My doppelganger drama

Chapter 226 Is it normal for a magical girl to bathe in blood?

Wan Yi took Dong Kaimen and left the building.

There were already crowds of people below, and the school security guards gathered together with solemn expressions. Seeing someone else coming out, he quickly picked them up.

Wan Yi declined the help from others around him, and stayed away from the crowd with Dong Kaimen, sitting on the edge of a small flower bed and looking at the building not far away.

Wan Yi, I should surrender.

Ah? Wan Yi was a little surprised.

I am a monster. I should surrender. Only someone can control me... You are right, this is really not my business alone. Dong Kaimen lowered his head and stared at the dust on the ground. Stone chips.

You are not a monster, that monster was just born because of you. Wan Yi said.

That's also relevant. It's over, it's over. I may be arrested for doing research for the rest of my life, my freedom will be restricted, and my ideals and future will be gone...

Wan Yi looked at the trembling Dong opening the door and said casually: It doesn't matter.

How can this not matter! The other party looked at Wan Yi frantically.

Even without that monster, you have been having a bad life recently. If you are really taken for research in the future, wouldn't you be able to easily get rid of this embarrassing situation and experience another carefree life?

Wan Yi said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I can produce monsters, but they are not as good as you say.

For you, it's just going from one cage to another. Is it really necessary to resist like this? Just look at it. Wan Yi said with a smile.

Shut up! Dong opened the door and growled.

Wan Yi just smiled and looked at him: Didn't you realize that another monster came out of me?

Dong Kaimen was stunned.

It's all the same. It will end eventually. You'd better think about where you're going to go after taking leave during the next period of time. Wan Yi turned his eyes to the tall building in front of him.

Dong Kaikai's lips trembled and he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.


The tentacles made of black water were smashed into pieces, turning into weak water splashes and dissipating.

The Noisy Monster walked straight forward, and the sound of a chainsaw suddenly approached. Water ripples appeared on the wall beside it, and then with the splash of water, Chen Yi'ai's figure shuttled out.


The chainsaw passed by, and the Noisy Monster quickly leaned sideways to avoid the chainsaw heading straight for its head.

But Chen Yi'ai just made a fake move, turned around, pulled the electric saw, and followed up with the chop.


The chainsaw passed through the chest of the Noisy Monster, slicing open the purple-black skin.


Blood spurted out, but the Noisy Monster ignored his injuries. With a strange smile, he lowered his body and swept his legs, kicking Chen Yi'ai, and then followed up with a punch.

Chen Yi'ai was hit directly in the face, and his body hit the wall but seemed to be submerged in the water.

Noisy Monster touched the wall and said, Interesting magic.

The wound on its chest quickly filled and recovered.

It hurts.

It was the first time I was actually hit by that electric saw. Even if I just scratched it, I could tell it was really powerful.

The other person's ability is also a very powerful assistant in such a narrow and complicated place.

Strong footsteps approached from behind.

It turned out to be the shut-up monster who hadn't left the scene yet.

Don't you understand the difference in strength?

Still don't understand what it means to be afraid?

The Noisy Monster turned around and grabbed the opponent's fist, preventing him from moving forward.

Shut up! Shut up monster could only shout.

Stop screaming. You are weak. I am stronger than you. This is the fact at the moment.

As he opened his mouth and said this, the noisy monster's suppression of the shut-up monster became vaguely stronger. He let go of his hand and gave the opponent a slap, then grabbed the opponent's neck.

The tall body of the Shut Up Monster was actually lifted up by it with one hand.


Water splashed on the ceiling, and the sound of chainsaws rang in the ears of the two stress monsters.

Afterwards, at a speed that was beyond reaction, a large number of chainsaw injuries appeared on the pressure monster's body at the same time.

The Noisy Monster in particular received extra care, and several of its mouths were cut open.

Chen Yiai fell in the middle of the two. At this time, black thorns began to grow in her flesh and blood, followed by a sense of oppression that rushed directly to her face, which could not be generalized from her usual state.

This is more like a serious state.

The Shut-Up Monster punched Chen Yi'ai hard, but before it could get close, its thick arm was cut off, and then the chainsaw was pressed against its chest.

That layer of stone armor could only be said to be better than nothing. It was easily cut open by the electric saw and stabbed into the chest.


The amount of bleeding is still considerable.

Seeing this, the noisy monster raised his hands, opened his mouth on the palms of both hands, and said in unison: Arrow.

Two materialized arrow characters were spit out from the mouth, and then the strokes were reorganized to form two arrows that were shot forward quickly.

The black water waterfall falls from the sky and blocks the arrows.

Chen Yiai swings the electric saw.

The blood fell in an arc, and the Shut-Up Monster behind him became powerless and was about to fall down. The ground beneath it suddenly liquefied, and then its tentacles opened like flowers and then closed again.


It was like a watermelon that had been squeezed and exploded, with blood and residue flying everywhere.

Your style is much harsher than mine. A mouth on the Noisy Monster couldn't help but say.

Show me you're hungry.

How much can our body eat?

I don't know. Looking for a chance to try?

