My doppelganger drama

Chapter 245 The Eye of Dominance

By the way, there have been a lot of aircraft coming towards the sink recently. One person said.

Well, it probably has nothing to do with us.

Whatever, if there are any that pass above us, shoot them down and tell them that we are not easy to mess with! the strong man from before said domineeringly.

I said this kind of thing should stop as soon as possible. You never know if you might offend someone you can't afford to offend! Devin said helplessly and a little bored, covering his temples.

The person we really can't afford to offend will sit on the scrap metal that we can easily knock down? the strong man sneered.

Di Wen said: It is inappropriate to make enemies at will. Isn't the new organization that is giving you a headache now because you took it upon yourself to defeat it?

I have the anti-aircraft gun in my hands. Mind your own business, Devin. The strong man said.

Dara, take care of yourself. Devin's eyes turned cold.

Hmph! Darla smiled disdainfully as she looked at Devin's fierce eyes but did not dare to move.

Doesn’t he know about Devin’s little thoughts? He joined in halfway and his ambitions grew more and more. He was still not satisfied with his current position, he just wanted to swallow up the entire gang for himself.

But in this world, simply being smart is useless.

If you can't use your brain to gain enough strength for yourself, it's all in vain!

Think of a way to deal with that small organization. This is what you are good at. Don't worry about things you don't understand. Darla said.

Most of the others looked on with cold eyes at the conflict between the two, while some smiled and were happy to see the two leaders in the gang having conflicts.

Report, there are several aircraft passing by above, they should be heading to the nearest main island. Someone from outside came to report.

What are the specifications of the aircraft?

It is a self-made model, and the logos of each major alliance have not been confirmed.

Then beat him down. Darla said without hesitation.

Yes! The people below immediately went to make arrangements.

Devin frowned and said, Did you do this on purpose? The report just now said that there were more than one, and the one who came was powerful!

You seemed to have been a business executive before you traveled through time, right? Darla suddenly laughed.

Devin said: So what?

It's nothing, I just think it's amazing that you can still maintain such a high degree of rationality and thinking in this place. But although you have ideas, you still don't understand crazy people.

What do you want to say?

You still don't understand what it means to be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. You care about your own life, but most of the people sitting here probably don't care anymore. Darla laughed.

With the deafening sound of gunfire coming from outside, this unpleasant meeting came to an end.

Devin returned to his own area, looking at the aircraft in the sky avoiding the fire net with a livid face.

The piloting of these aircraft is very good, and the defensive measures are more complete. They are not comparable to the original Wanyis.

However, the gang members below also had experience in masturbating. With experience and sufficient artillery preparations, they finally shot down one of them.

Once you hit it, you earned it. The aircraft could no longer keep up with the team and had to adjust its course and make an emergency landing.

The gang quickly prepared and sent out teams to touch it.

A little further away from the gang's stronghold, Wan Yi also saw this scene.

They really like to masturbate. If they masturbate on any plane, it will only harm you!

We are really lucky. In this case, there is no rush to raid their stronghold. It would be good to coordinate with the people over there before taking action.


Wan Yi and others discussed.

Tu Wenwen looked at the Green Goblin next to him who had put on Green Goblin series equipment in confusion: What's wrong?

I don't know whether it should be considered good luck or bad luck. Of course, from our point of view, it will be considered good in the end. The Green Devil smiled sinisterly under his mask: Anyway, let's wait for a while. Someone will help us create opportunities.

After thinking for a moment, I quickly realized something: Are there any of your people in that aircraft?

Smart. Brother Green Goblin praised, For him, it's unlucky, but he also reacts very quickly. He will help us next. Be prepared for a surprise attack, young lady.

Tu Wenwen nodded and held his knife tightly.

The door of the aircraft was broken open, and a figure wearing a black robe with irregular golden eye patterns on the coat walked out.

What a bad luck. Do you still have to face the other clones here in the end?

He is naturally the clone of the Hundred Eyes Sect that Wan Yi joined, and is now called Brother Duomu.

He himself gained the attention of the Hundred Eyes Sect on the 006 bronze-level island because of the difference in the time when he joined the group.

After that, he worked conscientiously, generally acted in accordance with the teachings of the Hundred Eyes Sect, made a lot of contributions, and his status gradually rose.

Originally, this time the Hundred Eyes Sect was mainly looking for key members with guaranteed combat effectiveness when dispatching people to the Sinking Sky Island Group. However, the priest who led him valued him and thought this was a good opportunity for training, so he let him Here too.

It's a pity. In a sense, does this count as a failure?

He looked not far away and saw that the gang's team had already arrived.

After being hit and determining that the aircraft could no longer keep up with the large force, he quickly killed everyone in the cabin, and then forced the pilot to make an emergency landing not too far away from the gang's stronghold.

It’s just for the convenience of fishing.

Domu? How are you doing there? During the headset communication, Domu quickly received a contact from the sect.

Unlucky, I got hit by the wanderers here, and I took a few more shots during the emergency landing. I am the only one left in this group of travelers. Duomu replied while holding down the earphone.

Is it an emergency?

The other party sent people to clean up, but it's no problem. I can solve it. You can go there first. We are the last batch, so don't be late. Brother Duomu's face was expressionless, and his voice had no fluctuations, but his words But he is very considerate of others.

Then just hold on for a while, and we'll come back to you after we report here.

Well, follow the arrangements.

Communication hung up.

It just so happened that the gang's team arrived.

He couldn't wait to get out before we even got there!

Wow, he looks quite handsome, a rebellious pretty boy?

I think she's very unconventional, but she's not bad either. She's so fair, and even if she takes off those iron nail decorations on her body and dresses it up, she's a little beauty that can be used by both men and women!

Faced with the obscene remarks from the people around him, Domu Ge opened his lips lightly and uttered two cold words: Disgusting.

Suddenly, the scene became quiet.

The expressions of these people changed from the crazy at the beginning to panic, and their bodies were shaking. They wanted to speak, but their bodies no longer obeyed.

Eyes have many symbols.

Therefore, after receiving the blessing of the Eye of All Things, the qualitative changes that occur to each person are also different.

There are also differences between eyes.

What most believers often get is the eye of insight, which allows them to see things comprehensively and seek to gain insight into the truth.

As the eye of insight continues to be refined, other characteristics will appear.

And there are also many believers whose eyes are extremely different when they first receive the gift.

Killer eyes, predatory eyes...all kinds of things.

The eyes of Domego are the dominant eyes.

One of the most basic abilities is to control and manipulate what you see.

You have lived a very hard life. Go and lie down down there early, you scum. Brother Duomu ordered, standing condescendingly on the wreckage of the aircraft.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the gang members who had gathered around moved their bodies under his horrified gaze.

He grabbed his throat with both hands and pointed the weapon at his vitals.

He even stopped breathing and suffocated himself to death.

No screams, no chaos.

A calm and orderly mass suicide show was staged.

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