Chapter 288 The first autonomous lithography machine was born

It’s a pity that they are sunspots, not fools.

How could it be ridiculed when he knew that he had been slapped in the face.

After the fans shouted for a long time in the live broadcast room, no one responded. Can only stop the rhythm.

However, everyone’s excitement hasn’t diminished obviously.

Even for people who don’t know anything about technology, Gang オ clearly sees how awesome this super assembly line is.

It’s exactly like an artifact.

“Boss, can this assembly line really be built for anything? I want to build a rushing doll, can’t it?”

“It’s amazing! Take a look at the few parts made just now. None of them are simple. And these things can be said from the mouths of those sunspots. They are definitely professional and high-precision level.

How long did it take to change from raw materials to finished products?

With such an artifact, why can’t we make it?”

“Yeah, no one dares to question this time. What lithography machine needs global power to make. Nonsense! My boss can just move his fingers!”

“But such a secret thing, let the sunspots look at it. Is it really okay?”

“Boss, this is a bold person. Just look at it and sigh. Lithography machine. Many people can buy it. Who can make it? Not to mention our super assembly line so awesome.”

“Okay! But the boss let us look at these things. There should be other intentions?”

Ye Tian looked at the barrage.

Smiled slightly.

“Things are definitely not for nothing. Let me introduce me now.

This is the Wushuang Technology Park newly acquired by our Wushuang Group.

In the future, this science and technology park will focus on the manufacture of lithography machines. Whether it is a 12-nanometer lithography machine. It’s still a ten-nanometer lithography machine. Will be sold. In terms of quality, I won’t talk about it now, and the assembly will be completed in front of you in a while. See the effect for yourself.

In terms of price, no money.

Ye Tian’s voice just fell.

The barrage suddenly exploded.

“No money? Boss, are you kidding me?”

“Haha! If you really don’t need money, I’ll order one first, boss. Don’t talk too much.

“I’m here too. It feels like the boss is going to take the rhythm of bringing goods. It is very promising. Is there a fan benefit?”

“Boss, you don’t need to introduce it. What do you want to sell? Just say it. Your family will definitely support you.

Ye Tian gave this group of funny bullets a glance. A few black threads appeared on the head.

“I’m in an advertisement, can you stop teasing me?”

“We don’t make comparisons. We just wait to grab the goods! Hey!”

Everyone laughed.

Ye Tian coughed twice and continued to speak.

“The lithography machine does not require money, but there are conditions. Any country or region that wants to buy a lithography machine. It must be in accordance with the style and size of the lithography machine you bought. Cooperate with us to build a new signal receiving station. And guarantee that it cannot be damaged or destroyed. ”

“Then, do you pay for the construction of the signal receiving station, or do we pay it ourselves?”The barrage began to raise questions. And the questioning Id. is obviously foreign.

“Who do you think should come out?”

“Can you tell me more about the trading rules? We are very interested.”

Those foreigners who asked were obviously not prepared to struggle more in this regard. People don’t need money for lithography machines. Isn’t it necessary to pay back the money to help you build a signal receiving station?

Ye Tian returned to the main control computer.

I took out a document that I had prepared before.

“You can see here for the specific transaction rules. Ten signal receiving stations. Can be exchanged for a 12-nanometer lithography machine. 100 receiving stations. Exchange for a ten-nanometer lithography machine. Before the exchange, the receiving station must be built. . At that time, I will provide the most advanced supporting operating software and services.

“100 signal receiving stations? That’s too much, right? Is there an interval requirement?”

“Of course there is. Within the range of each signal receiving station. There can be no signal overlap.”

“Isn’t that smaller country a lithography machine? It’s covered by you.”

Ye Tian sneered.

“Maybe you haven’t figured out the situation. I let you build a signal receiving station. The biggest beneficiary is entirely you. There is no transaction, I am all voluntary. There is only one opportunity. If you are unwilling to trade, I will permanently remove him Be included in the list of prohibited sales.

“Heh, continue to play the mystery. I really thought that by producing a few parts, I could make a lithography machine? It’s okay if you don’t run this advertisement. You can hit the advertisement. In a word of your Xia Guo, it is, Sima Zhao’s heart, passersby Everyone knows. Let people build the signal receiving station first, and then ask you to trade. If there is something wrong with you then. People don’t let you decide?”

“That’s the point you’re talking about. I have this skill, so why can’t I take advantage of others?”

“Then you are just letting out the real technology. Just say something here. Do you think the lithography machine is a toy. You can make it if you want?”

“Then wait and see.”

Finished speaking coldly.

Ye Tian signaled that Situ Xue took the camera and came to the workers who were assembling.

Many machines have been assembled at this moment. Was carefully placed aside.

The camera looked at it at a glance. Has formed a large scale.

“How long will it be done?

Ye Tian asked.

“The boss has completed 90% of the parts assembly. Give us another five minutes to complete it.”

Ye Tian nodded. Take a look at the ones that have been assembled. It is repeatedly checking whether there are any workers with paper leaks.

“I will send you a comprehensive structure drawing now. The parts have been assembled. You can directly assemble the whole machine.”

Everyone was happy. Nodded excitedly.

Because once the whole machine is assembled, it means that the first self-made lithography machine in Xia Guo’s history is about to be born.

Soon, all the comprehensive structural drawings were received on the mobile phone of being a human being.

For a time, all the mechanical arms and vehicles in the factory were mobilized.

Parts were placed in their proper positions one by one.

With the assembly of optical technology, more and more shaping.

In the barrage, mock laughter broke out again.

“This is the brand new lithography machine you are talking about?

