My doppelganger drama

Chapter 216 Manually Late

Wan Yi looked at the monster that was knocked away by his soul blast.

At this time, he can observe the existence of the pressure monster more comprehensively.

Then he was surprised to find that the pressure monster did not have a soul. The entire existence felt more like an independent and highly active spiritual body.

But I can't sense where the source and anchor point of this spiritual body is.

How strange.

The damage he just caused was like a punch on the plasticine, slightly changing the shape of the plasticine, but the piece of plasticine itself did not suffer much damage, and it quickly returned to its original shape after being kneaded.

I can't kill it, so I'll leave it to you. Wan Yi said to Yi Ai.

Before Chen Yiai had time to say anything, the Shut Up monster shouted Shut up and rushed forward.

Avada bites the big melon! The soul-eating wand in Wan Yi's hand lit up with white lightning, shot out from between the wand and struck the monster.

The monster's body shook and was imprisoned in place by white lightning.

Chen Yiai was surprised by Wan Yi's performance, and Wan Yi said: What are you doing standing there in a daze? It's not really a big deal. Let's get rid of it quickly.

Hearing this, Chen Yiai rolled his eyes at Wan Yi and pulled the chainsaw.

The bright red light flashed on his legs, as if giving him some kind of blessing, and then he jumped out with an astonishing speed. His figure seemed to disappear in an instant, passing by the imprisoned monster and coming behind it.

There was a short pause.


The monster was cut straight from the middle, and blood sprayed all over most of the classroom.

Wan Yi put away the soul-eating wand, not dissatisfied with the blood all over his body, and straightened his clothes.

It's really strange that the spiritual body can explode so much blood every time.

One love! Pink Bunny Xiaoduo once again arrived in time when she was needed.

Then it saw the two people sitting in a pool of blood with presumptuous postures.

He's finally here. His body is covered in blood and dirt. Please help me clean it up quickly. Chen Yiai said.

Me too, please. Wan Yi also gestured and said.

By the way, why is the teacher here again!

Because I am a teacher and this is a classroom. Wan Yi said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Xiaoduo was confused: Huh? That seems to be the case.

Now I can't even take this class. Wan Yi said sadly, looking at the empty and messy classroom.

It's okay! Everyone will come back after I clean up everything! Upon seeing this, Xiaoduo quickly comforted Wan Yi.

By the way, Xiaoduo, your ability shouldn't be able to turn back time and can only clear out signs that something happened, right? Wan Yi suddenly asked.

Yes, it is said that only some very powerful magical girls can do the magic of turning back time. Xiaoduo rubbed her hands.

Wan Yi glanced at Chen Yiai next to him.

Chen Yiai wrinkled his nose: What are you doing? I'm not that type. What does it have to do with whether I'm powerful or not?

Although Wan Yi wanted to say that he had never seen Chen Yiai use magic, so far he had only used a chainsaw to cut it in place. But just in case I get scolded, forget it.

What Wan Yi thought about was still behind.

The students returned to the classroom one after another, and their expressions were a little panicked and confused.

There was only one Chen Yi'ai sitting in the classroom. The others glanced at Wan Yi, who looked gloomy on the podium, and felt a low pressure that enveloped the entire classroom.


Of course, their memories were all deleted by Xiaoduo just now, and they now have no memory at all of their previous encounters with monsters.

So why are they still panicking?

Because they are late.

For them, after their memories were deleted, they collectively forgot that they had classes in the afternoon, and everyone was more than twenty minutes late.

Even though the psychological counseling class is a fishing class, it is somewhat outrageous that only one classmate showed up and the rest were all late.

When everyone was almost there, Wan Yi looked at his watch: Well, it seems that the students have some serious opinions on my psychology class. I'm nearly half an hour late. Have you all agreed on the consensus?

The students did not dare to breathe.

It's okay, don't be so scared, I won't eat you. Wan Yi smiled and said, If you all agree on the same tone, explain it to your class teacher later. Next, I don't want to see anyone If someone touches a cell phone in my class and is caught, you may have to write a few more reviews. Do you have any opinions?

