My doppelganger drama

Chapter 259 The Inescapable Dream

Jeffrey dragged his dizzy head back to his secret residence in Fuso City.

As soon as he returned to the simple room, he lay down on the sofa that had a lot of damage on his skin. He blinked twice and was about to fall asleep.

I suggest you don't sleep now. But just when he was about to fall asleep due to sleepiness, the mouse Rost climbed onto the back of the sofa and said.

But I really can't stand it anymore. Why didn't you eat away all the other person's ability to make me fall asleep... Jeffrey said weakly.

The contact between you and him was too intensive, affecting all aspects, and the other party's ability to enter dreams is not simple.

Is this his ability as a troublemaker?

We didn't detect large-scale fluctuations in ether energy during the battle. It doesn't look like it.

It's outrageous. If it's a qualitative change, how does a troublemaker manage to adapt to the qualitative change and his own mental problems at the same time? Jeffrey reluctantly opened his eyes.

It seems that this group of people is far beyond our expectations. If there is going to be hostility in the future, we will need more helpers. Mouse Rost said.

Let's talk about this next time, I want to sleep. Jeffrey waved his hand.

I told you not to sleep! Rost jumped directly on his head and bit his head.

Ah! Jeffrey woke up a little after suffering from pain, but said dissatisfiedly, Why aren't you allowed to sleep?

The reason why you are sleepy now is because the other party placed a curse on you.

Curse? After hearing this, Jeffrey cheered up, although he was still very sleepy.

A very high-level curse, coupled with the ability to enter dreams, will cling to you. If you go to sleep under the influence of the curse, it's hard to say whether the last dream you have is your own.

Jeffrey realized the seriousness of the problem: Can I still be killed in my dream?

It's very likely that you will even be tortured to a point where you would rather die than live. Otherwise, do you think they are trying to help you sleep well tonight and have a good dream?

Can't you use your power to eat it up?

This thing is very complicated. The opponent's understanding of the curse is probably not as simple as just absorbing the qualitative change. He has studied it carefully. If the curse on you is compared to a lock, it must be an extremely complex mechanism like the ancient Oriental ones in the previous life. Lock.

You can't even do that?

If you can persist without sleeping for a week, I can chew off this 'lock'.

You're playing with me! Jeffrey picked up a small pillow on the sofa and hit the mouse on his head.

Rost jumped away lightly, and finally Jeffrey covered his face with a pillow.

Is there anyone else on this empty island who knows how to 'pick the lock'?

We definitely don't have it in our club, and we don't know if it does. After all, unless we have a good relationship and have worked together, we won't hold each other accountable for such things. Rost said while thinking, and finally shook his head.

Ahhh! Jeffrey rubbed his indigo hair vigorously, feeling desperate.

If you don't sleep for a week, the average person will definitely go crazy. As a troublemaker, he may be very strong, but the spirit of the troublemaker is already in danger. Even if he uses the brotherhood method to restrain his unstable thinking, he can rest easy without saying anything.

This time I was caught in a critical position. Jeffrey yawned.

Yes, we are used to being arrogant, and now we have encountered a tough situation. The mouse Rost also blamed himself.

Or it failed to do a good job in intelligence detection.

Where did that weird master who could switch forms come from? He had never noticed his whereabouts before.

Did you come with someone from that organization?

Or use some kind of space jump method?

No, these are no longer important.

Now we have to figure out how to help Jeffrey survive this disaster.

Do you think it's too late for me to apologize now?

Now? Are you serious?

It can be reconciled.

Stop joking. Mouse Rost looked at Jeffrey, who was still enjoying himself, and sighed.

Jeffrey laughed cheerfully, and then said: Since there is no way to save me, I want to see that dream.

Mouse Rost looked at him, a little impatiently: Don't give up so quickly. If you inquire with your comrades who have worked together before, there is still great hope!

Forget it, I already struggled ugly when I found out that I was the one causing trouble. Jeffrey looked free and easy, as if he was recalling his past.

I don't want to be like that again.

It's not ugly to struggle to survive, just like I have become like this... Rost said solemnly.

Both were silent.

I think I won't be able to hold on anymore. In fact, the sleepiness caused by this curse is far more serious than it looks, and it's still getting stronger. I may not be able to hold on for a few hours, let alone a week. Jeffrey Yawned again and again.

Rost did not try to dissuade him any more, but just crawled to Jeffrey's side melancholy.

After Jeffrey touched it for a while, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore and closed them completely.

Consciousness sank into darkness.

Wow, I didn't originally think that this curse would take effect. I just planned to put a mark on it for easy tracking. Now it seems that the influence on the spiritual level is really effective on the troublemaker.

The familiar dark and hoarse voice sounded in my ears.

Jeffrey opened his eyes and found darkness all around him.

Is this the dream?


The scarlet torches lit up one after another, illuminating the figures surrounding him.

They were all covered in red sheets and looked at Jeffrey through the dark peepholes between their eyes.

Jeffrey noticed that he seemed to be standing on a stage, and these red sheets were standing on the curved auditorium.

At this time, he also noticed two figures standing next to him.

A girl with thick black hair and a young body, and the weird masked man who had just fought not long ago.

I woke up really quickly, and my self-protection mechanism is very strong. I didn't read too many dreams. The little princess already had a few paper documents in her hands, but they were undoubtedly much less than in previous interviews.

Of course. After all, he is the one who tormented me a little. To kill him so easily would make me lose face. King Wu Yi said, tapping his mask lightly.

Hello, am I a guest now? Isn't it good to leave the guests alone and talk to yourself? Jeffrey smiled and rubbed his hands.

I'm really sorry. We have prepared a series of entertainment projects for you as a guest. I hope you have a good time. If you can still move after playing, let's talk about the rest. King Wu Yi said.


Jeffrey was stunned and saw King Wuyi raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Jeffrey's eyes went dark again.

A strong feeling of weightlessness came, and he seemed to be falling!

But he couldn't see anything, the surroundings were dark, as if his vision had been taken away.


He directly mobilized the etheric energy and stretched his hands across his chest.

The direction of his fall quickly changed.

Sure enough, I'm not so unreasonable. I still have some resistance...probably. Jeffrey thought.

The ether energy did not disappear in the dream, and even for unknown reasons, his clothes and favorite weapons were still there.

Even in his dream, his fighting power was not lost.

Even so, he was not too happy.

Because this is the opponent's absolute home court.

For example, the endless whereabouts that were going on at this time left him helpless.

No matter how he changed the direction of his fall, he could not see or touch anything, as if his whole body was immersed in a rapid river called weightlessness.

Where will he end up?

Because I dropped that person a few times, do I have to torture myself with this endless weightlessness?

How vindictive.

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