My doppelganger drama

Chapter 205 The Blessing Named Azula

She came to know the world very early.

It probably started when I was in my mother's womb.

But at that time there was only darkness, she could not recognize anything, could not move well, her body was filled with fluid and she could not breathe.

Despite this, she did not resist. On the contrary, when she first became conscious, she felt very warm and safe, and did not want to go out.

Unfortunately, she soon left this first and last swaddle for her.

The girl named Azula came to this world unhappily.

Not long after she was born, she felt what pain was.

When she was hit by the sun, she immediately burned up and almost disappeared.

It was an unpleasant birth experience. She fantasized about when she would be able to return to her previous safe haven. At the same time, she watched an old man holding her little hand and repeating I'm sorry over and over again.

She didn't understand, she wanted to go back, to her mother's womb.

Her body grew at an abnormal speed, and after only one month of breastfeeding, she could no longer drink the unpleasant stuff, so she bit her mother's skin hard and sucked her mother's blood.

That time, the mother endured the pain and finished breastfeeding as if nothing happened.

But the old man immediately realized the abnormality and forbade the mother from continuing to nourish her with blood.

The old man tried various methods to hope that she would eat other things, but her reaction became more severe from the disgust at the beginning, and she even began to feel nauseated and had strong vomiting and other physiological reactions.

Really unable to bear it, she caught a bird herself while no one was paying attention.

Although there were a lot of feathers, the taste was weird, and the quantity was average, I was able to drink blood at least.

Because she didn't hide much, when she was found, everyone was stunned.

As a result, she was strictly confined, and the windows in the room that were already protected from light were nailed shut, and she was not allowed to go out all day long.

She's unhappy, she wants to go out into the world, nights make her come alive, and as long as there's no damn sun, she's just like a normal person!

The old man brought fresh blood from livestock every day as her food.

But she soon got tired of it.

She began to recall the taste of her mother's blood.

But she also knows that blood is very important to people and she cannot drink it casually, which is a pity.

She later discovered that she had a sister.

In fact, she often saw her, but her mother and the old man attracted most of her attention before, and it was only later that she noticed this sister who looked so similar to her.

Smooth black hair, beautiful face, healing smile...

Best of all, she was free to run outside on the lawn, play with friends, and soak up the sunshine.


They are obviously biological sisters, but why can't she do it, but her sister can.

Disgust, hate.

However, she slightly discovered that she seemed to be able to do things that normal people couldn't do with seemingly ordinary blood.

Relying on this power, she secretly caught birds for food through the cracks in the nailed windows.

There are also occasional bats.

She was not hungry, and the blood provided by the old man every day was enough to satisfy her appetite, but her deeper hatred could only be vented through this form.

One day, the sister went out to play without telling the family and came back very late, making the family anxious.

The family was very worried, but also very angry. They called my sister a bad boy and left home alone for disobedience, which was very dangerous.

Azula didn't understand why the other party had everything she wanted but still ran away, but this incident made Azula understand something very important.

It turns out that she still has the option of becoming a bad boy.

The fragile door could not stop her strength. She left the mansion at night and played freely outside.

She was discovered by a servant who wanted to inform her father and mother. She wanted to stop him, but he accidentally killed her.

It was a pity, but she didn't feel anything. It was like squeezing a bird to death.

She returned to the house before sunrise.

But soon, the ferocious-looking old man came over and loudly asked her why she ran out without authorization and killed people at will.

She was so frightened that she couldn't say anything.

The old man drew his sword and put it on her neck, but in the end he left without doing anything.


Why? Why? Why?

Isn't it because of your imprisonment that I want to get out? If you let me go free, I won't accidentally kill that person, right?

Just a human life...

Obviously you don't do this to your sister...

Did that old guy want to kill her just now?

No...she hasn't completely seen the outside world, she can't die here.

Before the other party takes action, she must take action first!

The old man was very powerful, and there were many things she had never seen before. She originally thought that other people were fragile, but the old man was obviously not.

She was seriously injured and only killed a few servants before escaping in disgrace.

Damn old thing.

But the best news is that she ran out and the world outside is free to her.

After playing outside for a long time, when I was hungry, I grabbed a few people to drink some blood.

Feel free and feel at ease.

But... I can't find any friends.

My sister has many friends, but she can't find any of them.

These people were too fragile and would break at a touch to be her friends.

So, she divided her own blood and found that it could make people as powerful as her.

She was very happy, and she suddenly created many such people, or the same kind of people who gave her a certain sense of belonging.

However, she was not satisfied because these people were in awe of her and would not dare to say a word unless she spoke when they saw her.

Is boring.

This group of people probably can only help with running errands.

Originally, she was ready to take revenge.

She must make that old thing look good and destroy everything he cherishes.

However, she suddenly discovered that the family seemed to have adopted a little boy.

He has distinctive red hair and is very good-looking, but he looks dull.

He is very sensible, and he will try his best to fulfill all the requirements that the people of that family place on him.

He said very little else, but when he saw Meili, he would call her sister.

She realized that she should also be the sister of this cute child.

Damn Meili, it always disgusts her in a place like this.

She was a little envious of such a sensible and lovely brother. He was a little bored, but he sincerely repaid the family for their help.