Are you afraid that you don’t know what the concept of a real advanced lithography machine is?

The volume of 100,000 parts alone is not much smaller than a house.

Do you see what you are doing?

It’s 80% right now, and it’s about the size of a car. Is this a lithography machine?”

“Who told you that the lithography machine must be that big?

Ten years ago, the cell phone you used was the size of a brick. How old is your mobile phone now?

Chip technology is upgraded from generation to generation. Don’t they all go in the small direction?

You sunspots also claim to be tech experts. Don’t even understand this simple question?

The boss is obviously advanced technology. Concentrated オ is the essence.

Before Ye Tian could speak, someone in the barrage had already started taunting.

“Okay, stop bragging here. I don’t think you need to read it anymore. It’s absolutely grandstanding.”

“Hmm, you go on. It just happens that your stock has fallen not enough. It’s my fault, you shouldn’t be refuted.”

Seeing that Heizi had found a reason for ridicule. A tidal echo of barrage appeared.

With a compliment, the words that a group of sunspots prepared immediately became useless.

Encountered Ye Tian, ​​a group of fans who don’t make money.

Before the screen. The group of sunspots gritted their teeth fiercely. Stop talking.

Time passed by every minute. The assemblers in the picture are assembled as the last batch of parts are produced.

Formally integrated into the body of the lithography machine.

When the last part is assembled.

Whether it is inside the factory or outside the video.

Everyone took a deep breath. A bright light burst out in his eyes.

“This is the lithography machine? Isn’t it too handsome!”

“I remember I had seen pictures of lithography machines on the Internet before. It was really like a shipping container, big and bulky. And the boss is like a f*ck sci-fi game warehouse. It’s too advanced.”

“Yes, smooth appearance. With brilliant lights, if I didn’t know that this was a lithography machine, I thought the boss had built a super sports car.

“Handsome is just a word. Just based on the appearance. Whether he is a lithography machine or not, I will take it.


The barrage was applauded.

Ye Tian didn’t stop his movements either.

Put in the main control chip. After loading the running program, people directly brought the wafers.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation, he returned to the main control computer. Start rubbing a chip drawing!

The next moment is on the lithography machine. It means that the white light started by the lithography machine begins to appear layer by layer.

In the light, everyone can see clearly. The purple light inside the lithography machine also began to intersect each other.

Ye Tian motioned Situ Xue to bring the camera closer.

Everyone was surprised to find that such a precise mechanical operation. There was hardly any noise.

After a while, the lithography machine has finished its work.

In the nervous gaze of everyone.The wafer that had just been relied on was placed in front of the camera by the staff. Sent into a special wafer dicing machine.

After a precise cut.

The wafer becomes a piece of wafer.

Then, Ye Tian signaled Situ Xue to keep the camera close to the chip all the way.

Start testing.

A few minutes later, under the surveillance of the camera. A test report appeared in front of everyone.

“Boss! Inspection is complete. All chips are excellent products, with a 100% yield, without any ordinary chips.”

Talking about the staff responsible for testing. Align the lens in the hand with the lens.

“This should be okay? The snow goddess camera live broadcasts the whole process and has never left. From the factory to the cutting of the chip, we are all done with our eyelids! What about the sunspot just now, what else to say?”

“It’s such a big thing. Who knows if you put the chips you prepared in advance.

Besides, the test is also what you test. How do we know whether it is good or bad for such a small thing?

It’s the same as your previous video. Who can know the true and false?”

“The duck is dead, right? As far as I know. The boss will slap you in the face soon.”

“Oh! Brother! If the black people love black, let him black. Explain a fart to them! A waste of our time watching high-tech. Boss, hurry up! Test more. Let us be proud.”

The corner of Ye Tian’s mouth picked up.

He didn’t need his instructions, some workers had already carried a lot of wafers and filled them into the lithography machine.

The next moment, the lithography machine starts again.

In the brilliant light, the lithography of the wafers is completed like flowing water. Was sent to the wafer dicing machine.

Situ Xue’s lens has never left the continuous production line.

And she deliberately filmed the entire body.

He didn’t leave a blind spot for gossip at all.

that’s all. The lithography machine ran for half an hour.

The chips produced are directly piled up into a hill.

In front of the camera. The inspectors (Zhao of Ma) have been conducting quality inspections all the time.

When the last wafer is cut, the complete inspection report is also placed in front of the camera.

“Boss, a total of 200 wafers were produced in half an hour, which is four times faster than the strongest lithography machine known in the world!

For each wafer, 100 chips are cut out, that is, one hour, our lithography machine can produce 40,000 chips. Ye Tian down 960,000 pieces.

All chips are completely intact, and there is no waste of discarded products and raw materials.

Just like the previous statistics, the capacity of our newly built machine is at least equivalent to 10 of the world’s top lithography machines, and this ten times is still in all aspects.

Can’t control my emotions. The inspector exclaimed in excitement.

“The boss is mighty and domineering! Wushuang Group, mighty and domineering! Our Xia country is mighty and domineering!”

“Cool! Although I didn’t do anything, I watched it for half an hour. But that’s our pride! It’s our pride to be able to watch a lithography machine from scratch from beginning to end. This is ours. pleasure.

“Who else would dare to question whether our lithography machine technology is sensational. The sunspots will come out and express their thoughts.

“What about it? Who knows if you secretly prepared the key parts?”

Ps: I have taken this voice control system. I’ve been typing with voice when I’ve been out of home for the past two days. I got something wrong every time. I guess there are some typos today and I haven’t had time to correct it. Give me a few minutes and I will handle it for him. Thank you brothers who rewarded me during this time. There are also brothers who voted for the change. .

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