My doppelganger drama

Chapter 197 Eyes

Are you awake? There are not many Protestants like you who react strongly to the baptism for the first time. Perhaps just like your sincerity, you have a unique talent.

When Wan Yi came to his senses, he found that he was lying on a small bed.

The guide stood beside the bed, still unable to see his face clearly.

Did I just? Wan Yi was a little confused.

You passed out during the baptism, but it is obvious that you have accepted the great connection. The next thing you have to do is to strengthen this connection. You need more eyes. The guide said.

Thank you. Although Wan Yi didn't quite understand what happened, he still said.

The other party nodded slightly: Put the teachings, accessories and clothes here. Don't make it too public in the city. You are very talented. Remember to come here every Saturday to participate in prayer. You may gain something.

After saying that, the other party opened the door and left.

Wan Yi fell directly onto the bed.

He didn't really listen to what the priest who was leading the way just said. After his mind recovered from the huge shock, he continued to discuss related matters with his clones.

What did you just say?

Your physical condition.

How am I doing now?

Very good, but you were forced to change your character three times.

Forced qualitative transformation? What is this? I just completed the second qualitative transformation not long ago! This clone was separated from the main body during the first qualitative transformation, and it just underwent the second qualitative transformation of itself not long ago.

Although the number of pieces he ate was not as outrageous as that of his modern brother, it was not a small amount, and he was not planning to undergo a qualitative change three times in a while.

In the end, he was confused and changed his character three times?

Is it because of 'junk files'?

That's right, Brother Green Devil just tried it with other avatars. These 'junk files' loaded in through the so-called blessings are, in a sense, a special kind of 'fragment'. Under the influence of these blessings, ordinary people will Directly triggering a qualitative change, and not to mention the intensity of this qualitative change, the priority is very high, and I don’t know what the restrictions are yet.”

The little princess spoke aloud.

Is it related to the big eyeball I saw?

Wan Yi thought of the so-called sensory sublimation, when he caught a glimpse of the line that connected him and outlined the pattern of his eyes.

Have self-awareness boundaries.

The abyss boundary zone...

The sea monster boundary zone where the consciousness has just begun to emerge, the Zerg boundary zone where the internal dream consciousness merges and conquers, and the void boundary zone where the situation is complicated.

Wan Yi's speculations about the relationship between the so-called god and the abyss boundary zone seem to be close to home.

The gods believed in by the worshipers are probably these boundary zones that gave birth to clear wills.

These boundary belts accept the worship of various people, and can even give feedback to their beliefs, grant them strength, and carry out qualitative changes that can be said to be out of thin air for people.

Then why is it that the Spider God's blessing is so good, but the big eyes just explode?

The little princess and I and everyone Wan Yi repeatedly analyzed the situation when you changed qualitatively, and came up with the most likely guess. The voice of the Green Devil said.

I see. Having said this, Wan Yi also directly synchronized the relevant content.

The difference between the blessing of the big eyeball and the blessing of the God-killing God is that while it gives the hostage a one-time transformation, it also allows people to experience sensory sublimation. The starting point of this sublimated sense is vision, and it gives this kind of The method of higher vision is very crude, that is, using more eyes as consumables, allowing you to see everything at once, but only for a short time.

The effect of this guidance is related to the number of eyes.

And even though you only have six eyes...

But in your mind, you have the eyes of all of us.

Therefore, the blessing and guidance given by the Eye of All Things was like igniting an extremely huge powder keg. At that moment, the visual sublimation of all Wan Yi probably reached a point where even the Eye of All Things itself was shocked.

Fortunately, it was only for a moment.

This was the first time that Wan Yi's collective consciousness was overwhelmed by the huge amount of information.

The God of these boundary belts really has two brushes.

Wan Yi stood up and said, So, the teachings of the Hundred Eyes Sect can't be considered wrong?

That's true, but for ordinary people, it's probably too difficult to see clearly.

But it seems good to us. The pictures we saw before are of great research value! The little princess looked very happy.

Indeed, if we don't talk about other things, let's talk about some of the most basic uses. By searching the memory, we can draw a map of a large area of ​​​​the sky island at a glance. Green Goblin added.

This alone is already valuable.

