My doppelganger drama

Chapter 254 Keep your own bullets

Catri is a resident of Fuso City.

It has been three years since he came to this vast and sad city.

He fell from his normal life to this endless hell overnight. He relied on luck and struggle to survive a cruel period of time, and became the last survivor among the refugees at the same time.

He actually didn't know whether it was the last one.

But he likes to call himself this, because he can affirm himself by calling himself this, and in this world that cares little about human life, he can affirm his own value by comparing himself to others.

As for who the other refugees were at the same time, or even who was still alive, he could not remember clearly.

He was living in confusion in Fuso City, and he just wanted to live like this. He had no attachment to becoming stronger, even though he understood that if he didn't become strong in this world, he might not even know how he would die in the future.

But he dared to swear that if he went to explore the three surrounding boundary zones and seek a way to survive, he would definitely die miserably.

Just a few experiences in the Honkai Boundary Zone made him frightened.

The burning sensation of being eroded by the energy called Hengkai was still vivid in his mind. During that time, he felt that he was worse off than dead.

Even if I gave up exploring the boundary later, I would always be cast under that shadow in my sleep.

He was exhausted physically and mentally, and for him, it might be better to die altogether if he continued to live like this.

But the coward cannot take his own life,

He always kept a worn-out pistol in his arms, including one for himself.

Catri was waiting for that day, waiting for when something would happen in his life that would make him determined to pull the trigger on himself.

Recently, there have been more anomalies in Fuso City.

Mainly reflected in the activities of those cultists.

No matter in the past life or in this life, even if those cultists have the same powerful power as in the film and television works of the previous life, Catri still does not take these people who place their faith in gods seriously.

But his opinion doesn't matter. In any case, these cultists who have no good intentions for the world are very dangerous.

There are also some strange people who came to Fuso.

These people don't seem to have any malicious intent, they are just conducting basic exploration and understanding of the city.

This reminded Catri of when he first came here.

Seeing traces of civilization is undoubtedly touching for a person living in another world, but in fact, he will only ask why he did not starve to death in the wasteland outside.

Anyway, Catri tried to make contact with the new arrivals.

He learned that their temporary base was an abandoned church not far from his residence.

It was originally a missionary site for the Bai Cang Sect, but it has been forcibly abolished, which is a pity.

Ask them what they're here for, and they'll have some giddy answers.

Lost pets, lost self, fun of games...

There were all kinds of answers, and those bright smiling faces made Catri self-doubt whether she was from the same world as them.

They probably came from the rumored world beyond the Sky Island Group.

Even though those places have their own nasties, they are definitely not worse than the Sinking Sky Island Group.

After talking to them, Catri ended the conversation in a timely manner so as not to arouse unnecessary vigilance.


What happened next?

Catri's will was a little slow as he was thinking.

He seemed to have fallen asleep from exertion.

Surprisingly, he thought his body and mind were so weak that he was unconscious even after falling asleep.

Then, Catri must have fallen asleep.

So who is this consciousness that is thinking now?


Am I dreaming?

When this idea came up, it seemed that a keyword was triggered.

The scarlet light lit up in front of his eyes, illuminating the table in front of him and a girl sitting on a chair behind the table.

This young-looking girl with unusually thick long black hair looked at the paper document in her hand expressionlessly.

What is she doing?

Carter thought, wanting to get closer and take a look.

As a result, the girl said before he took a step: You are undergoing an interview now. I don't think any interviewer will rush in front of the interviewer rashly.

Catri was stunned and a little confused: Interview? I didn't participate in any interview?

No, you are participating. It is our unilateral invitation. The girl said after placing the document in her hand on the table.

Catri's eyes swept over the file without leaving a trace, and at a glance, he saw his own photo on the file. Although he couldn't see the other words clearly, he could immediately tell from the familiar arrangement that this was the picture. It should be your own information.

He was a little uneasy.

Why does his information appear in this strange place, and what is the interview the girl in front of me is talking about?

Don't be so afraid, you gave us this information.

I don't remember that I submitted my resume to any force. Catri thought this was his resume.

He didn't know if there was such a decent process in the outside world, but it definitely didn't exist in Fuso City.

To be precise, it was your dream that gave it to us, but that's not important. The girl's white fingers gently tapped the photo of Catri on the file and said, I heard that you left yourself a bullet that can be used to commit suicide. This is that true?

Yes. Catri replied calmly.

Can you commit suicide now?

Why? Carter asked curiously.

Aren't you waiting for an opportunity? I think we can be the opportunity that prompts you to commit suicide. The girl said with a cute smile.

Carter was a little irritated, what was going on: But I don't think so, miss, if this is a bad joke you played on me, I want to say that I don't like it, can you please leave me? ?”

Oh, do you think I'm joking? The girl tilted her head and said, Let's change the subject to a more serious topic. It was your gang that asked you to investigate our group, right?

Hearing this, Catri looked puzzled: Gang? Why did you mention gang? I didn't join them.

Yes, although it is not written in your information, it may be because you subconsciously concealed it, so such a deep dream cannot dig out more information, but the things you have done will always leave traces.

The girl picked up the information on the table again: You like to have some self-denying inner debates, but to a certain extent, you are also used to using this method to convince and deceive yourself. You are a talent.

Catri said nothing.

You have not joined a gang, so can you explain where the extra wine and bread you get every seven days come from? The gang is really generous and will steadily distribute supplies to you. It would be better if I could get some scraps. But they don’t seem to want lower-level informants like you to be too powerful.” The girl talked eloquently, making Catri feel like a light on her back.

Ah? Are you trying to say that you have tried so hard to hide it so as not to attract attention, why are you still being discovered?

Before Katri spoke, the girl seemed to know what he was thinking in advance: It was still your dream that told me. You know, Katri, people in sleep are very fragile, because dreams can hide the true side of people. Exposed.”

I don't mean to criticize you. I still have a good impression of you. After all, this is just an interview, right? Even if you fail, you will just go back to where you should go to live your life.

So, if I give you an opportunity here, do you want to commit suicide without hesitation, or do you want to fight your way back to get your wine and bread?

Katri said solemnly: I have no obligation to face the choice you gave me.

You know it very well, don't you? The girl raised her head. She was still sitting on the chair even though she was not tall, but Catri felt a sense of frustration of being looked down upon: You clearly know that this world is dominated by the jungle, and you think you are... The walking dead are always ready to shoot themselves. You originally relied on nothing but yourself and the last bullet, but you seem to have changed a little now.

Wine and bread seem to have given you some confidence and expectations for those 'strong men' who have never set their sights on you?

The girl smiled: It is not shameful to find a reason to live. The price is that you become a little weak. I am not denying you, but to me now you are the real walking dead.

Enough! Katli shouted.

The girl shut up at the right time and looked at him quietly.

Then let me ask the last question of this interview, Katri, do you dare to commit suicide here? This is just a dream.

Catri gasped, sweat dripping from his hairline to his chin.

At some point, he seemed to hold something in his hand.




Carter's eyesight went dark.

Not bad, you're considered qualified. Welcome to the carnival, haha. The girl's gentle voice rang in her ears, and Catri felt a trace of long-lost peace in the afterglow of severe pain before her death.

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