Chapter 75 Boss, marry your girl

Villa Situ Snow!

The position has just been closed at the fastest speed.

Needle falling inside the villa can be heard at this moment.

Because human desires are endless.

The people in the room were asleep except for a certain heartless dog.

Others dare not show up.

Just like that, the market after the closing of the warehouse is so stubbornly.

One minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

The morning market closes!

There is no change in the index.

No further increase!

It also means that there is no regret!

This time, all profits were taken in full!


There was a cheer.

Everyone couldn’t stop raising their fists and shouting towards the sky.

What is a miracle?

This is the real miracle!

Generally, people who play with high leverage do not immediately close their positions as soon as there is a turmoil.

And the others, they used ten times leverage to insist on the whole morning market time.

Faced with the daily limit again and again, I forcibly held back.

In the end, this miracle was created.

Two billion!

Situ Xue has made money for so many years of hard work alone.

It’s not as short as two hours.

This is the real desperation.

This is the real gamble.

“Mr. Xue, we won, we really won!”

“Well, thanks to your help, this is the glory of everyone!”

Originally wanted to pretend to be forced, but looking at Zhao Yang and the others’ excitement and unsustainable looks.

Situ Xue nodded heavily.

Then, she couldn’t help looking at her sofa with excitement.


Walked to the sofa.

White hands stretched out slowly.

Then, it was inserted into Ye Tian’s armpit like lightning.

Directly wake Ye Tian who was still asleep from the dream.

Then, he found that his body was completely empty, spinning with Situ Xue’s rotation amidst cheers.

“Boss, we succeeded! It’s all your credit!”

With laughter, Situ Xue was happy like a child. Holding Ye Tian, ​​I can’t help turning around!

Ye Tian is full of black lines.

Nothing to be happy at all.

I was afraid that if Situ Xue’s arm was unstable, she could throw herself away like a sandbag.

After a long while.

Enough wicked women are crazy.

This stopped.

He hugged Ye Tian and fell on the sofa.

“Boss, honestly, are you the God of Wealth going down to earth! Leaning over the dog!”

Ye Tian gave him a white look, showing an expression of mental retardation.

“Huh, you don’t need to hide it, I know, you must be! Do you think I need to make a tablet to offer you in the future?”

“Two hundred and five!”

“Two hundred and five is two hundred and five. As long as you win every day like today, what you want to call me! You can call me a wife!”

Situ Xue smiled openly on Ye Tian’s face and took a sip.

“Boss, the index has risen, but the international light hasn’t risen yet, is it this afternoon?”

Ye Tian shook his head.

“No? Why didn’t you let me buy it?” 330

Situ Xue said in surprise.

But Ye Tian couldn’t speak, how could he tell her the exact answer.

Situ Xue was also aware of this problem.

Asked again.

“Then, will it rise, right?”

This time, Ye Tian nodded without hesitation.

“Yes, it’s going up, right?”

Ye Tian nodded again.

“Okay! Boss, you are really my God of Wealth, if you can’t, I must give you up!”

Said jokingly.

Situ Xue looked like Zhao Yang.

“Zhao Yang, contact Emgrand and ask them to send five top chefs’ set meals right away. In addition, another ten catties of chilled A5 wagyu beef, as long as they are chilled, not frozen.Starting today, my boss will only eat A5 Wagyu!”

“Good Mr. Xue! Do you need some wine?”

“Nonsense, celebration party, don’t drink too much, but don’t drink too much later, there is still something to do in the afternoon!”

“no problem!”

Zhao Yang’s face was filled with joy, and he was on the phone quickly.

Happiness is so sudden, it’s not a good meal, extravagant, and there is no place to vent at all.

“Sister Xue, you dote on the boss so much, if you lose your appetite in the future, how can you fix it!!

Dai Xiaomeng smiled at the moment, leaning against a person and a dog, pretending to complain.

“Are you still afraid that you can’t afford it? Little Meng, you are now a rich woman worth half a billion, so you still have to worry about these problems?”

