My doppelganger drama

Chapter 198 Repertoire: Positioning

But wouldn't it be dangerous to explore the unknown boundary? After all, I don't know any information, so I'm basically blind. Xu Shen said doubtfully.

If it is an unknown abyss boundary zone, then I will definitely not recommend it to Wan Yi. Chen Changcai said to Wan Yi, But in normal boundary zones, there are few high-depth boundaries, and there is often a certain distance at the entrance. performance, reducing risks to a certain extent.”

Chen Changcai picked up a few dishes and continued: Then, there will naturally be safety belts. Generally, when participating in such exploration missions, props for forced escape will be prepared.

Forced separation!? Is this really possible? Xu Shen was immediately surprised.

For him, the mechanism of boundaries is currently a natural law of the world.

Directly challenging this rule is somewhat beyond imagination, and if such a method existed, there would undoubtedly be a significant reduction in the life-threatening cost of exploring the world.

After all, a large part of the danger of the high-depth boundary lies in the fact that people cannot easily escape.

It is possible. After all, there must be a large number of people willing to study the method of saving lives. In the long run, it will not be difficult to gain something. Although it is valuable, exploring unknown boundaries is very important to the urban collective. This aspect cannot be omitted. .”

Chen Changcai said eloquently.

Then can I go? Xu Shen was a little eager to give it a try. When the risks were under control, curiosity and suicidal thoughts would come to him. This is how people are.

This... Chen Changcai showed an embarrassed expression.

It's not impossible. As far as I know, the Exploration Association also sends related tasks to ordinary refugees. The rewards are high contributions and some actual rewards. However, the tasks themselves have no guarantee. Those things are just a big pie for most refugees. If you can come back alive, it will be considered life money for you.

Wan Yi took a spoonful of soup and put it into his mouth and said.

Xu Shen was dumbfounded, and Chen Changcai couldn't say anything in this regard.

Now that Gui Yiyi is in the honeymoon period of cooperating with the city, he has to move his butt to the city side, and there are certain things that he cannot say casually.

I have been promoted from a low-level migrant worker to a high-level migrant worker. While my status has increased, I am not as comfortable as before.

He looked at Wan Yi.

It seems that Wan Yi is basically being pulled by him, and even so, he seems to be unmotivated, but he has reached the point where he is now, and he probably has a deeper agreement with Wan Yi's thoughts.

However, Chen Changcai was determined to climb up, and it was just an occasional sigh in his heart.

What's the reason for recommending me? Wan Yi asked Chen Changcai.

Chen Changcai was extremely benevolent to Wan Yi. Although Wan Yi often helped him get a lot of face as his younger brother, he also always deliberately tried to win over Wan Yi.

Generally speaking, Wan Yi would not let Wan Yi do anything that was too dangerous. This had nothing to do with whether he believed in Wan Yi's ability or not. It was purely a question of whether he was a kind friend or not.

Wan Yi prefers the distance between him and Chen Changcai, which is very comfortable.

But this time it seems a little different.

Chen Changcai didn't mean to hide anything, and said: The city will enter a new development period after reconstruction. We are recruiting people and intend to recruit a large number of outstanding refugees.

Who is interested in me? Wan Yi said.

Yeah. Chen Changcai nodded, The higher-ups have taken a lot of lists of high-quality refugees. Some of them are directly planning to recruit, and some are controversial, so we plan to give them a chance.

Wan Yi consulted his clone and found out that it was indeed the case.

This involved some intra-city fighting.

After all, the previous attack on the sea monster boundary zone did not directly cause the 014 Sky Island City to be shuffled, but it undoubtedly caused a certain degree of personnel replacement.

Some people desperately need to gain a foothold, while others want to expand their power and therefore need more strength.

It has been said a long time ago that refugees are a very easy force to win over. For many refugees, there is obviously no reason to refuse this kind of invitation from above.

Why me? Wan Yi felt that he was showing off enough.

As long as you have performed well, it is impossible to remain unknown. Moreover, you have also joined Gui Yiyi and made great achievements in the recent extermination of the evildoers. It is difficult for some people with a keen sense of smell to miss it.

