Chapter 272 Cross-age products

This test.

Can’t stop at all.

Because the raw materials are continuously put in.

Even if technicians who are proficient in a certain component continue to join the inspection ranks.

Can’t keep up with the output speed of the machine.

At the end of the day, only a dozen people were responsible for the assembly and acceptance of the parts.

All the others turned into inspectors.

And as the faces of those people continue to change.

Surprising sounds began to appear in the plant.

“Boss, the testing of the second-level nanoparticle catheter has been completed, and all indicators are fully qualified.”

“Boss, the composite bearing has been tested and all indicators are fully qualified.

“Boss, the optical high-precision lens has been tested and all indicators are fully qualified.”

The shouts came and went one after another, and the people were so confused that they could hardly hear the “four seven zeros” at the back to know how much they passed the test.

But the four words fully qualified have not changed.

It was like a shot in the heart of everyone.

Even though the various inspection tasks are extremely cumbersome, everyone is excited and feels not tired at all.

As time goes by, more and more parts are inspected and packaged in well-differentiated positions.

The finished parts are also getting higher and higher.

Hu Jun and other people in charge of defense work were also attracted by the yelling in the factory that could not stop at all.

“Boss, is this a breakthrough?”

With a look of surprise, Hu Jun couldn’t help asking.

Ye Tian shook his head.

“Where is this? Now we are starting from scratch. Compared to last time, it is a thousand times more complicated, especially some important parts. Even me, there is no way to guarantee the use of these existing machine tools Sexual success.”

“There is still something you can’t handle?”

Hu Jun was surprised.

Ye Tian let out a laugh.

From a technical point of view, the lithography machine is indeed not too difficult for Ye Tian.

However, this thing is complicated.

The top lithography machine is much more difficult than the atomic bomb.

It is a gathering of the world’s top technologies.

It is not unreasonable that it is hailed as the “jewel in the crown of human industry”.

Some people describe the lithography machine like this: it is a product that integrates top technologies in the fields of mathematics, optics, fluid mechanics, polymer physics and chemistry, surface physics and chemistry, precision instruments, machinery, automation, software, and image recognition.

There are 10w parts on the most advanced lithography machine.

And a car is about 5,000 parts.

Therefore, the manufacturing of cutting-edge lithography machines is not only technically difficult, but also complex enough in itself.

Under normal circumstances, this is simply not something one country can do.

The river country can’t do it, and the United States can’t do the same!

A cutting-edge lithography machine is almost a collection of top technologies from all over the world.

Deguo provides Zeiss lens technology equipment.

Daiwa provides special composite materials.

Ruidian’s industrial precision machine tool technology.

The United States provides control software, power supply, etc.

No country has all the top-notch technologies required for lithography machines.

Every country in the world cannot rely on its own to manufacture advanced lithography machines. The current high-end lithography machines are the result of the joint cooperation of many countries.

And what I’m doing now is to break this routine that Xia Guo could not break with all his best.

From a chip, a wire, to the core controller.

All are handled by one hand.

This is definitely a huge project.

Therefore, Ye Tian said before that it will be made today.

It’s just to cheer everyone up.

Even if it is really built, just assembling it, even if there are hundreds of workers in the factory doing it together.

Moreover, these workers are proficient, and it will take at least half a day.


At this moment Ye Tian looked at the parts that had piled up like a mountain.

There is not much excitement either.

Because what he is going to build this time is not a general lithography machine that can produce 10-nanometer chips before.

It is an epoch-making product in the true sense.

Since this battle has sounded the horn, it must be absolutely crushed.

In order to avoid future troubles forever.

Thinking, Ye Tian, ​​who had just rested for a short while, stopped chatting with Hu Jun.

Back in front of the master computer.

Start a new wave of design picture import and raw material input command.

After Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng played in the factory for a while, they also discovered the boring inside.

The two got together and asked Hu Jun to take him out for a visit..0

Time flies and it’s night.

It seems that the tireless workers don’t even eat food, they have been working hard.

They are so enthusiastic.

As the dominant Ye Tian, ​​it is naturally impossible to be lazy.

It can only be done together.

In this way, the time came to half past nine in the evening.

Seeing Ye Tian couldn’t stop busy.

Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng were feeding Ye Tian with small mouthfuls of wagyu grains.

With his back to the people in the factory, he directly opened the live broadcast.

Because now they are no longer fighting alone.

There are also thousands of investors behind him.

If it’s not there at the start time.

I don’t know how terrified it will be.

“Come on! It’s finally on the air.”

“Hey, this environment is not at home today. This camera is much clearer than before.”

“Goddess Snow, where are you?

Situ Xue smiled slightly, and was very satisfied with the clarity presented in the live broadcast room.

No way, this is a science and technology park, just find the worst camera, in terms of professionalism, it can far exceed the kind of secret camera that Liu Qiang asked to install.

“In a place you can’t think of, don’t ask specifically, it’s a secret.

“Goddess Snow, have you watched the latest hit news? You are truly famous this time. Even the main station has clearly stated the 1.9 strongest favorite, and the length is up to 5 minutes.”

“Yeah, I have never seen such a lengthy report on variety shows by the main station, and almost percent of the content is about introducing the boss, Lian Huashen, there are not as many shots as the boss. With so many stars, they didn’t even have the chance to play, and they were taken away in a word.”

“Is there anything else?”

Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng looked at each other and were surprised.

“Anyway, the boss is completely out of the circle this time. Even if you didn’t read the report, look at the current number of people, you should be able to find the difference.

Situ Xue was reminded by the barrage to find out.

At this moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 40 million, and it is still rising at a terrifying rate.

In less than five minutes, it has reached 50 million.

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