Dai Xiaomeng sticks out his tongue.

“Sister Xue, what are you talking about? How come I am a wealthy woman worth half a billion, and 2 million is half a billion!

“Before this morning, it was 2 million, yes, but now, your total assets are 42 million. Rounding up, I said there is a problem with half a billion?”

“42 million? What do you mean?”

Dai Xiaomeng opened his eyes.

“Your boss, yesterday afternoon, he bought a 2 million market index with ten times leverage. You calculate it yourself. By closing the position just now, did you make 40 million?”

“Well? Isn’t that Sister Xue’s money, how can it count as mine?”

“The money in that account, I said from the beginning, all the money earned is yours, you won’t forget it?”

“You know, you know, but, haven’t you already transferred 2 million to us? The two million in there is yours!”

“But the actual operation is the boss’s operation. If he doesn’t operate, the 2 million is still the 2 million. It is precisely because of the boss’s operation that I have the determination to win the battle to 2 billion. You said, this 40 million you Should I take it?”

“this ”

Dai Xiaomeng swallowed.

The previous 2 million had already entered, making her seem to be dreaming.

Now that 40 million are coming in at once, some are not surprises, but shocked.

From being as poor as a house, you can’t afford to pay the rent.

How long did it take for me to be worth ten million?

Two days?

In this world, is money so easy to make?

Seeing Dai Xiaomeng’s dull eyes.

Situ Xue let out a laugh and touched her forehead.

“Little girl (cabj), what are you thinking about! Isn’t more money a good thing?”

Dai Xiaomeng couldn’t laugh or cry: “It’s good, but it’s completely different from making money in my imagination.”

“I have always dreamed that I would earn enough college tuition, then study hard, find a good job after graduation, and then save money to buy a small house so that the boss can live a good life. But now.”

While talking, Dai Xiaomeng smiled bitterly again.

The dream is shattered!

Situ Xue also chuckled.

Li Li Lou Lou Ye Tian.

“Then there is no way, who wants you to be such a boss, you can’t be low-key, and the strength is not allowed!

“So, now you have to set up a new life goal, university, you must still go to it, but it is not to find a good job in the future, but to improve your knowledge literacy, just look at the university to see if there are any handsome guys. Talk about a love”

“Two hundred and five!

Situ Xue didn’t finish speaking, but Ye Tian, ​​who had not expressed his opinion, suddenly stood up and issued a national curse.

While cursing, his eyes widened.

Situxue looked blank.

It took a long time to recover, and blinked a few eyes.

To Dai Xiaomeng said: “It seems that your boss is not allowed to fall in love!”

“I, I didn’t want to talk about it!”

Dai Xiaomeng blushed.

Situ Xue laughed, looking at Ye Tian’s angry look, she couldn’t help but mischievously said: “Boss, you are not allowed to fall in love with your girl, do you want to marry your girl?”


Ye Tian was dumbfounded when he was asked!

To be honest, he has never considered this issue.

Because as a dog, he never thought about that in his life.

But now…

Ye Tian looked at Dai Xiaomeng subconsciously.

This innocent and pure girl has been experiencing ups and downs with herself since her rebirth.

Before I knew it, I had already regarded her as my dearest person.

He hasn’t considered whether to marry or not for the time being.

But just now Situ Xue said that when she let her fall in love.

Ye Tian knew that he absolutely disagrees.

Therefore, this question seems to have an answer at the moment.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian swallowed.

Then she saw Situ Xue’s playful smile, and she turned her head quickly, not daring to say anything.

“Xiaomeng, you see your boss is shy!”

“Sister Xue! What are you talking nonsense! If you talk nonsense, I will ignore you!”

Dai Xiaomeng had experienced this kind of ridicule, his face was red with ears rooted, and he stepped on his feet shyly.

“What’s the matter, a good dog like the boss, as long as he wants to, even I want to marry him, it is better than marrying a beast like Murong Bo!”

“You say yes, boss!

