My doppelganger drama

Chapter 218 A magical girl who becomes a mother

The pressure monster in front of me didn't cause much trouble at all.

There was some surprise. From a distance, the pressure on the opponent seemed to be quite high. I originally thought it would be a tough battle.

Feng Xinyuan straightened her long pink hair after transformation.

Wow, you are indeed the source of the heart, you can capture it at your fingertips. A little white angel-like elf flew out and said.

Feng Xinyuan did not respond to the compliment, and his attitude was a little cold and said: You take your time to clean up, I have to pick up Ayi.

Oh, go ahead and make something delicious for dinner! the little angel agreed with a smile.

Feng Xinyuan was about to leave when suddenly, she felt a peeping look.

She was keen and quickly looked back in one direction.

There she saw a man in a black suit looking at her.

Angie, there's a witness over there. She frowned and reminded.

Ah? Okay, I'll deal with it later! the little angel immediately replied.

No need to bother, I came here by myself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in a black suit with a slight scar on his face came to the two of them and said.

Feng Xinyuan and Little Angel were both startled. Feng Xinyuan immediately held the bow and pointed it at the man.

The man showed a hearty smile: Although the sudden appearance is indeed my fault, I still want to remind you not to point dangerous objects at me casually.

He reached out and tapped Feng Xinyuan's big bow: It will hurt.

Who are you? The little angel changed his meek attitude in front of Feng Xinyuan and asked directly.

I came here to date a superhero, but I didn't expect to date a cute girl?

Facing the scarred man's glib tongue, Feng Xinyuan said: Stress monster?

How can a stress monster be as serious as me?

Feng Xinyuan and Little Angel looked at the pirate man up and down, and then nodded: Although it doesn't look like him, it still feels like it.

The scarred man seemed not to have heard this and said, My name is Wan Xiandai. You can call me Brother Xiandai, or simply call me 'Brother Dai'.

So modern brother, what do you want from me? Feng Xinyuan said calmly, and so far he has not put down the bow in his hand.

Brother Modern looked at the magical girl in front of him, who was wearing a wedding dress but had a rather aloof temperament, and sighed.

It seems to be another type with a unique personality.

At present, I feel that she is much more reliable than Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu. The most important thing is her mature temperament.

Did you release the pressure monster just now? Feng Xinyuan asked.

Judging from her posture, she seemed to be planning to shoot him right through if he dared to respond.

Although I did do that just now... Halfway through the words, Modern Brother suddenly stepped forward and held Feng Xinyuan's suddenly tense arm, deflecting the angle of the bow, so that the bow and arrow she was about to launch could not be released, and then Only then did he finish the second half of the sentence, But actually it's not a stress monster.

What? Feng Xinyuan's beautiful eyes widened slightly.

At this moment, the little angel also realized something: What you said is true!

Yeah. Brother Modern nodded.

Feng Xinyuan looked at the little angel in confusion: Is he telling the truth?

Yes! Because the clearing magic I just cast failed to reduce the damage caused by the monster to zero! the little angel said seriously and a little panicked.

Hmm...huh? Huh? Brother Modern nodded again with satisfaction, and then suddenly realized something was wrong. He suddenly turned his head to look at the little angel and said: You just said that the damage cannot be reset to zero if it is not caused by the pressure monster?

The little angel was startled and shrank behind Feng Xinyuan: That's it...

Brother Hyundai took a look at the road that had just been cut by Mantis Wanyi, as well as several vehicles that had been cut into pieces, and he was speechless for a moment.

It's said that it can be cleared to zero, so that's why I'm so generous.

How dare this set of magic only target the effects of pressure monsters?

This time it was embarrassing.

It's okay, it's not us who did it anyway. A clone said in his mind.

Yes, didn't the culprit pay the price with his life long ago?

That's right, we all know the feeling of being pierced by thousands of arrows.

Please don't involve other clones in your clone's behavior.

Wan Yimen completely ignored himself in a few words.

