My doppelganger drama

Chapter 264 Family Genealogy

The ruins have been invaded?!

Such a big movement at the ruins soon attracted the attention of the witch sect resident here.

Soon the Witch Cult organized a team and rushed to the ruins.

Then he saw a vast expanse in front of him. The ruins that were originally cramped and complicated now appeared in front of him with an unobstructed view of the ruins.

Who? Who is it! A member of the Witch Cult looked at this scene in horror and said.

This relic is of vital importance. Now that such a big incident suddenly occurs, if the higher-ups are held accountable, the consequences will be unimaginable!

They stepped into the ruins, but before they started investigating, several members felt something was wrong.

Be careful, there's something dirty!


As soon as he finished speaking, a bloodshot eye suddenly opened in the gap between the ruins and stones, and then a pale arm stretched out and grabbed the head of the person closest to him.

Ahhh! The believer didn't have time to react. He was forced into the ruins, and his flesh and blood were mixed together with stones.

It was such an exciting scene from the beginning that even the cultists were stunned.

After all, although the Witch Sect is a cult, it is not the kind of cult that popularizes dirty blood sacrifices.

After being attacked, a group of believers quickly took out their weapons.

They are all musical instruments of different styles!

They began to play, and although the melody was strange, it strangely combined to form a complete melody.

After the melody started to be heard, large and small explosions occurred in the surrounding ruins.

Brother Gu Grudge was forced to act: Yinlu?

And when Brother Curse appeared, the playing style of these believers changed, and the melody changed. The exciting and fast-paced melody condensed into waves of actual lethal impact and headed towards Brother Curse.


One of Brother Grudge's forms was blown away.

But more pale, bloodied arms stretched out from the gaps in the surrounding ruins.

A series of bubbles sounded, mixed in with the music of the witch cultists, and countless resentful souls crawled towards them.

Nightmare cockroaches are raging, and the black wind has reappeared in this ruins on a small scale.

Some of the believers in the ruins who had never left were unable to escape.

Either he was shot, or his body was eaten by cockroaches, and his spirit was driven into a nightmare.

At this time, a group of believers were running wildly, and behind them were black oval-shaped creatures chasing them endlessly.

There are also believers who want to resist, but in front of modern brothers, their playing speed is too slow, and the music will be torn apart by bullets without appreciation before it flows.

In the end, they gave up any thought of resistance and focused on escaping.

Wanyi's soul-eating scepter pulled out a ray of white light and then fired it continuously. The soul of the believer hit by the light was quickly pulled away. When the body fell, it was swallowed up by the nightmare cockroaches that followed.

But when the last remaining believer in this group was hit by Wan Yi's soul-eating curse, he was unable to extract his soul. He was only hit and fell to the ground.

The robe he was wearing fell down, revealing the mask-like face underneath.

She turned her head, and a nightmare cockroach pounced directly on her face, swallowed up by the black wind.


Because Hyundai had no restraint, the fragile ruins began to collapse.

But Wan Yi didn't care at all.

Any more?

There is another one running away, Wan Yi used the remaining soul crystals to track him.

Looking outside, that's just right. Brother Curse seems to have a hard time dealing with a whole orchestra playing. Brother Modern said.

Not necessarily. As far as he is concerned, it has been developing quite well recently. Wan Yi said.

Yes, after all, in a sense, all of us are raising him?

The witch cultists were playing passionately.

They were all sweating profusely, and the melody was wrapped around their bodies to form a solid protection, preventing these resentments from invading, and attacks full of murderous intent were blocked by them one after another.

The two sides are in a stalemate, but the other side's resentment is endless, and their performance has an end.

When the first person in this orchestra appears who cannot support him mentally or physically, the melody that is still evenly matched will be crushed by this overwhelming resentment.

Brother Cursed has also not lost his ability to strengthen himself since his battle with the Emerald Sect cadres.

