Chapter 298 Completely shameless

“Boss, I am in charge of temperature control machine tools.

After the super assembly line has been running in the past two days, I found that ordinary temperature-controlled machine tools can’t keep up with the rhythm of the assembly line.

In the case of parts coming in and out too frequently, there will be data confusion.

I checked it several times, and I felt that it was the reason why the temperature control material could not return to zero in time. I wondered if I could upgrade the temperature control material. ”

“Boss, I also found out that the import and export of furnaces now have similar problems with temperature-controlled machine tools.

It was okay at the beginning, but it has been running for the past two days. We have encountered high-temperature materials with high melting points many times now, and manual intervention is needed to quickly cool them down.

“And I also found some problems.”

Ye Tian’s words are like opening the words clip of these skilled workers.

They came up one by one and analyzed the problems they found for Ye Tian.

Ye Tian listened more and more satisfied.

After all, his personal power is limited, even if he already knows all about mechanical technology.

But in terms of specific manufacturing, there will always be various unexpected things, and over time, these unexpected things will increase.

What Ye Tian wants is to integrate these things and make the next plan.

As a king of machinery, your own super assembly line, even if it can’t be perfect, it can’t be put together like this for a long time.

Taking advantage of just waking up and in good spirits, Ye Tian calmly came to the main control computer and sat down.

Ask two people to record the various problems the workers found.

Then he summarized.

In the following days, workers kept coming to talk about the problems discovered by the machines he managed.

A large amount of information was collected on the computer by Ye Tian.

In response to these problems, Ye Tian once again started shopping in the mall.

However, this purchase is obviously much simpler than before.

After all, the manufacturing of lithography machines before, started with each machine, and I have already familiarized those machines.

Now only need to focus on the problem and learn more advanced and durable things.

Soon, the time came to night.

Ye Tian has counted the problems found so far, and is in the process of conceiving and improving.

And Situ Xue also opened a live broadcast room before the opening of the US stock market.

As usual, as soon as the broadcast started, overwhelming barrage began to appear.

The number of people has risen rapidly, and even the number of people who started broadcasting for five minutes today has surpassed the number of people who were online during the peak period of yesterday.

“This is, what happened again?”?”

Situ Xue glanced suspiciously at the number of online users, puzzled.

“You don’t know the Snow Goddess? A lot of things happened today. It’s very lively. It’s also very annoying.”

“What happened?”

“Let’s talk about what you know first. Last night we acquired Rotten Pear with a wholly-owned investment. This matter was directly on the top talk show, and a 10-minute report was conducted.

Although you and the boss may be a matter of moving your fingers, but for us ordinary people or for Xia Guo, this is an unprecedented victory. This is the first time that we have suffered heavy losses over there without blood.

Today many people are holding flags and celebrating in the streets. ”

“Yes, if there are other things, it may not have much to do with everyone, but this time, it really affects everyone’s interests.

First, the users who are entangled in the rotten pear or the two brands do not need to make a decision in the future.

Second, Youwei also announced today that in order to give back to new and old users, the price of domestic mobile phones has been reduced again.

High-end machines that everyone was reluctant to buy in the past can now be bought at ordinary prices.

From everyone’s point of view, this means that people who dig wells do not forget to dig wells during the New Year, and it is more practical than donating the money they earn. ”

“There are so many people today, I just want to come and see what the boss who created this miracle looks like, thank you by the way, and ask if there is any chance to make a fortune with him.”

“Uh, this!”

Situ Xue smiled and hesitated at the same time.

After all, she had seen it last night, and now the amount she has in her hands is already too large, it is really a rhythm of going out that she doesn’t want to use.

It’s really unnecessary to talk about fundraising again.

Just when Situ Xue hesitated.

Several bullet screens of iron powder specially highlighted for explanation floated again.

“The Annunciation is over, now start to worry!”

“Early this morning, that is, the opposite night, the other party introduced a few new rules and started a real counterattack.”

Situ Xue frowned, and quickly called Ye Tian over to watch the barrage together.

*, First, the other party restricts the export of crude oil to us, and this restriction does not refer to their side alone. There are also several of our largest crude oil importing countries, all of which have given a certain threat, although it is not a direct order, but It’s almost the same as a direct order. ”

“Secondly, continuing the chip blockade last time, this time it is directly about blocking high-precision CNC machine tools.

“Third, and the most excessive, over there, in conjunction with several major engine-producing countries, we have stopped 90% of our engine export business, including aviation engines, automobile engines, and ship engines. It can be said that this order As soon as it came out, our high-end mobile industry, which was not already rich, was directly paralyzed.”

“Fourth, and the most shameless, restricts the export of anti-cancer drugs.”

“These are all the major events that happened today, as well as some minor disputes caused by these things. You can see the snow goddess by looking at today’s relative (no promise) news.”

“Damn, did so many things happen today? I only paid attention to the news that Lanli was acquired, and I didn’t notice anything else at all.

“I didn’t look at it so comprehensively. The barrage is still awesome. I’ll just say how today our stock market caused another blood collapse after the last round of crash. So many things happened.”

“It’s too shameless. Is this completely inappropriate? It’s disgusting to have to bring the financial war into reality.”

“Yeah, I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless ones, what high technology, what engine, it is understandable that the other party is shameless, what the hell is the prohibition of drugs, and whether there is humanitarianism.”

“Heh, I knew last night that the other party would definitely not just stop like this, but I didn’t expect it to be shameless to this point. I really thought we were good bullies!”.

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