Chapter 293 Boss is going to swallow the rotten pear

“Does this stop?”

“Boss, I feel that rotten pears can continue to fall!”

“You just finished your big move. It’s a good time to make money. You can continue to make some more.”

“Boss, this operation is a bit incomprehensible.”

“If you don’t understand anything, even if you don’t understand it, you should know that the boss is not a soft-hearted person. It is definitely the boss’s style to take advantage of your illness to kill you. If I guess it is correct, the boss is afraid It’s going to be messy.”

In the video, Ye Tian follows the words of the barrage.

The corner of his mouth was picked up slightly.

“Well, I’m asking for your opinions. Is anyone willing to enter the world’s largest mobile phone company and become a shareholder?”

As soon as this remark came out.

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, those who are more knowledgeable burst out cries of surprise.

“Boss, don’t you mean it?”

“This idea is too horrible, boss, you actually hit this attention, my goodness. This kind of thing should be put before, I can’t even think about it, okay?”

“As expected to be the boss, dark enough, we still underestimate you.

“What are you talking about, what is the boss doing?”

“Why? The boss has a much bigger appetite this time than you think. He wants to be fat in one bite.

“I still don’t understand. The rotten pears have fallen into this. How much can I eat? It’s 30%.”

“It’s because Rotten Pear now has a large market value by us. Therefore, he is worthless. However, no longer worthy, this is a world-class company. The money is gone, and the foundation is still there. Before we had more than 70%. Five If you want to buy rotten pears, you may need to pay a huge price, but now

“Acquisition of rotten pears? Oh my god, this is what the boss thought about, so awesome, why didn’t I expect these /々.”

“It’s not that you can’t think of it. You don’t dare to think. If you dare to have such an idea, I am afraid that you will be the boss.

“But, I don’t understand a little bit. Since the boss is playing with the idea of ​​acquisition, why don’t we wait for the rotten pear to continue to fall to the point where it can’t be beaten before making a move? We should also make more money?”

“I can’t fall down? How much can the rotten pears at that time be worth? There will be countless people who have this idea. Can it be our turn? Let me see, at this price, It’s just right. The total market value of rotten pears still looks like about seven trillion. Any private or group has absolutely no appetite for it.

And the power at the national level can do it, but seven trillion yuan is definitely an astronomical figure for a country, and the purchase is still a company that is about to fall into the Jedi. On the contrary, if this rotten pear falls into the hands of the boss, the situation will be completely different.

“It makes sense, what are you waiting for, buy it!”

“Yes, boss, we can not divide the money, and the rotten pear will buy it. That is the glory of heaven!”

“I never dreamed that I would have the day to become a true shareholder of the world’s top company. This f*ck is just like a dream.”

“Boss, we support you and we are done. With your strength, once I take over the Rotten Pear Company, I can’t imagine how far I can take off.”

The more I talked about it, the more excited the crowd in the live broadcast room. Basically everyone instantly forgot what they wanted to make money. After all, following Ye Tian for the past few days, everyone has really made enough money, and what is lacking is a sense of steadiness.

Just like when many people have money, they have to buy some houses and shop fronts, so they will feel at ease.

Now everyone feels this way. No matter how much they make, they will only make a wave of quick money. They are just investors who have bought wealth management products.

When Ye Tian stopped playing a word, the game was over.

But if Rotten Pear is acquired this time, then the temporary team will truly become regular.

This is an iron rice bowl of drought and flood, and it is an iron rice bowl of infinite potential.

When the time comes, I am really short of money, and I can definitely sell the equity in my hand, making a steady profit without losing it.

The more I think about it, the hotter the big guy’s heart becomes.

Wave after wave of petitions turned into an ocean of barrage in the live broadcast room.

However, Ye Tian at this moment did not rush to make a move.

Instead, he squinted his eyes and stared at the stock market without even putting his paw on the mouse.

As if waiting for something.

“Boss, do it, we all agreed, buy him!!

“Yeah, isn’t it about buying, why haven’t there been any movements for a long time?”

“Don’t rush, it’s not time yet! The boss has his own idea.”

But now Rotten Pear’s share price has collapsed again. Just after we sold it, it dropped by 5%, and then fell again. Maybe just like you said, other people have to take action. ”

“Oh, who dares to make a move? As long as the boss doesn’t say anything, whoever makes the move will be done. Really, it is a joke of close to 20 trillion in our hands. It can be said that with our money, the rotten pear is only a drop now. With one piece left, we can also pull him back, and now that we don’t make a move, it’s a deterrent.”

“I don’t understand, what’s the deterrent?”

“Of course the deterrent is those who want to get away and want to cheat the boss.”

“Are you talking about the senior management of Rotten Pear?”

“Yes, it is this group of people who are deciding whether or not the acquisition can be successful. The boss is giving them a chance. You still remember how the boss closed up just now, that is, the moment they released the stock, they directly liquidated the position.

At that time, everyone couldn’t understand the operation of the boss (good promise), now it is easy to analyze. In the situation just now, if we want to buy, even if the stock price of Rotten Pear has fallen by 70%, the remaining 30% is five times the price, which is a lot of money.

And we, indeed, can keep the 74.9% in our hands without the acquisition and let him continue to fall. But the shares released by them will also fall into the hands of others. If we want to buy those shares from others, it will still cost five times the price.

Therefore, the other party is going to cheat us on the dying, not letting us taste the sweetness.

And some people have analyzed before that rotten pears have fallen to this level. The lean camels are bigger than horses. They are industrial companies. Even if the market value evaporates, the factories and stores all over the world are still there. If the price of 30% falls further, it is impossible for it to fall too much. .

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