My doppelganger drama

Chapter 228 The breakthrough in front of you

In the evening, Fang Donghao posted a large number of group documents in the group.

He summarized the terrorist attack cases in Fusheng City during this period, explained his ideas, and mobilized everyone to investigate together.

After being a little deaf and blind for many days, now there is finally a breakthrough, and everyone in the group who is almost ruined is eager to give it a try.

Many people have taken over several investigation tasks and are ready to find out.

However, only Captain Fang Donghao of Team C said that he would participate in this investigation. The other team members had their own reasons for not participating.

No one else had any objections. After all, this breakthrough was given by Fang Donghao, and Fang Donghao was the face of Team C.

After all, we are elites. After all, we cannot continue to be deceived. If we continue at this rate, we will be caught with some clues. Those elves don't look particularly reliable. Wan Yi looked at the chat in the group. Record said.

It was only a matter of time before the magical girl's affairs were discovered.

But there is actually not much time left. Even if they find the right direction, if there is no significant gain in the next more than half a month, they should choose to retreat for safety reasons.

Wan Yi has no plans.

It was their ability to investigate, and he had no intention of having fun watching others become dizzy due to memory loss.

Looking back, Brother Modern, how many pressure monsters have you killed recently? Wan Yi asked Brother Modern.

Brother Modern has begun to cooperate with Feng Xinyuan these days. Brother Modern will weaken the pressure monster as much as possible and then find Feng Xinyuan to kill it.

One problem is that Boundary Time and Space has the same habit of destroying things. It will not be so considerate as to design a task bar for you to tell you how many you have killed and how many are left before completing the task.

Therefore, it is still unknown whether this kind of killing by a magical girl is considered a pressure monster.

Only by killing a hundred people can it be confirmed.

I didn't expect the pressure monsters to be so easy to find. I've only killed twenty-three of them in the past few days. Counting the first one, there are only twenty-four. I don't know if the scene between the noisy monsters and the shut-up monsters counts. It doesn’t count.” Brother Xiandai said.

Does assisting a magical girl count as a kill? If so, to what extent does it count as an effective assist?

Nothing is said about the boundaries, so you can only test them slowly by yourself.

Wan Yi still wants to try and complete this task, a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. After all, it has been a long time since he has done a serious task.

As for the rest of the team, they no longer plan to carry out the mission. They have reserved nearly half of the time, but they have just scratched the surface.

Now I just want to collect a little more information.

With your efficiency, there are only twenty-three at this time.

Before going to seclusion to comprehend the field, Modern Brother had the highest attendance rate among all ordinary clones of Wan Yi, which was comparable to the professionalism level of Chen Yiai in Magical Girl.

Efficiency comes first, and there is no sense of ritual. In other words, his greatest sense of ritual is to shoot the target cleanly and neatly.

I can be more efficient, but Feng Xinyuan is not a tool that can be summoned at a moment's notice. He also has a temper, and he is not young at all. He even has to take care of children.

Speaking of taking care of the kids, what are you doing now?

Brother Xiandai was standing at the gate of the primary school with Feng Xinyuan at this time, and answered in his mind: I just finished a cooperation trip, and I am going to pick up the children and go home, and then have dinner.

You are so skilled. Wan Yi couldn't help but complain.

This is a necessary sacrifice. I have been teaching this kid to do his homework recently. Fortunately, he is not the kind of naughty kid who only knows how to play. Brother Modern said.

Come on.

Hyundai brother still pays a lot.

If the main body doesn't rest, the clone will naturally not rest either. Modern Brother is now living the ultimate animal life of working the night shift at university at night, looking for stress monsters during the day, calling Feng Xinyuan in the afternoon, and teaching his children to do homework in the evening.

After seeing Wan Yi's true form, he shed tears and shouted: Continue.

Brother Modern has learned more about Feng Xinyuan during this period. .

Her Guawazi's full name was Feng Yi. She probably followed her motherly instincts. Based on a small and non-malicious investigation by her clone, she learned that Feng Xinyuan was a single mother.

Feng Xinyuan's apparent identity is that of a well-known novel writer. He writes suspense novels, which are filled with a lot of black fantasy and unconstrained novels. The main theme is twisted and bloody, and basically no one of the protagonists survives in the ending.

It's hard to imagine that Feng Xinyuan, who was white and pink after his transformation, wrote this kind of thing.

Recently, Hyundai Brother Boredom bought a few books from Feng Xinyuan to read, and Wan Yi and the others also read them together from time to time.

Not to mention, it suits Wan Yi’s taste very well.

I particularly like the Wedding chapter, because I think it's great that the heroine collapses in her wedding dress and then goes on a killing spree.

