My doppelganger drama

Chapter 239 Personnel Changes

The power characteristics of Magical Girl Boundary will extract the characteristics of the source and the user, and then combine the two.

The Noisy Monster was born out of the chaos of chatting in Wan Yi's head.

So if he did it himself, how would he manifest it, and in what form would the magic be manifested?

The fragment disappeared, and its essence turned into two parts, one large and one small, and entered the bodies of Wan Yi and Mr. Mask.

Meow! Mr. Mask screamed, and the small golden bell hidden by the hair on his neck was dyed a darker copper color.

But it soon reacted, and its body shivered, and it seemed to feel quite comfortable.

On Wan Yi's side, another seed of power is integrated into the body, and the two phases of pressure and magic exist.

It is also a power born out of mental emotions. The magic power does not match Wan Yi, but it can be driven as long as there is pressure, so there is no problem.

And Wan Yi gradually felt the changes in himself.

Shadow? Wan Yi looked at the shadow under him, illuminated by the indoor lights.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it. He stretched out his hand to touch it, but his hand sank into the shadow.

Shadow World.

Wan Yi said carefully.

Then he stood up, and the shadow under his feet suddenly surged up and enveloped his whole body.

After slowly taking it off, he had put on an elegant black suit. It was a bit like a hollow, but it had more decorative silver lines and videos, and a top hat.

This is Wan Yi's transformed form.

He grabbed his collar and shook it gently: This transformation effect is really simple, but it's not bad. From now on, I will also have a combat uniform.

Meow~. Mr. Mask is now Wan Yi's elf, and it has received the magic passed down from elf.

Amnesia and reality modification, etc.

Again, the magic of elves is much more outrageous than that of magical girls.

Although these two magics have been tried and tested in the boundary, they may not have such overbearing effects outside. The specific application will be discussed later.

Most of the powers of magical girls are specialized for combat.

In fact, Wan Yi himself doesn't really have many intuitive combat specialization abilities. He really relies on the cat knife and the soul-eating wand to deal damage.

In the transformed state, his other abilities will not be affected, his body will be strengthened to a certain extent, and the shadow world will be further enhanced.

There are many ways to play.

As for pressure and burden, Wan Yi doesn't feel anything at all.

At this moment, a clone of Wan Yi next to him dived toward the floor in front of him as if diving.

The clone slipped directly into Wan Yi's shadow.

It's quite big inside, you can't see the end at a glance, the clone said.

It seems that there is a lot more room for manipulation. The shadow flowed and threw the clone out again.

Wan Yi manipulated the shadows to condense into various shapes. He had a lot of fun playing with them for a long time, and finally got tired of them before taking them all back.

Meow? Mr. Mask asked.

What's for dinner? Let me think about it. Do you want spicy rabbit head?


Then get one and pick any clone to cook.

At this moment, a clone reminded: The main body! Our previous idea has been completed!

Oh? It's faster than expected. Wan Yi was a little surprised.

Hmph, as long as the enthusiasm is good enough, there's nothing we can't do? a clone said.

Then let's take a look. Wan Yi said.

Go and see the result that he has been waiting for for a long time.

Silver and gold union, Bronze level number 006 Sky Island.

In the dead of night, an unknown sectarian struggle took place in the corner of a city.

The ground was littered with corpses, human corpses and spider corpses.

The scene looked very bloody and brutal.

Not to mention that some of the physical signs on these people can make anyone who sees them feel horrified.

Some people have arthropod-like characteristics, such as spider limbs and other organs growing on their bodies.

And some people look like the same thing at first glance, but if you take a closer look, you will find that the number of eyes on these people's faces is always wrong.

Not less, but definitely more.

Some eyes are not on the face, but on other parts of the body.

For some insiders, there is no doubt that this is the scene of the conflagration between the Spider God Sect and the Hundred Eyes Sect.

At this time, the only person still standing here was Lucas, who belonged to the Spider God Sect.

He looked around the scene, his face solemn but his true mood was one of satisfaction.

Thanks to Brother Duomu for the gift!

Lord Lucas! The surviving Spider God cultists gathered over.

Have you looted everything in the stronghold?

Yes, I took everything I could get.

That's good, just run away. Hundreds of reinforcements are coming soon. Lucas said.

Upon hearing this, the Spider God cultists suddenly turned pale, and then quickly obeyed the order, let go and ran away.

Lucas smiled, without feeling any nervousness, and quietly left the stage.

Afterwards, he returned to the classic small stronghold of the Spider God Sect.

I'm back. Although there were heavy casualties, a few people were replaced by many. There is no doubt that we made a bigger profit. Lucas said to Atea and the Jumping Spider Bishop who were waiting after entering the door.

It's really possible! Bishop Jumping Spider couldn't help but said, I thought the information you got so easily was from fishing!

Not long ago, Lucas said that he had received a piece of information about the Hundred Eyes Sect, which was related to a large-scale stronghold of the Hundred Eyes Sect in the city.

Bishop Jumping Spider, as the only remaining head of the intelligence department of the Spider God Sect, immediately expressed doubts about this intelligence.

But after confirming the source of the intelligence and the intelligence itself, there were no major problems.

So, Lucas volunteered to lead the Spider God Sect to do his part.

It doesn't count. The intelligence was a bit wrong. The opponent was guarded by several strong men who were not in the intelligence. Because of this layer of variables, we who originally planned to solve the problem at the minimum cost had to make a lot of sacrifices, so that we could win in the end. We must seize the opponent. By the way, we will seize everything we can, and strive to support war with war.

Lucas dusted himself off and said rationally.

His clothes were torn and he looked a little embarrassed, but his piercing eyes were like eternal lights.

Spider God, I bless you. After Atya heard this, he nodded slightly and stretched out his hand towards Lucas.

Lucas felt a clear feeling of being watched, as if a giant creature was briefly looking at him from high in the sky.

This feeling came and went quickly. When Lucas came back to his senses, he felt that there were more junk files from the Spider God in his body, and the quality seemed to have improved.

Thank you for the gift. Lucas expressed his gratitude in a decent manner.

Atea nodded slightly and left. A large group of spiders still followed her like their mother's babies.

Bishop Jumping Spider looked at Lucas and said: That's great. It seems that you can really take on big responsibilities in times of crisis. It may only be a matter of time before you are promoted to the same level as me.

No, it's just good luck this time. Lucas smiled and approached Bishop Jumping Spider.

If you know you're lucky, don't show such a sly smile when you're alone with me! Bishop Jumping Spider poked Lucas's brow hard with one of his front feet.

Lucas stepped back with a smile, clapped his hands and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Bishop Jumping Spider said: By the way, some members of the Hundred Eyes Sect have been secretly transferred out recently.

What? Lucas was stunned for a moment.

It's a few high-level backbones. Bishop Jumping Spider rubbed his feet.

Lucas rolled his eyes and said, What are your plans?

I just want to tell you first so that if you have any plans later, you can have some confidence.

Then do you know where they were transferred? Then Lucas followed up and asked.

Sinking Sky Island Group.

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