Chapter 253 I’ll take one hundred billion, don’t you bother?

“Wrong, most of the money he has now is not his private wealth, just crowdfunding funds. Someone on my side has analyzed it. As of yesterday, according to the proportion of his unparalleled company, his private wealth is only talented. Tens of billions. Even if this day comes down, his personal wealth is at most hundreds of billions. So, as long as we have enough money, we

Can still think of a way. ”

Everyone was silent for a moment.

“There is no problem with money. The key is, what means can he use to get him out of his own territory?”

“Now there is a ready opportunity!

As far as I know, the dog appeared in the public view because of a show, and that show, old Morgan, you should know, it is the strongest god held by an animal product company under yours and nine other animal product companies. Pet the game.

“The strongest favorite? Is the one we used 10 billion as a gimmick?”

“Yes, although you don’t have to guess that you know that your so-called 10 billion is a gimmick, and the first place is set by default, but. In the eyes of others, this thing is just like lottery tickets and can happen. So you know what I mean? ”

There was a hint of brilliance in Old Morgan’s eyes: “You mean, use this 10 billion to lure him out of 20? Just so, the final venue of the game has not been determined yet. If he is allowed to get Xia Guo’s appearance, then he might really have it. Interested in picking up money.”

Soros shook his head.

“You look down on him too much. He definitely knows where he is now. He wants to risk 10 billion. It is probably impossible. This bonus must be increased to at least 100 billion!”

“Um, an animal game with a bonus of hundreds of billions? Mingbi? This is too exaggerated, isn’t it?”

“It’s like your previous 10 billion is not an exaggeration, you are not using it as a gimmick.”

“The key is that the dog is so smart. We change the bonus now, so he can’t see the tricky?

“See how, as long as the money is real money, as long as he wins the championship, he can definitely get it. With his greedy nature, he may be moved. We use his smart, smart people, often accompanied by a Character, conceit!

So as long as we consider the details well and make him feel that he can be invincible, then it is absolutely possible to draw him out. At that time, it is not him who has the final say. ”

Everyone nodded.

“So, the most important thing for us now is to make the game what he wants? The sooner you prepare, the better, and arrange everything before the forces behind him can react!”

“No problem, do you need to communicate with the above about this matter?”

“What do you think, the value of this Erha, I must be clear to everyone now, if we let the above intervene in, we are afraid that it will not be very interesting, and there is no place to look for the loss this time!”

Everyone is a capital fox. Hearing this, they suddenly made up their minds.

Just as they think.

Ye Tian looked at the 500 billion left in his hand, and also made new moves.

Taking advantage of the last five minutes, I smashed it directly onto the market index and bought or sold it.

Because of the overall rise of electronic stocks, the market index at the moment has exceeded the opening index by 10 points.

Now the situation has basically stabilized, and there is absolutely no possibility of too much fluctuation. So money is idle or idle. Although it may not make much, mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

“I like the character of the boss.

“I know that the boss can’t be free. Look, in the last few minutes, you still have to pour money in. Those from the securities company who wanted to dig people before, you learn from the old university, what is the best use of everything? .

“Why am I now looking at five hundred billion yuan the same as looking at five thousand yuan, am I floating?”

“Haha, so do I, the boss has watched too many live broadcasts. Will we be socially bullying in the future? How many trillions will we open our mouths and shut our mouths?”

“It’s possible!”

“I just want to say, the underworld is probably not as big as we play.”

“The boss is awesome, really fell!”

Everyone was discussing, and there were praises on the barrage.

Everyone looks at the broader market.

In the third minute, the word count dropped by 40 points in an instant.

After that, I didn’t wait for everyone to see clearly.

Ye Tian has quickly liquidated the position.

“Damn, the boss is not kind, I haven’t seen what’s going on yet. I sold it.”

“When you see, the day lily is cold, and do you need to see it, just make money.”

With that, the money in Ye Tian’s account also returned.

In just two minutes, one hundred billion won. The total amount has become 600 billion.

Then, Ye Tian backhanded the money and invested the technology stocks that Xia Guo hadn’t bought just now.

Only 100 billion remained in the account.

At this time, U.S. stocks also just closed.

Then, everyone saw Ye Tian start typing.

“Everyone, I need to spend some money tomorrow for something, and I will bring it out 100 billion privately. Don’t you have any comments?

“Um, the boss is the boss, one hundred billion, to describe it with a point.”

“Haha, according to the boss, then my net worth is little by little…

“Use it, you still greet us with such a small money boss, this is to look down on us!”

“That is, I still treat you as the boss at a loss, and you actually notify us if you want to use the money, 460 this is an insult to us!”

“Use it whatever you want, anyway, you just won the 100 billion yuan, and don’t count it in the general ledger, otherwise we will never finish with you!”

“Agree upstairs. Boss, you have doubled and doubled our net worth during this period. We don’t know how to thank you yet. How can we care about this little money with you.”

Fans boldly posted barrage.

At this moment, even those who are stingy, face the astronomical numbers that can shock a person’s chin under normal circumstances, and they only feel like a fraction of a fraction.

After all, at this moment, his total funds have reached 156 trillion yuan.

Among them, everyone’s real principal is less than half, and Ye Tian’s management fees are more than this.

Moreover, what everyone knows is that Ye Tian is now their respective God of Wealth.

If even this little money dare to have an opinion. If people are upset, they can just play without them.

The loss is huge.

Watching the barrage of enthusiasm.

Ye Tian didn’t go to court either.

This is what I deserved, so I just picked it up in advance.

So Situ Xue said hello to Zhao Yang, and the money soon returned from the overseas account to Ye Tian’s personal account. .

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