Chapter 285 Invincible pass

Of course you think so, but you can’t say that.

Moreover, even the big guys never say what Ye Tian exists, and they can’t even guess at that.

The inquiring boss glanced at it, and after getting a definite answer, someone started to act.

After a while, many bottles and cans were pulled back.

Those bottles and cans are marked with skulls similar to those on Ye Tian’s screen.

Even some of them have special warning symbols on them.

These are some chemicals that will be used in industrial production. Generally, it can only be used in a separate workshop.

“Boss, these things are not suitable for experimenting here, do you want to change places?’

A worker spoke out.

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment. Shook his head.

“Just here, what are you inside~ the most poisonous?”

“These are highly toxic to organisms, and there is no clear distinction between strength and weakness. It’s just that toxic substances are easily transmitted in the air, so if you experiment here-I’m afraid there is a risk.”

It doesn’t matter, isn’t it all on-off?

Ye Tian jumped off the stool nonchalantly and came to the pile of bottles.

After thinking for a week, he looked at the bottles containing the liquid.

“This kind of liquid is not so extensible, right.”

Ye Tian asked.

“With the temperature unchanged, the diffusivity is not so strong, but it is more toxic because it is too dense.”

“That’s it. Someone will find it out for me.

Ye Tian got in front of the poisonous medicine and said.

“Boss, how are you going to try?”

Hearing Ye Tian’s words, some workers hesitated.

“Of course I tried it with my claws.

The latter nodded in relief. Then took out professional blood.

He ordered the others to stand farther away. Only then carefully opened the lid. Put a few drops of yellow liquid into the blood.

“Boss, this thing is very corrosive. You have to be careful.”

Bringing it to Ye Tian, ​​the person still warned uneasy.

Ye Tian nodded. Stretched out his paw.

Then when everyone didn’t react at all, his head was already in front of the vessel in preference to his claws.

Tongue rolled. A few drops of venom were swept away by him.

I rely on!

Everyone’s pupils shrank.

The same as when shooting before. Shockedly, he surrounded Ye Tian.

Ye Tian’s claws immediately lifted up, motioning everyone not to move.

“Don’t worry, I have no problem.”

Then he smashed his mouth. He turned his gaze to several other liquid jars next to him.

“Get some of these out for me, too.

The worker swallowed his saliva just now. Hesitating eyes swept away on Ye Tian.

After a long while. He just started pretending again under Ye Tian’s dissatisfied eyes.

With the experience of the last time, everyone did not seem so nervous this time.

It was just that the corners of the trembling eyes watched Ye Tian lick those poisons into his mouth again and again. They couldn’t help but swallowed their saliva. Looks awkward.

But Ye Tian, ​​the party concerned, is not taking in more and more. Not only is there no uncomfortable expression at all. Instead, it started to become a little exciting.

Because at this time he seemed to have finally discovered the biggest difference between carbon-based life and silicon-based life.

That is matter. After being absorbed, it will only exchange energy, and will not infringe on each other.Therefore, no matter how poisonous the poison is, it is only the amount of ingestion for him.

With this discovery, Ye Tian no longer licked liquids.

He turned his gaze to the poisonous gas cylinders.

A mouth is contained in the opening of one of the bottles.

Then one paw pressed on the switch.


The sound of gas jets sounded.

Everyone looked shocked. One after another backed away.

Then I watched Ye Tian’s belly start to grow bigger!

After swelling to a certain extent! Ye Tian turned off the switch.

After holding the breath that I had just inhaled in my stomach for a while. Mouth bulged.

White gas came out of his ears.


The workers’ complexions changed drastically. Turn around and start looking for a gas mask.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s not poisonous.

Before they left, Ye Tian’s voice had already passed.

Everyone was slightly taken aback. Seeing that the white gas began to diffuse.

But Ye Tian’s words made people embarrassed to move.

After a while, the gas has spread to everyone’s direction.

The invisible air flow is inhaled in the body.

Everyone look at me, I look at you. Did not feel the slightest change.

How can it be?

Those things entered Ye Tian’s body, and it only took a few seconds, how could it become harmless gas?

But Ye Tian didn’t care about everyone’s reaction. Turning around, he opened a can of poison gas and started to smoke like a big cigarette.

Take a deep breath. This time the white gas. He was directly sprayed out of his mouth.

What everyone felt was the colorless and tasteless air flow just now.

They even felt that the air at this moment was much fresher than before.

How exactly is this done?

“I suspect that the boss is taking drugs. And I have evidence. But I don’t know how to report.”

“Yeah, it’s too outrageous. This f*ck is really a drug! It’s like a fake replacement.”

“Even if the liquid poison boss can absorb it, but the gas just took so little time, how did he do it?”

“Who knows! No matter how he does it, it’s not what we can imagine anyway.”

In that discussion, Ye Tian has already tested various chemical reagents.

Whether it is corrosive. Still irritating. It’s all a feeling for him.

That’s cool!

These professional chemical reagents. The energy contained is obviously much purer than other things.

Ye Tian absorbs it more quickly and naturally.

Hiccups. Ye Tian returned to the camera. Showing a look of enjoyment.

“Boss! Do you still need to experiment?”

The boss felt completely numb at this moment.

Ye Tian is beyond his imagination anytime and anywhere.

Even now. Even he couldn’t think of anything else that could threaten Ye Tian.

“Okay, you are awesome! Love it.

The gangster looked at Ye Tian without knowing whether to cry or smile. No good airway.

At this moment, Hu Jun, who had taken the radar to go out before, also returned to the factory.