Then are you here to be a lobbyist for someone? Wan Yi asked.

It is true that someone knows that I have a close relationship with you and asked me to help with the matchmaking. I refused, but I still want to ask about your intentions. After all, this is indeed an opportunity. Even if you are not willing to be absorbed by the city, the benefits of exploring unknown boundaries are Does exist.

I know. Wan Yi responded casually, holding a spoon in his mouth.

Chen Changcai didn't seem to care much, so he didn't say much.

After the meal, Wan Yi said goodbye to the two of them.

After returning home, I went directly to the theater.

Rhett was the only one in the theater today. He did not sit in the audience, but just stood there, looking at the stage quietly.

Red? What's wrong? Wan Yi walked over and asked.

Red probably knew Wan Yi was coming when he heard the door open, but then Wan Yi called him, so he turned around.

His beautiful ruby ​​eyes stared at Wan Yi quietly. After a long while, he said: You are here, troupe leader.

Wan Yi noticed something was wrong: Are you going to do something?

Rhett said: The time has come. According to the original notice, I am here to become the leader of the Yiyi Theater Troupe. It's a pity that the others are not here, but that's okay.

His eyes returned to the stage, still with a gentle smile on his face.

Wan Yi was silent and then smiled: That's it. I wish you success.

It will definitely succeed. Rhett said flatly.

Then I will stay here during this period.

It won't take long, Red said firmly.

After saying that, he left the theater through the side door.

Wan Yi stared at his back for a long time, until he disappeared into the darkness behind the side door and was completely invisible. Then Wan Yi came to the bookshelf and pulled out Red's script after a long absence.

Since Rhett's last preview, he had tacitly not opened Rhett's script again.

Think of it as an important moment to leave everything to Red.

Opening the script and putting it on the table as usual, Wan Yi fiddled with the quill.

Bring some luck to Rhett.

Take a seat in the audience.

Just like when he watched Red walk out of the stage alone, he was the only one in the huge theater.

At the opening, the sound of a steam train was heard. Before the screen lit up, the name of a city appeared first in the darkness - Cain.

The meaning of this name is unusual, but in Red's world, this is a fairly developed city.

It is ancient, but after the impact of the Industrial Revolution, some old castles were pushed down under the craze and completely new cities began to be built.

Using new materials and different tools.

Some people are afraid and some are fanatical. This city is so complex and full of contradictions.

However, it is really well developed.

Wan Yi remembers this city, which used to be Azula's old nest, but after the bloody battle of the Dawn Society, the city ended its days of being ruled by vampires and ushered in the dawn.

Dawn will wipe away all the blood of the night, and no one will know the gloom of the city's past.

After this city emerged from the ancient horror legend, it obviously found its own sunshine avenue with some luck.

The picture looks from the mountains outside to the city, followed by a loud whistle.

A steam train rolled into the city with a terrifying noise.

In a private box in this train, Rhett took his direct subordinates to sit on the seats.

Rhett was reading the newspaper, while Kangnai was looking out the window curiously.

Cain City, it is said that this was once the city of relatives. Kangnai said.

Just say it in front of me. If someone says that to you, don't answer. Rhett said without raising his head.


Azula doesn't like talking about it.

Understood. Kangnai followed Red and met the ancestor once when he was a child. Just standing there, the pressure from his bloodline almost caused him to suffocate to death because he forgot to breathe.

After that, Red didn't take him to see Azula again.

But that has undoubtedly become one of Kangnai's shadows.

If the ancestor doesn't like it, then it is a taboo and cannot be violated.

Is the whole family dispatched this time to regain this shameful land? Kangnai said after swallowing.

If an old residence is taken back from humans, if the whole clan still needs to attack, then it seems that there is no need to keep it for several generations in the clan. Rhett said coldly.

Kang Nai shuddered.

We have more important things to do. We'll bring you here to get settled in advance. Don't be impatient and stop your curiosity. In the end, Red just said this, which made Kangnai calm down.

I understand. Kangnai stopped looking out the window. After stabilizing his mood, his eyes became serious and determined like Rhett's.

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