Situ Xue picked her hair nonchalantly, and cast a wink at Ye Tian.

“Two hundred and five!”

Ye Tian glared at her, then opened her mouth to curse.

My previous evaluation of this woman was indeed correct, it was really evil.

Let’s see what kind of messy things I taught my girl.

Can I marry if I am like this?

If you want to marry, don’t you have to become a human being?

Zhengguo cursed.

Suddenly, Ye Tian stopped.

Become a human!

This question is critical.

What I thought before was how to become a human being.

But after the scene just now.

Ye Tian’s unprovoked sense of crisis is even stronger.

My sister is now an adult.

It is inevitable to fall in love and get married. If you don’t hurry to become a human being.

I can only watch my sister fall in love with others.

No, I want to make money, I want to make money at the fastest speed!!!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian stared.

Regardless of Zhao Yang’s eyes.

Sleepy also woke up.

Jumped off the sofa and ran towards Situ Xue’s computer.

Then, staring at the market chart looks like.

Situ Xue was puzzled and looked at Ye Tian’s change.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

Could it be that the boss has any inspiration?

Situ Xue also followed if he was busy or not.

But he found that Ye Tian was staring at the stocks of International Antenna.

“Boss, is there any problem with this stock?”

Ye Tian nodded.

“what is the problem?”

Situ Xue frowned.

This stock is now the key to its own counter-attack, and it can’t go wrong.

Ye Tian was inconvenient to speak, so he had to click the name of the stock with his paw.

Situ Xue hesitated for a moment.

Seems to think of something, sit down quickly.

Search for the term international light.

Soon, information about this company was found.

Situ Xue showed Ye Tian page by page.

Ye Tian browsed carefully until he saw the content he wanted, and then hurriedly touched Situ Xue.

Then he stood up, his paw pointed at the content to be said.

Situ Xue read to the text description.

“International Light is a semi-circulation company dedicated to the research and development of communication technology! The company has 7 shareholders, of which ”

After reading it silently, Situ Xue hadn’t figured out the problem.

Ye Tian has placed the paw on the semi-circulation again.


“Boss, do you mean that there are still most of the stocks of International Light, which have not flowed into the market??”

“And this part of the stock, we can think of ways to continue to win?”

Ye Tian nodded teachable.

To tell the truth, dealing with this evil woman is really quite worry-free.

For many things, she doesn’t need to guide herself, so she can react quickly.

Otherwise, someone who can’t change his mind can come here, and I’m afraid I’ll be caught and sliced ​​for research when I’m not sure.

Situ Xue’s eyes sparkled a little at this moment.

Needless to say, Ye Tian has already inquired about relevant information.

For example, how many shares have been issued by International Light and how many are in circulation.

How much is out of circulation.

The remaining shares are concentrated in those hands.

Zhao Yang looked at the interaction between Ye Tian and Situ Xue in amazement.

It was only at this moment that they realized that Situ Xue would hug the dog for the first time after making a profit.

It’s not without reason.

In front of me, I can really understand computers and stocks.

This is too amazing.

However, seeing Situ Xue’s concentration, several people couldn’t be idle anymore.

After asking clearly what needs to be inquired, I also helped to find it.

I have been busy for almost an hour.

The customized feast for the celebration banquet was delivered.

They were pushed in with a dining car with flowers.

Situ Xue stopped her movements and clapped her hands.

Arrange the service staff to put all kinds of big meals on the large dining table of the villa.

The celebration banquet officially began.

Today’s celebration banquet is not as lively as yesterday.

But everyone here is heartily happy.

The food has a special fragrance when it is eaten.

I was going to drink a few glasses of wine, but was kept until the evening.

Because everyone knows that after eating, there are still very important business affairs to be busy.

Experienced the scene of the market index.At this moment, Zhao Yang and Lin Lan Lin Meng had no doubt about Situ Xue’s decision.

Xue always believes that this stock will rise, so there is definitely a chance to rise.

Once it rises, this may create another round of miracles.

Because of this stock, it has really fallen to the bottom line.

