My doppelganger drama

Chapter 211 Memory Deletion

Did you just come back from Comic Con dressed like this?

Teacher, you seem to be a serious person, so you know about Comic Con.

Teacher, you're not very young. Do you know that Comic Con is weird? And what does this have to do with being serious?

That's right. You're so young that people would think you got into this university because of your connections.

This girl's mouth is really rare and poisonous.

Wan Yi thought, looking at the girl's chainsaw.

The casing of the chainsaw is red, but there are cute stickers on it, including rabbits, bears, pigs, and several pink hearts.

It would be really cute if it wasn't attached to the chainsaw.

Teacher's psychological quality is really strong. You are not afraid at all when encountering something like this. You dare to come close. Aren't you afraid that I will chop you to death? The girl suddenly said some scary words.

Aren't magical girls cute and just?

Teacher, do you think I'm cute?

It's alright. It might be better if you don't have a mouth.

Teacher, you are very honest. Yes, I am beautiful and cute, but we are not just. We are just here to kill time, so sometimes it is normal to accidentally kill people. After all, we are not professionals.

You are not professionals, so are there other professionals who can deal with these things?

No. Because the so-called professional things can only be dealt with by unprofessionals like us.

With that said, the two left the administrative building and went out through the open window on the second floor.

The girl jumped out and landed lightly, followed closely by Wan Yi. Seeing Wan Yi's strong figure, the girl was a little surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions.

One love! At this moment, a little thing flew over from outside.

It looked like a two-headed doll, a pink rabbit, with small wings floating on its back.

Wan Yi looked at this little thing with some curiosity.

Even though she is a magical girl, there are elements of a Q-kid as expected.

Rabbit, delete this person's memory. The girl said in a very rude tone.

This is not the tone that Q baby should have towards his cute little friends, and there is also memory deletion, so there is indeed talk about the aftermath. No wonder this girl was willing to talk to Wan Yi so much before.

Why are you there again? Can you please restrain yourself a little bit? Little Rabbit said with a sigh.

Who told you to give me a chainsaw? the girl known as Ichiai said as she picked up the chainsaw with dried blood.

I'm only responsible for giving you strength. What the strength becomes is your fault! I've said it many times!

The little rabbit defended and flew to Wan Yi: I'm sorry to make you spend a frightening night, Mr. Teacher, go back to sleep now.

Is there any room for maneuver? Wan Yi asked with a smile.

I'm sorry, the less you know about this kind of thing, the better, because just knowing it can easily cause stress. Little Rabbit actually didn't delete the memory without saying a word, and even explained patiently.

It always feels like something similar to hospice care.

Then what if I insist on not cooperating? Wan Yi asked.

Teacher, you can't run away. Ichiai just said this.

Okay. Wan Yi calmly accepted the reality.

The little rabbit stretched out his little hand.

When Wan Yi's eyes were completely filled with white light, his mind suddenly went blank.

But as soon as this gap appeared, a large amount of memories flooded in again, and the memories from the clones simultaneously filled the gap again.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was already lying on the bed.

It was already light outside the window and it was daytime.

It seems to be a technique similar to hypnosis. It deletes the memory and allows me to return home by myself. Wan Yi said after recalling it.

The memory was just deleted because the clones filled it back in sync. In the end, I still couldn't get a full night's sleep. Wan Yi scratched his hair and said.

Wan Yi took a look at Brother Modern's situation.

I found Hyundai brother clocking out from get off work.

Of course, Hyundai Brother himself was able to deal with the stress monster neatly.

But looking back on last night's situation, it was not easy to say.

Normal attacks cannot cause effective damage to the pressure monster. Modern Brother repeatedly shot the pressure monster to death and beat it into a hornet's nest. In the end, it always got up again.

For a moment, he thought that there was really no other way and he was ready to withdraw first.

But after finally trying to use domain suppression, I unexpectedly found that it was successful.

So I finished the evening shift leisurely and clocked out on time in the morning.

What can be known from this is that normal attacks are obviously ineffective against pressure monsters, but the effects of using fields are.

This is not good news, because for outsiders like them, this condition can be said to increase the difficulty in front of them.

Wan Yi has not forgotten what Huang Pu said at the beginning.

The field is not accessible to everyone. Normally, it takes five qualitative changes to reach the threshold.

And it’s just touching the threshold.

One branch that breaks away from the conditions is a hundred pressure monsters, and there is an insurmountable high wall in front of you.

At this moment, Wan Yi's cell phone rang. It was Fang Donghao.

Hey, Captain.

Wan Yi, there aren't any problems around here.

Everything is normal. Wan Yi said.

Okay, then let's gather together first.