“Big guys have already experimented. Our submarine voiceprint data has not been recorded by this radar at all. But once it enters the reconnaissance range, it can be displayed immediately. And just now we have an underwater robot to test it. Even if it enters the seabed for thousands of The distance of meters can also be detected for the first time.

For airplanes, I just arranged several newest airplanes of different models. Rise to a very high height. Still can’t escape his detection. With this thing as a watchdog, there should be no problem with the boss’s game.

And when we monitored just now, we found some things.

Several signal sources have been found within our sea area. Then I checked it and it was definitely not our submarine or underwater robot.

And those few signal sources. Also has been slowly moving. Do you need to take any measures?”

“Is there such a thing?”

The big guy frowned.

“Little boss, what do you think?”

Ye Tian thought for a while. Look at Wu Jun.

“When I told you about the radar function just now, didn’t I say it? This advanced radar is the same as before. One function is one-key stop?”

“this ”

Hu Jun swallowed.

“You mean? Control them like toys?”

“Otherwise? If it’s not my race, its heart will be different. I found it, don’t remove it, and still keep it for the New Year?”

“But now I don’t know what’s down there? In case it’s the other party’s nuclear submarine or something. I’m afraid something big will happen.”

“Meaning that their submarine ran to our side and broke down. We still have to be responsible?”

Ye Tian gave Hu Jun a white look.

In the video beside him, Yi Lao also nodded.

“What I heard from the boss is that the other party is so courageous, it’s time to teach them a lesson.”

Hu Jun nodded.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

The expression clearly tells others. I’ve long wanted to do it like this!

Finished. He left happily.

Elder Yi took a deep look at Ye Tian through the video again.

Then stretched out comfortably.

“Now the old man, I can finally get a good night’s sleep. Don’t bother me if I’m fine in the future.

After speaking, I hung up the video very simply.

The gangster exited.

The atmosphere in the factory suddenly relaxed.

Same as the boss. They have all sorts of wonders about Ye Tian at this moment. There is also some numbness.

…0 Seeking flowers-

Seeing that the various parts on the super assembly line have been piled up, I dare not watch the show. Secretly returned to his job.

Only Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xue returned to Ye Tian.

Two pairs of big black eyes looked at it and looked at it.

Then two small hands touched her again.

They didn’t feel relieved until they felt that Ye Tian’s body felt no different from before.

“Boss, why do I feel that I don’t understand you more and more. How many things are you hiding from us? Honestly, are you a monster?”

Situ Xue asked with Ye Tian’s ear.

“Didn’t I just say that? I am a monster. Just ask if you are afraid?”

“Then you quickly change yourself to take a look.”

Situ Xue frowned. It seems to be looking forward to it.

Ye Tian gave him a white look, this evil woman knew all day long to think about something.

She’s still cute.


Ye Tian was slightly taken aback.

I found that my girl also showed an expression similar to that of Situ Xue at the moment.

It seems that the performance just now was a bit too forceful. Even this silly girl of my own has already realized afterwards.

Ye Tian suddenly shrank his neck. Stop talking to them. He turned his attention back to the master computer.

See Ye Tian start working again.

Obviously, the two who were still unwilling to do so were helpless. I can only turn around and go to a special rest room in the factory under the arrangement of the staff.

Nothing to bother others.

Everyone works faster.

The body strengthened by Ye Tian at this moment also showed an absolute advantage again.

The speed of design drawing and data input has been improved by several grades.

The parts on the assembly line are continuously produced.

At about noon, he asked everyone to stop.

People are not machines after all.

Since Ye Tian is a perverted body, there is no need to rest.

If ordinary people don’t take a break, it will only affect work efficiency.

And these high-precision parts were created from nothing. It is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

They are only in charge of testing, not production.

A few people were left to move things away.

Wait until you wake up and then check again, it will not have much impact at all.

Although everyone is full of enthusiasm.

But looked at the massive projects. I can only choose to be obedient and go back to rest.

Ye Tian had lunch with Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng who got up.

One person went back to the main control computer and tinkered till the evening. Finally, all the drawings were entered into the computer.

The workers who went back to sleep first also returned to the factory.

The materials at this time have been piled up into mountains.

Everyone is busy again starting to check the quality.

Watch Ye Tian relax. Situ Xue reopened the live broadcast.

“It’s on, it’s on.

“Goddess Snow, where are you? Why haven’t you changed places?”

“Looking at the surrounding environment, it looks like a factory. And it’s definitely a top-notch factory.”

“As far as the building area and the materials on the stone walls are concerned, this is definitely not a simple place.

“Could it be that the boss is working on any secret project?”

“It’s very possible that the boss has already deployed it from the beginning?’

As soon as the broadcast started, there was a burst of doubt in the live broadcast room.

Situ Xue saw that the barrage’s current insight was getting sharper and sharper.

I couldn’t help but glanced at Ye Tian, ​​as if he was asking for instructions.

Ye Tian looked at the time on the wall, and after a little hesitation, nodded.

Afterwards, Situ Xue, who had been holding back for a day, had a happy face on her face.

“Put the most handsome boss on the public screen, and I will show you where I am now!”

“The boss is the most handsome!

“Boss v587”

“Boss, I love you!

In an instant, all kinds of barrage directly flooded the live broadcast room.

Situ Xue also stood up.

Holding the phone, he looked at Ye Tian again: “Boss, is there anything that I can’t take?”

Ye Tian shook his head: “You can take a closer look, I don’t believe they can see what these are.

Situ Xue nodded and slowly moved the camera to the inside of the factory.

Cloud time, bursts of gasping sounds sounded.

Ps: Sorry, everyone is out today and tried voice input. There are some typos when not in front of the computer, it is not convenient to change, I will change it again later. Thank you for your support!

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