She should also have such a good brother.

She was so obsessed with watching her brother grow up that she suddenly lost track of time. Several years had passed.

My brother has grown up, but he is still good-looking.

Occasionally, she would rely on her strength to touch his side, take a close look at him without being noticed, or hug him when he was sleeping, sleep with him, and then leave before he woke up.

It lasted a long time.

Until one night, the old man told his brother about himself, smearing her past wantonly, and even wanted his brother to run away with Meili.

This moment sparked her anger.

The dream she had been immersed in her brother was shattered, and she returned to reality.

She wants revenge.

Kill this family, especially this old guy, and Meili, and then take your brother away.

As for whether this will make my brother feel uncomfortable, it doesn't matter.

A long time will erase all the pain and make him immortal, and only each other will be left in the eternal future of the two.

She will satisfy Rhett's needs and become his support.

Everything goes smoothly, the Fieldstone family is destroyed, and all her unpleasant past is left behind.

The damned man is dead and his dear brother is here.

However, it was a little unexpected that her brother turned herself into the same kind. This did not make her unhappy, but she was even more surprised, thinking that this was God's will.

Although, he cried very sadly because of Mei Li's death.

However, it should be fine. She gave her brother time to relax, and the time between the two of them will be long, long.

In the long days that followed, my brother seemed to gradually forget about that sadness.

Just as she thought, the pain would only be temporary, and the wound would eventually close. For vampires, there was no such thing as permanent scars.

She often hangs out with him and takes him around.

He should be very happy.

But, sometimes, my brother would adopt some children.

She was not happy because she was the only pillar of Red's life, and everything else was unnecessary impurities.

In order to make him understand her feelings, she gave him some profound lessons.

It’s normal for older sisters to educate their younger brothers.

Anyway, time will kill everything.

She firmly believed that she and her brother would stay like this forever, forever.

The two of them will experience the vicissitudes of life, see all kinds of things in the world, and live forever and ever as each other's support.

If there is an end to time, it will be to the end of time.



Azula fell to the ground, and the thorns around her became brittle and the petals began to wither, signaling that its owner was reaching the limit.

Rhett knelt on her and stabbed the sword into her heart. The previously suppressed spell emerged from the heart again, but this time, Azula could no longer suppress it.

The witchcraft spell suppressed the power of her blood, and the virulent blood invaded her body.

Her regeneration ability has reached its limit, and she has reached the end of her life. still can't let go... Azula's voice was weak.

Time cannot heal everything...

Red let go of the hilt of the sword, and his body was a little weak. He leaned down, looked at Azula at close range and said, At least for me, a hundred years is not enough.

I'm dead, what should you do... Azula still had a glimmer of light in her eyes and her lips moved slightly.

Rhett did not answer immediately, but turned his head and looked at the hole that was opened by the thorns in the battle just now. The Witchcraft Castle has not been reorganized, it is open there, and a gleam of light is about to peek out from the mountains in the distance.

Dawn is coming. He said softly with a relieved smile.


Kira stumbled over and shouted.

Red turned his head, looked at Kira, and said without waiting for her to continue: In the town where we first lived, there was something in that old house that could mend your arm.

Kira was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: What are you talking about?! Do you think I care about that arm?!

But I care. Reid said.

Kira was speechless.

I'm sorry, I killed your father and lied to you all the time. I can't give you any compensation, it can only go so far. Rhett continued.

Kira pursed her lips, her eyes were red, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Afterwards, Rhett looked at the people in the Dawn Club who were confused throughout the whole process.

Well done. At least you have never given up for such a long time... There may have been filth, but it can't change your determination on the road. Rhett commented.

Korkus opened his mouth, but no words came out. In the end, he could only salute to Red.

The other masters of the Dawn Society also followed suit and saluted.

At this moment, dawn comes and the sun shines.

Red's body began to burn.


Rhett had closed his eyes, but suddenly a sharp pain made him open them again.

Azula straightened up like a flashback and bit Red's neck directly.

Rhett immediately tried to push her away, but he only touched a ball of white liquid!

You betrayed me, and you want to retire in the end, put aside all the sins you have committed, and commit suicide at the last moment of successful revenge?

Azula's voice sounded in his head.


A person without a pillar of support is like a zombie in the world. This is what you said...

Azula's voice contained a hearty smile, hatred, and strong reluctance.

I'm going to torture you...just like before, just like every time before. Let you never get what you want, and live in this world like a zombie forever after leaving everything behind.

Let you watch the vicissitudes of life around you, things change, familiar people leave one by one, experience countless pains of separation, and walk alone to the end of this world.

Time can't erase all pain. This is what you told me. Ha, I understand.

Rhett's pupils trembled.

Unable to move his body, he watched helplessly as all the white liquid entered his body.

All the evil blood transformed by Azula was poured into Red's body, filling every corner of his body, wrapping, filling, and replacing all his organs!

Azula successfully controlled the evil blood, only at this last moment!

The sun is no longer scorching and becomes warm.

Body tissues no longer burn, and all consumption is restored as before.

Even the severe pain caused by the dysplasia disappeared.

Rhett, was not killed by the sun.

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