My doppelganger drama

Chapter 268 Leisurely days after the disaster

Fuso City was in chaos. The gang spent a few days mobilizing manpower to start to put order in order, but no results were achieved in a short period of time regarding reconstruction.

Fuso City was built brick by brick over a long period of time. Now, most of it was destroyed by a strange earthquake. It is not that simple to rebuild.

There is no real official authority in this city, and the gangs, as the largest force, just conform to the chaos that exists in the city and build a weak order amidst the chaos.

They had no way of mobilizing the resources and manpower to undertake the thankless task of rebuilding the city in a short period of time.

But they can vent their anger on Baicang.

Watching the gang's team marching through the street, the three figures stopped quietly for a moment before Brick left.

Ikaria, is this your hometown? I have never been here, I have always heard about it, but after I actually saw it, I realized how naive my previous imagination of the sinking island was.

A figure spoke, with an unrecognizable male voice.

This earthquake seems to be man-made. The people living in this empty island group are living in such a miserable state. It is difficult to accept any sign of real order here. In other words, the people living here no longer care about the so-called order. Another One person said, also male, with a higher pitch, sounding a bit like a singer.

After the two spoke one after another, the shorter figure following behind finally spoke, speaking in a weak female voice: That's not how the word hometown is used. This is not my hometown.

I'm sorry. The man who spoke first apologized quickly.

It's okay, you are the natives of this world, and I am a wanderer who has gradually forgotten the past. The woman said calmly.

The atmosphere wasn't great and they moved on.

On the way, they saw a group of four.

In such chaos, you can still see a group of four people walking closely together. Although there is nothing abnormal, it still makes people couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The leader was wearing a white shirt and black slim-fitting pants. The most obvious feature on his fair face was the deep sunken eye sockets and black eye circles.

Behind him is a strange figure dressed like a Halloween tourist, wearing a black cloak and a white mask.

After that, there was a man in a black suit, wearing sunglasses, and his steps were very arrogant.

The last one was probably a victim of the earthquake. His clothes were in tatters. Judging from the way he walked, his bones and joints were broken and twisted. His hair was disheveled and his limbs were pale. There were still bloodshot eyes on his body. His expression was gloomy.

Four strange people mingled together and passed by this trio.

Ikaria's eyes stayed on them for a while.

What's wrong? Ikaria, do you care about them?

Although it is a bit eye-catching, it seems ordinary under this collapsed city. If you want to save the injured behind them, I would say no, that person is a resentful spirit, bound by a curse and remains in the world. It’s so sad that he’s dead.”

After listening to the words of her two teammates, Ikaria shook her head: It's okay, let's go. I don't know if anything happened to our stronghold here because of this accident.


It seems that the three people just saw Gui Yiyi's badge on them.

As the culprits of this chaos, the four Wan Yi walked struttingly on the road.

After walking some distance, Brother Modern spoke.

Are you wearing sunglasses and your eyes are so sharp? Brother Curse said sinisterly. Although he was just speaking in a normal way, due to his nature, his tone always felt very unpleasant and a bit mean.

Sunglasses will only make me sharper. Modern Brother raised his sunglasses in a deep tone, looking really handsome.

After his transformation, he didn't use his eyes when his senses were most acute. He might as well donate them to Brother Duomu. Wan Yi said coldly.

This person's sarcastic tone is the real deal.

Jie Jie, don't say that. Everyone has worked hard today. Do you want to have fun at the carnival tonight? King Wu Yi said with a dark smile.

You get angry when you say it. We spent a lot of money just paddling! Brother Curse looked out with resentful eyes.

It seems that it is not a problem of his own nature. Brother Curse is really not feeling well right now.

Don't say that, sometimes things just go a little bit wrong? King Wu Yi spoke like an old fritter.

Brother Curse was silent for a while and then said: I will not go out with Brother Modern anymore.

Ah? I'm the one who's been the most miserable today. How did you get him on me? Brother Modern turned up the lenses of his sunglasses and said with a confused look on his face.

Every time I act together with you, nothing good will happen. I don't think it's okay. It's just a matter of three things. Let's not do it together in the future. Brother Curse was full of resentment.

Then I will arrange a noisy monster for you? Wan Yidao

Tsk. The Grudge clone clicked his tongue.

Speaking of which, weren't we originally talking about returning to one party? King Wu Yi raised his thin hand and waved, turning the increasingly deviant topic back to the starting point.

Hyundai Brother avoided a quarrel and continued: Ah, yes, I just saw those three people with the same badge on their collars.

Guiyi finally showed up. I thought that because of the sinking sky island group, Guiyi couldn't handle it. Wan Yi said.

Partners of justice cannot be absent because of small difficulties! Brother Modern raised his hands to cheer.

The development of Baicang here is not as good as imagined, let alone Guiyi. King Wuyi analyzed.

Those three people are not weak... at least they easily noticed my situation. Brother Curse said.

Ah? How do you know they noticed you? Brother Modern asked this time in a tone of finding trouble.

...I noticed that one of them looked at me with some pity...perhaps he regarded me as a victim of the earthquake... Brother Curse sighed with emotion.

Then King Wuyi put his hand gently on his shoulder, and the empty eyes on the white mask showed a caring expression.

Relax, after all, the suffering you actually suffered is much more exciting than this earthquake.

Go away, you don't need to say this. We don't need to say it! Brother Curse said as he broke away from his hand.

King Wuyi smiled and stepped away, then looked at each other and smiled even more happily.

Wan Yi walked at the front with his eyes half open, feeling the strange looks from the people around him.

What's going on? It's obviously still the post-earthquake period, and he should be followed by a few of his best clones, but why does it always feel like he's taking care of a child?

And these children were still loudly discussing when everyone had weeded the bed recently.

Wan Yi felt inexplicable suffering.

Fortunately, the ordeal did not last long, and they finally returned to the church as their stronghold.

Of course, to be precise now, it is the ruins of the church.

It is a dilapidated and dangerous building. It is too difficult to imagine that it can withstand this magnitude 9 earthquake.

But here you can also see scattered figures preparing to start construction, taking this opportunity to rebuild this dilapidated building into a suitable appearance.

Hey, you guys are back? The Green Devil came over and said wearing a foreman's helmet, which looked strange with his dark green slim-fitting suit.

But it’s nothing new that I always like to engage in this kind of costume play.

Do you really like wearing fancy clothes so much?

Wan Yi thought in hindsight.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked behind him. The three of them were still talking to each other.

Catching Wan Yi's synchronized thoughts, they also stopped chatting and looked at Wan Yi.

What's wrong? asked Modern Brother.

It's okay. Wan Yi turned around.

Yes, who wouldn’t want to try out all kinds of fantastic looks and outfits if given the chance?

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