My doppelganger drama

Chapter 231 The Cycle of Pressure

It was almost time, and Hyundai was ready to leave after finishing his meal.

Put on your shoes at the door, and just as Brother Modern was about to open the door, he heard Feng Xinyuan say: How much did Anji tell you?

I should have said everything that can be said. If you can say anything specifically, then you have to ask about it. Wan Yi didn't feel embarrassed at all about secretly digging up other people's dark history and having it exposed, and he also took the blame by the way.

You aliens are quite powerful, and that reporter knows a lot. Feng Xinyuan said.

That's my captain after all. Brother Modern smiled.

Thank you, because you helped me free up a lot of time to take care of my children, and... Feng Xinyuan did not continue.

But Hyundai Brother also understands.

He accidentally improved Feng Xinyuan's efficiency in hunting pressure monsters, which meant providing more magic power. For Feng Xinyuan, magic power was the key to supporting Feng Yi.

Everyone gets what they need, and I haven't provided much information about the 'hole' recently. Hyundai replied.

It is easy for individuals to attract hollows if they are under too much pressure. You said before that your friend has met hollows many times. This is not a normal phenomenon. Please let your friends be careful. And you people from other worlds, the pressure level is generally not low, plus There is a power that is different from this world, probably because of this, it is easy to be targeted by Hollow.

It was rare for Feng Xinyuan to say a lot, and it was also a kind reminder.

Well, thanks, I'll let my friends pay attention.

Of course, his friend is Wan Yi himself.

After saying goodbye again, he opened the door and left.

In the next few days, the group released various investigation results one after another.

Wan Yi carefully opened the files one by one this time and clicked through them.

Not to mention Fang Donghao, the other two teams also discovered some invisible loopholes in this world.

The reality of this world has been modified countless times!

Perhaps we have experienced a lot, but in the end we have forgotten a lot because of the modifications!

How to fix this? Although we have discovered loopholes, we have only discovered clues. We still have no idea how to proceed.

The group became lively again.

And Fang Donghao also presented the results of his investigations over the past few days.

Among them, all the records about Feng Xinyuan have been released.

Wait a minute, if this story replaces the terrorist attacks with stress monsters, it seems to make perfect sense!

Indeed, the figure in the dress cannot be the cadre in such a similar work!

Tsk, for such a beautiful girl, rich and responsible, this husband is a bit ungrateful.

Who knows about other people's affairs?

As expected of Fang Da, this news is very powerful.

At this time, Fang Donghao also sent a message: But this may be the last thing we can do. The time is coming to an end. No matter how long we stay, the risk of being assimilated will increase. If you feel uncomfortable or feel uncomfortable recently, When you can’t tell the truth, report it in time and then leave.”

Everyone agreed.

After making a fuss in the group, Wan Yi continued walking on the road.

At this time, Wan Yi was accompanying Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu to the hospital.

There were no strange stories happening, they were just going to see someone.

When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital, they happened to see a thin girl walking out slowly.

The girl was wearing an emerald dress, with a thin figure and short shawl hair.

Wan Yi looked at her face for a long time before realizing that it seemed to be the snake-haired magical girl. From Chen Yi'ai, he learned that her name was Dai Qian.

She is the senior sister of the two of them, and is also a perfect senior in terms of magical girls. It is said that she was turned into this path in elementary school.

But he looks smaller than the two of them.

The three of them greeted each other, with Wan Yi watching from the side.

Dai Qian said a few words to them before looking at Wan Yi and saying: Hello, teacher from another world.

Wan Yi nodded in response, looked her over and said, Not feeling well?

I had a heart problem, I was born with it.

Xianxin. Wan Yi sighed.

But it's not that serious after becoming a magical girl. Let alone run away, I can still fly. Dai Qian said optimistically.

Can't magic cure heart disease? Wan Yi asked.

If everyone can get it back, then heart disease should be no problem at all.

