Chapter 269 Super pipeline

at the same time.

Hear Lao Zhou’s transfer order.

All the skilled workers in Xia Ke Science and Technology Park are also concentrated in the factory where Ye Tian is located.

Ye Tian stopped the action in his hand.

Turned around in front of the computer.

“This drawing will be copied for a while, and then according to the configuration on the drawing, the machine marked above will be transported to the designated location for assembly. The position and the degree of splicing must not be wrong at all.

After speaking, Ye Tian got out of the way.

Ask everyone to come forward and copy the drawings.

As everyone watched, everyone couldn’t help but keep their eyes wide open.

What is this?

assembly line?

Or is it a robot chaos?

Isn’t it outrageous, what is the effect of so many machines stacked together?

However, such a question is obviously not something they can raise.

Now who doesn’t know, the boss in front of him is omnipotent.

What he wants is definitely not something that ordinary people like himself can understand.

Soon, the technical workers have copied the drawings.

And there is no need for Ye Tian to speak, he has already assigned his own tasks in this empty factory.

Every machine marked in Ye Tian’s drawings is usually in charge of a special person.

So soon, everyone selected the machines they were familiar with and hauled them to other factories.

after an hour.

The various machines required by Ye Tian have been transported to this workshop.

According to the order assigned before, the machines were carefully placed on the positions marked by Ye Tian, ​​and the final splicing and data connection began.

And Ye Tian was not idle either. While everyone was busy, his claws kept tapping on the main control computer.

Situxue and Dai Xiaomeng, who were curiously watching the code swaying like flowing water, both lost their eyes.

It was also at this moment that the two talents had to admit that their boss absolutely has amazing strength in science and technology.

Let’s not talk about whether the code typed by Ye Tian is useful or not.

The percussion speed that is almost turned into a phantom is not something ordinary people can achieve. In other words, even if the top hackers in the world come, it is impossible to achieve such a speed.

After a long time.

Ye Tian stopped moving.

The various machines in front of them have basically entered where they should be. The loading is complete.

Under the splicing of a large number of machines.

Most of the space in Nuo Da’s factory was filled.

If you look down from the roof at this time.

The machines on the entire ground seem to have become a huge assembly line, densely patched together, which can be started independently and can be used for transmission.


As each of the skilled workers completed their work, Ye Tian stepped forward for acceptance.

Those who stood far away showed admiration towards the sea of ​​machine tools in front of them.

Although this super machine tool that integrates hundreds of large, medium and small machine tools and assembly lines has not been started yet.

But everyone can fully imagine the effect that it can have when it is really started.

The only worry is that so many machine tools and functions are put together, can they really work together to produce things?

However, their worries did not last long.

The last machine has been pieced together.

The moment all data lines are successfully connected.

Ye Tian returned to the main control computer.

Gently pressed the start button of a program just written.

Then everyone stared.

From the first machine in between, the signal light representing the machine’s operation lights up instantly.

Then came the second and third generation.

It spreads towards the back like flowing water.

After a while, all the machines turned on the lights.

The workshop suddenly became a lot brighter.

Then Ye Tian pressed another button.

The machines turn off and then light up one by one in order.

Or another machine will light up and the one in the middle will go out.

Watching the flashing lights.

Everyone’s faces were a little dumbfounded.

They can see it now, feeling Ye Tian is playing with many machines as neon lights.

However, this is also a way to check whether each machine can operate normally according to Cheng Xun.

After a few minutes, the test is over.

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng who were staring at the super assembly line with bright eyes.

Then he ran to the side and asked people to hold him two gold bricks and two crystals.

“What kind of gift do you want? Say, I will make it for you.

“Do you want to test these machine tools?”

Situ Xue guessed Ye Tian’s intentions at once, and asked.

“Well, it’s best to be bold, and experiment only if it is difficult.

“Uh, then make me a phoenix, as beautiful as me.”

Situ Xue thought for a while and said.

“…Smelly, Xiaomeng, how about you.”

“I want a boss. As handsome as you!”

“Little girl, very insightful!”

Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction.

“Hmph, even say me, I am not too stinky!”

Situ Xue was dissatisfied.

Ye Tian ignored him and let people put the material into the entrance of the super machine tool.

Then Ye Tian found a few exquisite phoenix pictures on the Internet.

After some debugging, the program just written was started.

Then, everyone felt the temperature of the furnace mouth rise rapidly in the entrance and exit of the machine tool.

A slight roar appeared.

A few minutes later, the gold bricks turned into two pools of liquid, appeared on the conveyor belt, and entered the next machine.

The two crystals crossed the furnace mouth directly and entered the other machines in front. From those machines, there was a sound of grinding.

Then, as the two materials continue to advance.

Various robotic arms, hydraulics, ion meters, etc. on the super assembly line have all started to operate in turn.

(Ma Wang Zhao) And so many machines have been started one after another.

It gives people the feeling that there is no trace of chaos at all.

Every time the material passes, it can make due changes.

Soon, after passing through some of the first machines.

The gold bricks and crystals all turned into individual pieces, a quick little individual, heading towards the conveyor belt in all directions.

Even some parts may return to the previous machine after being polished by the later machine.

After going around like this, everyone’s eyes were a little flowery, and finally entered the last few machines.

But when I got here, everyone obviously couldn’t understand it.

Because after one pass, apart from seeing the parts becoming more and more scattered, there is no real physical appearance.

Is there something wrong?

Thinking about it, everyone couldn’t help looking at Ye Tian.

The boss was not at all flustered at this moment, but rather satisfied. .

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