Well, it's rare that the time of coming in this time is not synchronized with the time of the outside island. Wan Yi said this after thinking for a while.

Normally, if there is a clear time within the boundary, it is mostly close to the approaching sky island.

Yes, noon has turned into morning. This characteristic usually indicates that the depth of the boundary is unusual. Be prepared.

After exchanging pleasantries, the call was hung up.

Wan Yi looked out the window.

The actual arrival time should be early last night, right? The sun was rising outside.

Because the phone does have the numbers of teammates, the boundary should indeed treat them as a group of people.

Wan Yi has never heard of such a thing that the boundary will put people in the same batch at different times.

Then rule out the possibility that there is a problem with the basic rules...

Could it be that everyone was thrown into the pressure monster last night, and those who were unlucky died, while those who were lucky met a magical girl and were rescued and had their memories deleted?

At least Wan Yi himself and Hyundai Brother faced pressure monsters from the beginning.

In fact, Wan Yi was waiting for Fang Donghao and the others to call last night.

But I didn't wait until dawn. I came now at dawn.

This boundary is getting interesting. Wan Yi said.

After washing up, I put on a white shirt and black slim-fitting pants and went out.

He checked his class schedule. Today, his class is in the afternoon, which is a mental health counseling class.

At first glance, it sounds like a very exciting course for everyone in college.

He left the community where he lived on foot and headed towards the appointed place.

Although it is dawn, the world still looks a bit gloomy, as if a gloomy filter has been added to it.

The gathering place for more than a dozen people was at the Seaside Park in Fusheng City.

Modern brother and Wan Yi arrived at about the same time one after the other.

However, the atmosphere in Team B and Team E seems to be heavier.

Okay, everyone is here. Fang Donghao said.

Wan Yi glanced at the other two teams and understood after hearing Fang Donghao's words.

The staff was reduced as soon as I came in.

Originally, the three teams totaled more than a dozen people, but now it seems that three people have been lost, Team B has lost one person, and Team E has lost two people.

It's a pity that this happened just after entering the boundary. Fang Donghao said.

The captain of Team B shook his head, looking quite melancholy, but his mood was stable: Who knows the high-depth boundary, huh, the most important thing is to find a way to stay alive first.

Team E had just seen a reduction in personnel, and they all looked ugly. When they heard what the captain of Team B said, they just nodded.

Can't get in touch? Wan Yi asked aloud.

The vital signs have disappeared. The captain of Team B gestured to an electronic device worn on his hand, which seemed to be used to detect the vital signs of the team members.

The life lamp I lit here has gone out. The captain of Team E also said, his method seemed to be more mysterious.

Wan Yi glanced at Fang Donghao.

Why doesn't my captain have something like this to confirm whether his team members are alive?

Fang Donghao whispered: It was my negligence. Mainly because I have never formed a team of more than three people before and rarely use it.

Wan Yi tentatively accepted it.

Three members were lost at the beginning. This boundary is very dangerous. A member of Team B said, Can we go back? It should be enough to know that this boundary is very dangerous.

The morale of Team B and Team E was not very good to begin with, and now they are reluctant to quit.

But Fang Donghao sighed and said: Although you may think that I can stand and talk without back pain, but because my team is well prepared in all aspects, we plan to continue exploring.

No one else spoke.

After all, what we really have to say now is that the other two teams are attached to Team C.

Then according to the previous agreement, if any of your members want to withdraw, please use the escape beads of each team to leave. Fang Donghao added.

After hearing this, the two teams held a discussion.

What is surprising is that it seems that the captains of the two teams convinced the others and chose to stay all.

Then let's discuss the course of action first.

It was said to be a discussion, but basically Fang Donghao assigned the tasks. Since there were no problems in the first place, the other teams had no objections.

The first is the specific depth of the detection boundary. Fang Donghao has already assembled the instruments for testing, and the results will be out soon.

After that, everyone tries to integrate into the identity given by the world.

The course of action of this group of elites in the high-depth boundary is somewhat different from what Wan Yi has seen before.

The people I met before basically put profit and efficiency first, and completely ignored their boundaries and identities.

But these people advocate integration and not act rashly.

However, they must keep in touch with each other and their arranged partners every two hours.

The partners are reorganized every twelve hours, and the captain of team B will edit a program and put it into everyone's mobile phone.

If there is any abnormality, do not contact them rashly, stay away immediately and report it.

During this period of time, Wan Yi didn't speak, but he also fully confirmed that for others, it seemed as if they started in the morning instead of early morning.

Their memories have probably been deleted.

These people are basically all experienced professionals, but they don't feel anything at all.

Moreover, as soon as everyone entered the boundary, they encountered ghosts in the early morning, followed by amnestics.

The bad taste of this boundary is really beyond imagination.

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