He was obviously still fighting, but the mouth on his body had begun to wander.

Chen Yiai walked through the water curtain made of black liquid and walked towards the noisy monster with a chainsaw: You won't have another chance.

That's hard to say.

Every opportunity is earned by yourself.

Chen Yiai smacked his tongue and started sprinting.

Are your legs cramping? A mouth suddenly spoke.

Chen Yi'ai didn't pay much attention at first, but a sudden spasm and pain in her legs slowed down her sprint.

When she slowed down, the noisy monster suddenly appeared.

Megaton punch! He shouted the name of a move in a certain game, and the muscles on his fist became hard and fierce as the name was shouted.

When the punch was about to hit, layers of water film enveloped Chen Yi'ai.

The Noisy Monster punched into the water, and layers of resistance continued to reduce the strength of the fist.

Then, Zhou Lulu jumped out from the side, holding an umbrella and kicking the noisy monster in the face with her legs.


The noisy monster was forced to step back and said with a smile:

This guy here finally stopped hiding.

In the game, it's reasonable for the auxiliary to hit someone more painfully than the main player! Zhou Lulu said.

Chen Yi'ai didn't say anything, and stepped hard on the ground with his cramped foot.

Along with a muffled sound, fine cracks appeared on the floor.

The chainsaw was fired again, and the thorns on Chen Yiai's body grew denser. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her eyes became even more chaotic.

The danger that Noisy Monster sensed from her continued to increase.

You're still getting stronger, and there seems to be no end in sight. Is this your ability? Just like the protagonist, it's a bit unreasonable. Noisy Monster said.

You know I'm the protagonist, why don't you die quickly! Chen Yi'ai said irritably. Her eyes were red, her pupils seemed to be dripping with blood, and her eyes were changing, like two roses in full bloom.

A scene in which a villain who arouses hatred is killed easily is not popular with the audience. Noisy Monster said with a smile.

Chen Yi'ai was the first to kill, and his speed was even faster. The noisy monster only reacted after being reminded by other clones, and he didn't even have time to open his mouth to release Xiao Yanling.

Zhou Lulu followed closely behind, and the two cooperated very well. It was obviously not the first time they collaborated against the enemy.

However, the Noisy Monster's ability is weird, and it still doesn't lose when one fights against two.

The three of them kept shuttling back and forth between the corridors, and the scale gradually became uncontrollable. Everything they passed was a mess.

The clothes of the two magical girls were still intact in this state. The noisy monster tore them into pieces several times, but they were restored to their original shape without even being exposed.

But their injuries are not that simple.

Zhou Lulu was accidentally pierced by the noisy monster's tongue arrow once. She didn't have time to dodge with water, and there was still a hole in her shoulder. Her recovery ability didn't seem to be as strong as Chen Yi'ai's.

And Chen Yiai relied on his strong physical fitness to attack without reservation.

The noisy monster saw the shadow of Dan's true body in her body.

It's a pity that the little girl is trying to hold on, while Dan's true body will only bully their clones.

Even so, the fact that he had been injured would not be easily erased. The wounds on Chen Yiai's body increased rapidly. Although his recovery ability was already very fast, it was still insufficient as the battle situation accelerated.

She was covered in blood at this time, and her black Gothic outfit had been completely dyed bright red.

Because the Noisy Monster tried to use its abilities to launch various attacks, the wounds on Chen Yiai's body were also various.

Minor abrasions, lacerations, burns, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, cuts, penetrating wounds.

With so many injuries, Chen Yiai remained silent except for occasionally replying to the noises made by the noisy monster.

As the battle progressed, Noisy Monster gradually began to admire Chen Yiai.

Originally, he was just a young man who relied on his ability to do whatever he wanted. Although he shouldered certain responsibilities, he was still unruly.

Now it seems that I really underestimated her.

The Noisy Monster also has a lot of wounds on its body, and its regeneration speed has also slowed down.

If it does not concentrate its thoughts to extract the pressure in the heart, its power will also weaken.

Most of the ordinary pressure monsters will only increase the pressure during the battle, and the more they fight, the braver they become.

But Wan Yi's noisy monster is obviously not.

It is the type that takes pleasure in fighting, so it becomes weaker the longer it fights.

This reduction is not significant.

But compared with Chen Yi'ai, it will lose sooner or later if the battle lasts for a long time.

Just when he was about to say something harsh and retreat, there was suddenly a sharp sound breaking through the window.

The white spiral arrow shot straight, illusory feathers flew, passed through the broken window, and hit the noisy monster in the head.


After the arrow passed through his head, it shot out, and the corridor behind him was destroyed by the hurricane.

This arrow is...Sister Xinyuan! Chen Yi'ai said after being stunned for a moment.

It seems that the general trend is that this scene should end here. The noisy monster has the big hole in his head, but he is not dead!

Its figure became erratic, and its body was shrouded in a shadow, like a dream.

Then he quickly disappeared and could not be traced.

Isn't he dead? Soon after it retreated, Feng Xinyuan's figure wearing a wedding dress appeared on the window frame.

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