Chapter 91 Skyrocketing value

Before they knew it, they saw it in the middle of the night as soon as they watched TV.

Just fell asleep together on the sofa.

It’s almost two o’clock.

Situ Xue’s phone rang.

It was from Zhao Yang.

He has already received Wu Ma over there.

Situ Xue suddenly lost sleep.

I got up to clean up, and waited for another half an hour~about.

Zhao Yang’s car returned to the villa.

Situ Xue greeted him out.

Take over the old man assisted by Zhao Yang.

Both of them were a little excited.

“Mother Wu, you are tired of -!”

Ma Wu looks white on her temples, but she walks smoothly, but her legs and feet are obviously a little unstable.

On his face, there was a black and purple five-fingerprint that hadn’t been erased.

“Xiaoxue, it’s me who dragged you down. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have to compromise like that family.”

“It’s okay, Madam Wu, someone is cheap and you can get it. This time, even if I withdraw the complaint, Murong will not think about getting it right.

You will be at ease with me from now on, no one can bully you anymore!”

“Okay! I am relieved to see you like this! In fact, I have been trying to come to you for the past few years, but they watched so tightly that they didn’t let me go out at all. I knew they were not at ease. Threaten you!’

“Everything is over. From now on, the Situ family will never have anything to do with me. Wu Ma, you don’t have to think too much!”

Situ Xue was completely relieved now.

Ma Wu seems to have suffered some sins, but if she is intact, it is better than anything else.

A group of people just entered the house.

Situ Xue’s phone rang.

“Then dead old woman, have you received it? Don’t hurry up to the police station to withdraw the complaint!”

There was an extremely impatient voice on the other side of the phone.

“Excuse me, I remember I said, if there is anything to Wu Ma, you will be responsible!”

“What’s the matter with her? Didn’t it come to you completely, damn girl, don’t play tricks with me, otherwise, even if you have some capital now, don’t think about it!”

“My Situ Xue always talks and counts. When the person arrives, I will fulfill my promise, but the crime Wu Ma suffers cannot be for nothing. Just wait. When the injury on her body disappears, when will I go to withdraw the accusation!”

“Dare you! You must go right away!”


Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Situ Xue hung up the phone directly.

Then he turned off the machine and threw it aside.

“Xiaoxue, is the second wife again?”


“Xiaoxue, you have to be careful. I have heard about you recently. You know the personalities of the people of the Situ family. I heard them discussing what you are from the Situ family. Yours is theirs. Yes, it seems to be against you!”

“Heh, Madam Wu, don’t worry about this. Now it is a society under the rule of law. They still want to do the same set of things before. It is simply unattainable. I want to see how they turned my Situxue’s things into theirs! ‘

Situ Xue sneered, and said solemnly.

“Okay, Xiaoxue, you have grown up now, you have an idea, then Madam Wu can rest assured!’

Ma Wu nodded with relief.

Situ Xue embraced Wu Ma’s shoulders and introduced Dai Xiaomeng and Ye Tian to her.

“Mother Wu, this is my sister, Dai Xiaomeng.”

“Hello Mother Wu!”

Dai Xiaomeng screamed sweetly.

“Oh, okay, what a handsome girl, she’s so pretty!”

Wu Ma boasted.

“This is Xiaomeng’s dog, his name is Boss!’

“Boss? This is a good name, boss, hello, can you shake hands?”

Looking at Ye Tian with a smile, Wu Ma teased.

Situ Xue shook her head quickly.

“Mother Wu, the boss is not an ordinary dog. I can be regarded as Jiaenren, my relatives and Xiaomeng’s relatives. You can’t treat it with ordinary eyes!”


Wu Ma blinked her eyes a few times, and she didn’t understand what Situ Xue meant.

Fortunately, Ye Tian is not the kind of person who is cold to everyone.

Since it is Situ Xue’s relatives, it’s just a hand shake, it’s not a big problem.

Thinking about it, he took the initiative to stretch out his paw towards Ma Wu.

In this scene, there was a burst of joy on Situ Xue’s face.

Boss, this is completely for his own face, his hand, even he, has not taken the initiative to shake it.

Then, Situ Xue introduced some of Wu Ma’s men.

This welcome is over.

Everyone went back to rest one after another.

It was not until noon the next day that everyone was awakened by a cry of surprise.

Take a look at the door.

Zhao Yang was already sitting in front of the computer with excitement on his face.

“Mr. Xue, it has gone up, it has gone up again!”

Situ Xue smiled slightly.

“Isn’t this what was expected? How much did it go up?”

“you guess!”

Zhao Yang suppressed his excitement and raised his eyebrows.

…0 Seeking flowers………

“Doubled again?”

Situxue opened her eyes when she looked at the other person’s appearance.

“It’s more than doubling, directly twice, now there are six types of money in one share! God, Mr. Xue, what kind of fairy stocks have we bought! It’s too abnormal!”

Situ Xue swallowed.

Ding Ding Ding ran down the stairs.

Look at Zhao Yang’s computer.

The bright red numbers made her face unbelievable.

You know, a normal stock that rises by 10% a day can already be called a daily limit.

What is this now?

Two hundred percent!

That own worth!

“Congratulations to Mr. Xue, who has officially entered the ranks of tens of billions of billionaires!”

Zhao Yang’s face flushed, as if the person who entered the ranks of the ten billionaires was himself!

Of course, he himself didn’t make any less. He bought 1.5 million yuan, and now it has doubled six times in total, that is to say.

He is almost a multi-millionaire now.

How can I be unhappy.

Of course, besides him, Ye Tian and Dai Xiaomeng are also real big winners.

A total of about 300 million yuan has been invested, and now it has risen to 1.8 billion.

They are the real miracles.

Situ Xue can earn so much because she is a billionaire herself, and the starting point is so high.

And Dai Xiaomeng.

A few days ago, I couldn’t even pay the rent.

Now suddenly sitting on 1.8 billion.

This has to be spread, and I am afraid that the whole world will cause a sensation.

At this moment, Dai Xiaomeng felt as if he hadn’t awakened at all.

What you hear in your ears is like dreaming.

1.8 billion?

What concept?

Even if she dreamed, she had never dreamed that she could have such wealth.

How many lifetimes will it take?

As for Ye Tian, ​​he was much more calm.

Except for the state that I feel floating when I walk.

No sadness or joy on his face.

オ 1.8 billion only, my goal is 100 billion!

“Situ Xue! Get out of me!”

Just when everyone is still immersed in joy.

Outside, there was a sharp shout suddenly.

Everyone frowned.

They turned around and looked around.

What happened in the past two days?

Someone bothers every time. NS,

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