A monster other than a pressure monster? Feng Xinyuan's expression suddenly became a little scary when he looked at Brother Modern. His originally delicate face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes widened slightly, revealing a terrifying aura.

Brother Modern felt an extremely fierce hostility locking him tightly for a moment.

He took a step back and placed one hand behind his back, which has become the barrel of a gun. As long as the opponent takes action, he will let the opponent know what it means to have a gun that is fast and accurate within seven steps.

What exactly are you going to do? Feng Xinyuan asked in a low tone.

I'm here to ask for help. Hyundai replied.

Feng Xinyuan's breath softened slightly: Help?

To be precise, I need the help of magical girls. For this reason, I am looking for magical girls everywhere. Because I don't have a good bottom line, I occasionally take more extreme measures. Brother Modern said after taking a look at the marks on the road.

Feng Xinyuan was silent for a moment and said, What do you need the magic girl's help for?

Help me hunt down the stress monster.

Feng Xinyuan turned around and said: I refuse. Although the pressure monster is a monster that must be killed, our actions are only to maintain the weak balance of reality, not to hunt for other purposes.

Hey, it's not what you think. I also hate pressure monsters, but I don't have the ability to kill them, so I can only rely on you.

You're full of hypocrisy. I won't get along with you. Just disappear before my eyes. Feng Xinyuan turned around and left.

Can't you just think of me as a friendly facilitator? Or an informant?

You are just a villain who released dangerous monsters on the street. You have nothing to say. Feng Xinyuan said without replying.

Brother Modern stayed in place, while Feng Xinyuan left quickly. Little Angel Anji also quickly followed Feng Xinyuan, not looking at Brother Modern anymore.

Does this person seem to have a sense of justice?

The sense of justice, not necessarily. If it was a pure sense of justice, she wouldn't keep you now.

The clones discussed.

Justice does not need to be too pure, and the requirements for heroes should not be so harsh. The modern brother and god kept saying.

You are the one who is disliked and disgusted. Shouldn't you criticize her and say harsh words at this time? A clone said with a smile.

Hey, magical girls are precious animals at the moment. Every one counts, so let's observe them first. Brother Modern said, looking at Feng Xinyuan's disappeared back.

After releasing the transformation, Feng Xinyuan was as graceful as when she transformed, but her clothes were a bit plain. Her large clothes covered her outstanding figure, and her heavy eyes also covered her beautiful face.

She quickly came to a residential complex and then drove out on a battery car.

Wan Yi, who was responsible for tracking her, followed her steadily, using nightmare transformation to greatly weaken her sense of reality to avoid being discovered.

Feng Xinyuan came to a primary school.

It's time for school to end.

Pick up your brother? Wan Yi guessed.

Then he saw a child trotting out from the pile of children waiting for parents to pick him up at the school gate.


Ah? Wan Yi was confused.

Mother? !

This magical girl becomes a mother! ?

After the age-old magical girls who were college students, is there finally a true, mature magical girl who becomes a mother?

Wan Yi felt shocked, but after thinking about it, it made perfect sense.

Zhou Lulu and Chen Yiai became magical girls in junior high school and high school respectively, but reality is not a children's unit drama, and all events will not be solved step by step in a short time in a drama.

Girls who are heroes will grow up and lead different lives.

But even so, there may be a considerable number of girls who have not completely given up their responsibilities as heroes.

Perhaps Feng Xinyuan is such a magical girl.

She hugged the cute little boy, and with Wan Yi's meticulous observation, she could immediately recognize the similarity between this child and Feng Xinyuan.

That's right.

Ayi, are you good in school? Feng Xinyuan showed a motherly smile that was completely different from when she was a magical girl.

Well! I was very active in class! The teachers praised me! the boy called Ayi said to Feng Xinyuan.

So good, Ah Yi is great. Feng Xinyuan rubbed the child's head and asked him to sit in front of him.

The battery car turned around and headed home.

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