Modern Brother and several other clones who had been reading with him recently talked about some plots with each other.

Feng Xinyuan's job gave her the confidence to be a magical girl while writing novels, and she even had time to go home and take care of her children.

Brother Xiandai made a few innuendoes at Feng Yi. The child was also educated to be quite sensible, and he didn't feel at all that his mother was too busy to take good care of him.

Modern Brother doesn't know whether to praise Feng Xinyuan for being awesome or praising Feng Yi for being clever.

Just as he was thinking about it, Feng Yi came out carrying a small schoolbag.

Mom, take my brother's place!

He said happily after seeing his mother and modern brother.

Feng Xinyuan went up and held the child's hand: Did you obey well in school today?


That's good. Did you ask the teacher to give you less homework? Brother Modern said with a bad smile.

Feng Xinyuan glared at him.

I didn't dare to say...

Don't talk nonsense to the teacher. Feng Xinyuan educates Wudi.

She realized that Modern Brother might have taught Ah Yi some strange thoughts.

I regret letting this person help with my children’s homework after school.

When I first proposed it, I just said it casually. Unexpectedly, this person immediately accepted it, and it has been done very well so far. The child's test scores even improved a few days ago.

Of course, sometimes you just have to keep your mouth shut and don't say weird things to your children.

I just let him say what he wants to say directly. At such a young age, you don't have to hold everything back. Modern Brother said lightly.

Feng Xinyuan didn't drive. She only had a small battery car. She passed the driving test but didn't buy a car. Of course she couldn't take Hyundai brother on the electric car when Hyundai was there.

Although she really wanted to take the baby away on her bike and let Brother Xian go on his own, but after all, she was in front of the baby.

The three of them walked home together.

As soon as Ah Yi arrived home, she ran all the way to her room.

Remember to do your homework first before watching TV! Feng Xinyuan reminded.

I got it!

I know it too. Brother Modern said.

Feng Xinyuan gave Brother Modern a look and went to prepare dinner.

Teaching a primary school student Wan Yi naturally comes at his fingertips, and he can use the goodwill gained from flirting with children to ignite his enthusiasm for learning, and his learning efficiency will naturally increase.

Of course, the premise is that the child is still willing to obey and learn.

It didn’t take much time to complete each assignment quickly, and finally I was left with a Chinese diary composition.

Children can use this kind of thing as they please, but Hyundai Brother doesn't pay attention to it.

Suddenly he was slightly startled, stood up,

Brother, where are you going? Feng Yi asked.

Go out for a walk. Do you have any snacks you want to eat? I'll bring you some. Brother Modern said.

We're going to eat soon, so we can't have snacks. This guy's answer was so official.

You can save it for after dinner.

Why do you want to eat snacks when you are full? Feng Yi didn't understand.

It seems that you still don't understand what it means to be hungry and what it means to be greedy. Brother Modern said casually, and then said, Then I will bring you some, but don't tell mom.

Okay! He said this, but the child immediately felt a sense of joy in looking forward to the gift.

Passing by the kitchen, Feng Xinyuan turned to look at Brother Modern and said, What's wrong? Has he finished his homework?

I'm writing my own essay in the end. Brother Modern responded and said, I'm going out for a while.

What to do? Dinner is almost ready.

My eyes and ears. Brother Modern said.

Feng Xinyuan frowned slightly.

An acquaintance of mine is coming this way. Please pay attention. The other person may have noticed something. It's not convenient for me to be there, so I need to get out of the way. Brother Modern explained in detail.

Okay. After communicating with Brother Modern these days, Feng Xinyuan also understood Brother Modern's position among people from other worlds.

They are probably restless elements who like to steal chickens alone when acting in a group.

But at least his character is not a big problem... he should be.

The cooperation was quite pleasant for the time being. One of the reasons why Feng Xinyuan's attitude toward Modern Brother improved was that Modern Brother was indeed doing practical things. He personally eliminated many pressure monsters until they were no longer effective before giving them to her to kill.

There is still a minimum level of trust.

After Brother Xiandai finished explaining, he opened the door and went out.

At the door, he quickly swapped places with a shadowing clone, and then the swapped clone transformed into a nightmare and sneaked around, disappearing into the building in the blink of an eye.

Brother Modern came to the tracking position and saw his captain Fang Donghao coming here with information.

Then, Hyundai opened his phone and called up the information that Fang Donghao had posted in the group, saying that he was responsible for it.

The bizarre terrorist attack that occurred in the second primary school of Fusheng City five years ago... The captain's vision is really vicious.

The second primary school in Fusheng City is the primary school Feng Yi is attending.

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