They have bought stocks for a lifetime, and they have never copied such a limit.

If this rises, the profit will be absolutely considerable.

A satisfying meal.

Everyone started to get busy again.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost time to open the market.

Zhao Yang first heard the news.

A major shareholder of International Light has been contacted.

What makes everyone speechless is that this shareholder has no shares in his hands!

I found out as soon as I inquired, it was less than half an hour before.

Someone bought all the stocks in his hands at a high price.

Heard the news.

Situ Xue was dumbfounded.

In addition to himself, who else would care about such a company that is about to fail?


Situ Xue ordered again.

“Although this is bad news, it is also good news. The reality is that some people have paid a high price to buy shares, which proves that this stock has attracted attention. It may be a prelude to the upcoming rise.

Zhao Yang, you are responsible for contacting the other shareholders, Lin Lan Lin Meng, the stock will open immediately, don’t do anything, just use the stock of International Light!

“Yes, Mr. Xue!”

When the three of them heard this, the panic on their faces disappeared. Start doing things.


Zhao Yang passed the previous shareholders and contacted several others.

The news is that the shares in his hand have been bought at high prices.

At present, the entire International Light Group truly holds 30% of the largest shareholder, but because he is in the research institute, he can’t find anyone at all.

Things will be difficult now!

Situ Xue listened to Zhao Yang’s communication with each other.

The eyebrows are slightly trimmed, and the nails pattering on the table.

Before you know it, the stock market has opened.

There is no movement in the green international light.

“Zhao Yang, try to see if you can contact the last shareholder of the research institute!”

“Mr. Xue, there is really no way. I just tried to ask everyone who knows the situation, but I can’t get in touch. I heard that the shareholder is a technology-based shareholder, but his project has invested a lot of money until now. I saw one, so the international light became what it is now.

As for the other shareholders, they all felt that they had been fooled, and now they were even unable to see the other party, so they all transferred their shares in anger.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for us to take shares from him!

What about the person who bought their shares? Can you find it?


Suddenly, Zhao Yang’s expression changed a little weird.

“What’s the situation, just say it, why do you hesitate?”

“When I inquired about the news, I already knew who it was, but Mr. Xue, I think you better not know.”

“Is there anything I can’t hear? Who the hell is it?”

“It’s Murong’s family!”

“What? Murong’s family? They are also eyeing this stock? How could it be possible, don’t they know that this is a urging stock?”

“I really don’t know this, but I heard that the other party has spent three times the market price and forcibly bought all the uncirculated shares, and the current possession is at least two or three times ours!

“Damn it! How could this happen! Murong Bo, that bastard, what on earth want to do!”

Situ Xue’s face turned dark, and she cursed.

Ye Tian was listening to the ins and outs.

After hesitating for a while, suddenly something seemed to come to mind.

He let out a light bark, which attracted Situ Xue’s attention.

The latter lowered his head.

What I saw was Ye Tian shaking his head slightly to himself.

“Boss, are you telling me not to worry?”

Ye Tian nodded.

“Oh, how can I not be in a hurry? I just pointed to this stock to counterattack. Now Murong Bo has a higher share than me. Even if I make money, he will definitely make no less than me. Buy him, there is nothing It makes sense!”

Ye Tian saw that the communication was unavailable, and stood up.

The nail is on the word “buy”.

Situ Xue frowned slightly as she looked at the two words.

Just when she was puzzled.

Suddenly, a 100 million sell order appeared on the trading interface.

“One hundred million shares? There are still people who have stocks in their hands and haven’t sold them!”

Situ Xue was shocked.

I ordered the purchase almost without thinking.

Then, less than three seconds.

Another 100 million shares were hung up!

Oh My God!

What’s the situation!

According to the data analysis just now, the number of stocks that are still uncirculated in the hands of retail investors in the market is not at most tens of millions of shares.

200 million shares

Suddenly, Situ Xue’s eyes stared.

“Murong Bo!! Is he making the shot?”.

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