Chapter 280 Primary gene lock

Ye Tian was slightly taken aback.

Then I knew what Yi Lao meant, and he hurriedly smiled: “Yes, yes, let my girl take a bath when I go back. Isn’t this the lithography machine here all day long? I don’t have time to take care of personal hygiene.”

Old Yi nodded, and stopped struggling with the problem just now.

Because it is really tangled, there is nothing Ye Tian can escape from the research.

Therefore, even if Ye Tian turned into a monster on the spot, he probably wouldn’t be too surprised.

On the contrary, if such a talent is really a monster, then it is reasonable, and these people will not be worried all the time because of him everywhere.

On the contrary, it was Situ Xue’s side.

Seeing that Mr. Yi didn’t feel magical, he looked at Ye Tian, ​​and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Since guessing something, Situ Xue has often fantasized about what Ye Tian would be like to become a human being.

And just now, she thought Ye Tian was really going to change.

As a result, there is not much difference.

Perceiving Situ Xue’s micro expression, Ye Tian couldn’t help but gave her a blank look. Is this woman’s brain circuit too weird?

“Boy, just like this situation just now, how do you think you can solve it?”

Here, Yi Lao saw that Ye Tian didn’t seem to have changed much, so he couldn’t stop asking.

Ye Tian’s eyes rolled around, and he began to look around the factory east to take a look.

Finally, he locked his sight on a solid steel part with the thickness of a fist not far away.

“Lao Zhou, help, bring that steel rod over.”

Ye Tian shouted to the person standing aside.

Lao Zhou nodded, hurriedly called someone to join him, and carried the one-person-high steel rod over.

Stand in front of the camera.

“Boss, do you think, biological bones, is this stainless steel hard?”

“Nonsense, what kind of bone can be hard with steel, and it’s still solid steel.”

Yi Laobai glanced at Ye Tian, ​​and the angry words haven’t fallen yet.

Suddenly the corner of his eyes looked at him.

I saw that Ye Tian had a big mouth and bit down towards the top of that part.

Depend on!

In the exclamation, even the assistant who was watching the screen beside Yi Lao appeared in the camera, leaned close to the screen and rubbed his eyes.

In the factory, the workers who paid attention to the movement of Ye Tian stopped their movements collectively.

Another worker, Lao Zhou, who was holding the steel rod, swallowed his saliva if he was worth it.

Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xuehuarong turned pale, and rushed directly to Ye Tian.

“Boss, are you okay?”

“Boss, look quickly, is there any broken throat in the tooth?”

The two women exclaimed.

Ye Tian clicked and raised his head.

The top section above the steel rod.

Following his movements, he was directly bitten off by him.

“Is this really snapped?”

Old Yi’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t stop holding the phone closer.

After zooming in, he can see clearly through the camera.

The cross-section of the steel bitten off by Ye Tian seems to have a jagged cross-section.

The degree of roundness is almost the same as the impression of teeth.

On Ye Tian’s side, Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xue were the loudest.

The two reached out and grabbed the bitten steel, and then opened Ye Tian’s mouth, wanting to see if there was any injury.

Looking at the expression, I was really frightened.

Ye Tian let out a laugh.

Stopped the movement of the two with paws.

Then he sat on the chair, holding the piece of steel in his claws.

“It’s okay, this thing is actually like sugar cane.

With that said, in the horrified eyes of everyone, he once again held the steel as sugar cane and sent it to his mouth.

-Mouth, another mouthful.

ーThe small section of steel was bitten into small pieces by him and spit out on the ground.

Turned into a piece of debris.

The crisp jingle sound hit everyone’s heart like a magic sound.

“This f*ck, it’s too abnormal, it’s A2 alloy, it’s much harder than ordinary steel, and ordinary cutting machines can’t cut it. Boss, you won’t have a prop to perform magic with us. ?

エPeople have gathered together at this moment.

Watching Ye Tian eating sugar cane with horror, the expression on his face constantly changes with Ye Tian’s bite again and again. It seems that if everyone’s teeth are bitten on the steel, they will smash their teeth.

Lao Yi also opened his mouth here, and only when Ye Tian still wanted to crush the steel to pieces, he remembered to verify the authenticity.

He quickly ordered Lao Zhang, who was carrying the steel rod, to do an experiment to see if Ye Tian was teasing him.

Lao Zhang had this thought for a long time, and apart from anything else, he picked up a few pieces of steel that had been spit out by Ye Tian and found a small cutting machine.

…0 Seeking flowers………

In front of everyone, the cutting began.


As soon as the cutting machine came into contact with the steel, sparks burst out all over the floor.

With Lao Zhang’s effort, the sparks on the ground became more and more intense.

It took a full minute before Lao Zhang stopped his movements.

The previous 10 cm cutting gear is now a large circle smaller.

But just now when it was fixed below, there was only a not too deep gap.


Old Zhang didn’t believe in evil and changed another piece of steel and continued cutting.

The result is still the same.

The gears were all broken, and the pieces of steel could not be cut open.

“Boss, look, this is the steel just now.

Back in front of the camera, Lao Zhang showed Yi Lao a few cuts, but his eyes looked like a monster and couldn’t help but glance at Ye Tian.

Especially the part of the teeth exposed by Ye Tian.

Elder Yi finally came back to his senses at this time.

Ye Tian watched for a long time.

“Little boss, what kind of monster are you? Is your mouth a diamond set?”

“Diamond? You too underestimated my mouth. How about it. Compared with the stuff in your video, who is better?”

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows.

“Is it comparable? It’s sharper at best, and the bite force and tearing force are stronger. You and him are not made of the same material. However, I admit that your mouth is powerful, but your body can reach your mouth. How powerful is it?”


The corner of Ye Tian’s mouth picked up slightly.

To be honest, even Ye Tian himself felt a bit outrageous when he was able to bite steel so easily.

But after biting, he knew how abnormal he was after he had spent sky-high price to unlock the gene lock.

Because biting something can affect many cells in the body.

It was enough to make him feel how powerful his body is at this moment.

Squinting his eyes, he looked at the steel rod in front of him again.

Deliberately slowed down and made a claw swing.

After that, everyone couldn’t see what Ye Tian did.

All he knew was that his paw had appeared sideways on the other side of the steel rod.

It’s like penetrating past. NS,

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