Magic is not omnipotent. A thin voice said at this time.

Wan Yi looked at the source of the sound, and there was a small green fat snake curled up on Dai Qian's shoulder.

A new elf appears.


Hello, magical teacher, I am Taco. This elf is very polite, at least not as good as a certain octopus ball.

I can understand that magic is not omnipotent, but it's just a congenital disease. Magic shouldn't be impossible, right? After saying hello, Wan Yi asked again.

Stress creates a vicious cycle. Snake Taco replied.

Vicious cycle?

Teacher, you want to know about magical girls. It seemed that we were interrupted due to various accidents before. Let's slowly get to know each other today. Dai Qian said gently.

That's really good. I thought you had forgotten about it. Wan Yi looked at Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu.

Zhou Lulu said directly and loudly: Lulu feels so lonely when she can't find any new handsome guys recently!

In the end, your true love is just about handsomeness? Wan Yi questioned.

Of course not. Of course, it's better to be more handsome. Zhou Lulu retorted, but she didn't seem to be so firm.

I was thinking that Teacher, you would come to see us, but you never came. Do you have to ask a girl to take the initiative? Chen Yiai's tone was very open.

Don't say this nonsense.

Teacher, if you come to the hospital with us, there might be bad rumors if someone sees you? Zhou Lulu said with a bad smile.

One may be a problem, two is a bit outrageous, but three is not a big problem. Wan Yi downplayed it and didn't care at all.

It's useless, he is not Teacher Dong. Chen Yiai reminded Zhou Lulu.

After receiving Dai Qian at the hospital, they walked and talked.

What do you mean by the vicious cycle mentioned earlier? Wan Yi asked.

The source of magic power is pressure. The moment the pressure is released, the decompression core of magical girls can extract the stress relief, or magic power. But pressure is constantly generated, and the magic power generated by pressure will also bring about magic during use. The heavy burden gradually becomes another kind of pressure. Little Snake Taco explained in detail.

Wan Yi said: So magical girls usually have a lot of burdens in other aspects?

We are also human beings, and we are not tools to solve problems. Chen Yiai replied.

It doesn't matter if you use magic to fight normally, because in this case, after the magic is radiated, the burden will naturally be relieved. For magical girls, fighting is the most effective way to relieve stress. Of course, counting the part caused by transformation Burden, children usually have their own stress-relieving behaviors based on their own habits.

Yeah. Zhou Lulu nodded in agreement.

You'd better play more games. Wan Yi said to her. Although it’s hard to say whether playing some games is decompressing or supercharging, everyone should pay more attention to it on weekdays.

Zhou Lulu glared at Wan Yi unhappily.

After everyone laughed, Dai Qian continued: So if using magic directly brings some long-term convenience to ourselves, then we have to bear the burden of returning this part of the savings ourselves.

She stretched out her hand and pressed gently on her flat chest: My physical defects have been a huge burden for me for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most serious pressure. But to cure it with magic is to use pressure to cover up the pressure. Short Time can bring about changes. If it lasts for a long time, as Taco said, it will gradually become overwhelmed in a continuous vicious cycle.

Heart disease makes it difficult to do strenuous activities. Do you still want to fight as a magical girl? Wan Yi said.

This is not for others but for myself. My level of cardiac insufficiency is much higher than it seems. But the enhancement that comes with my transformation can make me like a normal person, just for a short while. That's enough comfort. Dai Qian said with a smile.

Hearing this, no one answered and walked in silence for a while.

After the emotion had almost dissipated, Wan Yi spoke again: Then, what will happen if the magical girl's stress level exceeds the standard and is overwhelmed?

Naturally, no one answered immediately.

Until Chen Yiai said: It will probably become a pressure monster that is difficult to deal with, but it doesn't matter.

The stress monster will definitely be defeated by the magical girl in the end.

This sentence was not spoken out loud, but everyone present unanimously picked it up in their hearts.

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