It has been a long time since he came to this world, and Wan Yi has not even seen the whole world in the true sense.

It just happened by chance.

The clone stood up, went to the cabinet next to it, picked up the teachings of the Hundred Eyes Sect and flipped through it at will: The future of this sect is indeed much brighter than that of the Spider God.

Then there is a badge. The symbol on the badge is a pair of overlapping eyes.

The last thing is the clothes.

Wan Yi had no intention of putting it on directly, so he picked up his things and prepared to leave.

But halfway through, he passed a mirror. He was stunned for a moment and then came to the mirror and took a closer look at his eyes.

His eyes changed.

The pupils of each eye became four, and they were all connected.

The two eyes add up to eight pupils.

Those six eyes ended up here. Wan Yi blinked.

If you don't look carefully, most people won't be able to detect the abnormality in his eyes.

Thinking about it, he didn't pay much attention and left the room.

Outside is the former church, which is now deserted and everyone who needs to leave has already left.

Only a few people remain, and they seem to be quite religious.

When Wan Yi passed by, they greeted Wan Yi politely.

He left the church, and it was slightly light outside.

Before he knew it, he had survived another night.

But the so-called day and night, the difference is not that big to Wan Yi.

Dawn United, Free Sky Island No. 014.

There have been many things going on recently, and Wan Yi hasn't had dinner with Chen Changcai for a long time.

It happened that everyone was free today, so Chen Changcai made an appointment and Wan Yi came out.

And today there are not only Wan Yi and Chen Changcai, but also a little comrade Xu Shen that everyone likes.

I met it on the way and brought it along the way.

Since we met, the quality of the places we eat has been constantly improving. Wan Yi said, flipping through the menu.

The place where Chen Changcai was treating today was a restaurant in Xinxi District.

Most places in New West District are new now, and this restaurant is also quite new. The decoration looks very high-end, and you can also see some dishes with special effects on the menu.

This special effect is even marked on the menu, and it is cooked using similar special cooking techniques in some works.

Very good, whets the appetite.

If your living skills are advanced to a certain level, you can easily support yourself in this world.

It can save a lot of the cost of putting together the complete pieces to a certain extent.

Doesn't this also mean that we are getting better and better? Chen Changcai said with a wink, and his eyebrows looked really nostalgic.

Thank you, Brother Chen! Xu Shen was a little cautious in front of Chen Changcai.

It's okay, just eat whatever you want. You're still growing. Eat more and you'll grow taller. Chen Changcai said with a gentle smile.

What's the matter with the tone of relatives and elders taking care of their children during the New Year's reunion dinner?

Everyone eats together harmoniously and chats about recent events, just like an ordinary gathering of friends.

By the way, the situation has stabilized now. The city has started the boundary reconstruction project not long ago. At the same time, the boundary changes have basically been determined. The city will be completely unblocked in no more than a week at the latest. While eating, Chen Changcai let him go. Big news.

But Wan Yi already knew this.

But Xu Shen was pleasantly surprised: Really? That's so good! I almost suffocated to death!

Aren't you working under the Rainbow Society? Wan Yi asked.

In the construction of the New West District, Rainbow Club recruited a large number of refugees to help.

Refugees are very cheap and work hard. Wan Yi from the Rainbow Society all said they liked them after using them.

I am overqualified for things like moving bricks! Xu Shen is still very confident in himself, which is a good thing.

But that being said, Wan Yi saw from the perspective of the clone's supervisor that Xu Shen was still working very hard on the construction site. The foreman's clone was even moved and asked him to work more overtime and get more wages!


Yes, I just want to ask this time, do you have any ideas about the detection of unknown boundaries? Chen Changcai asked Wan Yi.

Unknown boundaries?

Wan Yi has heard about it, but has never really come into contact with it.

The boundaries he has entered so far have been explored, and the information about the worldview is basically clear.

But it is impossible that when the boundary first appeared, it would have its own panel to inform the public. Information and intelligence were all discovered by people.

After this incident in the 014 boundary zone, there are still many unknown boundaries in time and space that have not yet been discovered. The recent reconstruction and development trend of the city is good, and the Urban Joint Exploration Association is ready to carry out relevant exploration and development. Chen Changcai said.

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