they are very busy. Besides, rebuilding this city will take a lot of time. Don't you idiots who don't understand life even understand this? the man scolded mercilessly.

What about the signs of reconstruction? We can't see any at all! You've just been focusing on dealing with the Worshiping Sect recently! You're just a gang, not the government. In fact, you don't care about this city at all, right? The man with the ability of the Star Sword the young man shouted.

Oh? Is that so? Forget it, it doesn't matter what you say. I'm here to invite you to join us. I believe those who have done things for us should understand that our treatment of informants is impeccable, and formal members will only be more It's guaranteed. Now that we are short of people, we can give you a chance. After you join, Redis' matter will be forgotten. The man put forward a very attractive proposal in this city.

Interest is fundamental. For a resistance group that has little ideological guidance, sufficient interests can easily win over people's hearts.

Hearing this, someone was indeed shaken.

Brother Duomu thought: It seems that his name is really Redis, tsk.

He really called me wrong and I was unhappy.

But before that, I want to know which warrior killed Redis? The man continued, looking around and asked.

Everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on Ikaria.

Very good, thank you all. The man smiled, and then, escorted by several followers, he approached the resistance group, or to be precise, Ikaria.

Hello, I think you are a beautiful lady. Why are you covering your face? It is not convenient for us to get to know each other.

Hearing this, Aikalia did not respond, but looked at the young man next to her.

The young man stood in front of Aikalia nervously.

But to be honest, it makes more sense for Ikaria to block him.

Stop your mind, gangster's lackey.

Hearing this, the man frowned slightly: I know you, Houdini, are a famous prick in this neighborhood, but your level is far from being enough to catch our eyes. We are willing to let you go as a kindness to you. , I hope you will think more about your friends and the people surrounding you at this time.

Houdini, choose quickly. At this time, Ikaria said softly.

Houdini had a hard look on his face.

Ikaria... Houdini said.

Just when the scene fell into an inexplicable tangle, the elegant man in front of him smiled, suddenly raised his hand and took out a delicate dagger from his arms, and then swiped it very briskly across his neck, completing the perfect Foreboding suicide.

The man's smile gradually disappeared, and then turned into panic. He wanted to say something, but only blood came out of his mouth, and he finally collapsed.

The scene was silent for a moment, then the lightning flashed again. Ikaria realized something and struck preemptively.

Thunder fell from the gloomy sky and struck directly at the gangster team in front of them.

Crackling electricity appeared in the surrounding air, and the surroundings instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

The pupils of Brother Duomu, who was sneaking around, all dilated, and he couldn't help but feel the fear of the mighty thunder in his heart.

This is……


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