He assumed one of Wan Yi's internal responsibilities, which was to collect Wan Yi's corpse.

Through spiritual connection, Wan Yi and everyone are marked with the curse mark of Brother Ju Grudge. As long as Wan Yi dies due to various accidents, something will eventually be recovered by Brother Ju Grudge.

A large number of curses and grievances were piled on Brother Curse and Grudge. Although in a sense, because the grudge will never die, the chat group has never been reduced in number.

But that is the suffering of the original body. What does it have to do with Brother Curse who benefits from it?

The band of the Witch Sect in front of them was already quite strong. A group of nameless rabble worked together to play the melody, and they were able to achieve the level of the original cadres of the Emerald Sect.

It's a pity that the cadres of the Emerald Sect couldn't defeat Brother Grudge back then, and they had no choice!


Finally, a murmur appeared.

It turned out to be a flute player among the believers.

There was a slight disturbance in his breath, only for a moment, and then he quickly adjusted.

This noise does not have much impact, and for those who do not listen to the music carefully, it is even difficult to notice at all.

But the noise still appeared.

The next moment, the flute player's neck was strangled by pale arms stained with blood, and his originally somewhat out-of-focus eyes were covered by darkness, and only the face of the cursed and hateful person was reflected in his eyes.

He could not play, his breath ceased, and his breathing rapidly diminished.

And just like that, he died standing.

Without warning.

Just because of that inaudible noise, within three seconds, he was killed by the resentment that took advantage of the opportunity.

After he stopped playing completely, there were a lot of holes in the whole music.

People with quick reactions can also quickly change the rhythm to protect themselves.

But there are more people who are defeated like mountains and are tightly held by a hand of curse that only comes from behind, carrying a curse of resentment that destroys their will.

In the end, it all became part of the curse.

Despair spread.

The remaining believers just followed their survival instincts and struggled to protect themselves while each was playing his own way. They were surrounded by vengeful figures and no more violent attacks were launched.

He just made a bubbly sound one after another, and then looked at them with bloodshot eyes.

Everything is over.


Suddenly, a penetrating piano sound resounded.


The rock wall above the head exploded, and a figure fell from the sky. The sound of the piano lingered for a long time, and it also swept away a large number of curses and Wan Yi below.

As the atmosphere team, Curse Wan Yi and the others retreated, leaving Brother Curse looking at the unexpected visitor in front of him.

Her black hair was neatly combed into a long braid at the back of her head, and she was wearing a modified purple antique style dress, which was covered with colorful patterns of flowers. However, all of this was supported by the opponent's face that was worth thousands of dollars. The face of a thousand flowers is unparalleled in beauty.

The pupils of both eyes are ever-changing purple notes, carrying a strange and transcendent temperament.

Master Priest! The surviving believers cried with joy.

The priest of the Witch Sect... In other words, this is the highest-level cadre of the Witch Sect in the Sinking Sky Island Group.

Brother Curse thought.

After the priestess appeared on the stage, her eyes did not look at Brother Grudge, but towards an empty place.

I've been looking for you for a long time. If I had known that I would be able to get you out, maybe I should have destroyed this place earlier. Don't you want to come out and meet me now? the woman said, her voice mature and full of charm.

Brother Curse looked over in confusion, and then he saw an impact formed by soul crystals break through the rock wall and hit the empty place.

The priestess once again strummed the strings of the guqin floating beside her, and a wave of purple music offset the impact on her soul.

Now, Brother Curse knew who she was talking about just now.

Without warning, a figure appeared there.

At this time, Brother Curse realized somewhat belatedly that she seemed to have been there all the time just now, but he seemed to have accidentally ignored her?

There is no doubt that the familiar green gauze skirt highlights her identity.

There are a lot of small movements, and the hands and feet are not very clean.

The mask was looking at the woman in front of him blankly, as if he was remembering something.

After a long while, she spoke, somewhat uncertainly: Music score?

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