How dare you have an opinion?

Well, students, let's start class now.

Wan Yi smiled with satisfaction.

In the following time, they will have to listen to Man Wan Yi's oral PPT, and it is estimated that in the future, they will not dare to make too many mistakes in Wan Yi's class.

After class, they did not leave. The class teacher stood guard outside the door. After apologizing to Wan Yi, he was ready to go in and criticize them.

Wan Yi walked briskly and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Chen Yi'ai.

As the only student who was not late, she naturally did not have to be criticized.

The PPT is so painful to read.

You can actually see that I'm reading the PPT? Wan Yi was surprised.

To be precise, you are indeed following the recitation, you are just proficient in memorizing it. Chen Yi'ai said, You can see it after a little comparison with the content of the PPT. What's so surprising?

That's it, it's okay. Anyway, there is no shortage of bastards like me in any industry. Wan Yi said.

Are you really a psychology teacher? You can't say such things to students, right?

Actually, we studied folklore in college and became a psychology teacher out of nowhere. Wan Yidao.

It's hard to find a job in that kind of major.

What is your first thought when a student learns about a teacher's profession? This era is really realistic. Besides, am I not a teacher?

Does your being a psychology course teacher have anything to do with folklore?

It really doesn't matter.

After they both took a few steps, Wan Yi asked: Do you know the specific way the pressure monster is born?

Usually it is born naturally. It may be due to personal pressure or collective pressure. Chen Yiai replied.

What's the difference between the two?

Collective pressure is just like the moneyless pressure monster last night. It is often large in number and has a deep and wide influence, but the entity is not very strong and it is difficult to eradicate through ordinary killing. Chen Yiai said.

As for individual pressure, the direction of the pressure is clear, and the scope of influence may not be large, but the entity is generally relatively powerful. As long as it is killed once, it is equivalent to decompression, and it will not be born again for a while.

What did the gorilla say?

Characteristically, it looks like personal pressure, but the resurrection speed is too fast. It only comes twice a day, unless its special ability is to resurrect quickly... But it doesn't feel like it. Chen Yiai thought.

After the birth of the pressure monster, will it still have a big relationship with me? Wan Yi continued to ask.

The relationship is not that big. Although it will still be affected by my own pressure, it is essentially like we are strangers.

That's it.

In this case, the suspicion of Dong Kaimen has not been ruled out.

Wan Yi asked a clone to stare at Dong Kaikai, but when the monster came over just now, there was nothing wrong with Dong Kaikai. I didn't see any unusual movements on his part.

Although Wan Yi basically believed that he was the source of the pressure monster, after all, the two consecutive inexplicable attacks could be logically matched.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that the source of long-term stress is Dong Kaimen's current situation.

But what caused a serious increase in pressure in the short term was Wan Yi's failure to run away.

Isn't this all your problem? a clone said darkly.

Yes, it was you who verbally attacked me twice in a row.

He even captured him and pushed him to the ground.

Didn't I give him a lollipop as compensation? Wan Yiyi said indifferently.


Wan Yi looked at Chen Yiai and said, Have you ever seen the birth process of a pressure monster?

The person who answered his question was not Chen Yi'ai, but Xiaoduo floating next to him: The natural birth of a pressure monster is usually invisible to the naked eye. Under normal circumstances, even if a pressure monster is born next to ordinary people, ordinary people will not be able to see it. Not aware of it. It won’t be recognized until the stress monster actively interacts with the surrounding environment.”

Ah, strange and troublesome characteristics have been added. Wan Yi said with a slight frown.

Teacher, if you ask so many questions, do you have any clues about the possible source of this pressure monster? Chen Yi'ai asked aloud.

Wan Yi looked at her.

This girl has a very keen sense of smell, and her temperament is far different from that of ordinary college students.

There is indeed a guess, but before that, I want to talk to Zhou Lulu first. Wan Yi said.

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