Chapter 246 Zhang Liangji and the ladder over the wall

The top floor of the Wall Street Financial Building.

At the moment, it was silent.

Even Soros, who was the most calm just now, has directly changed his face.

Wubusi pressed his fists tightly on the table.

Staring at the scheduled army in Ye Tian’s live broadcast room, his eyes were splitting apart.

“How is it possible? How can it be possible to have these technologies? This is our latest technology. Why can he keep pace with us?”

“Mr. Bird, now is not the time to be angry. No matter how angry you are, you can’t change any situation. Think of a way.”

“What can I do?”

“You are an expert in this area, you are the CEO of the world’s No. 1 mobile phone company, you don’t want to do it~ who wants it?”

“But, Rotten Pear 6 is already the crystallization of the latest technology of my Rotten Pear Group. We reluctantly cut our love and released it two years in advance. What do you want me to do-think of a way?”

Soros frowned fiercely,-also lost in thought,

After a long while, his eyes lit up slightly.

“Mr. Bird, you just said that your rotten pear 6 is already the crystallization of the highest technology. What about the output?”

“In the past few days, because I wanted to attract the other party to enter the set, I temporarily proposed how much output. I expected to use this as a guise to sell a small limited edition to reduce the loss. I didn’t plan to sell it on a large scale. That capacity is sold on a large scale.”

“So, with your strength, it is impossible to produce with all your strength in dealing with this kind of sudden incident. Then he is promising, why dare to say mass production?,


Niaobusi and the other financial tycoons were slightly taken aback. Seems to be awakened.

That’s right, what the world’s largest mobile phone group can’t do, how can the other party do it?

With joy on his face, Niaobusi thought of a way in an instant.

He quickly called the assistant in.

After an order, the news of the rotten pear appeared again in the ears of the sleepless people watching the show.

And this news was recognized by most people in the first place.

“False propaganda? Take the concept machine as a sample machine? It’s really possible!”

“Well, I thought something was wrong just now. Now I finally know that mobile phones like the ones in Youwei’s video are obviously not the products that should be available at this time. How can they be sold on a large scale?

But if you just get a concept machine to publicize it, it will be enough to deal with the offensive of Rotten Pear 6. ”

“It’s a pity. I thought I could pick up a bargain this time. I didn’t expect it was just a promotion. This phone looks awesome. If you really want to be able to buy it, I dare say that it will take at least a year or more. By then, it will be bad. The pear may have been updated a long time ago. Maybe even Rotten Pear 7 has come out.”

“It might be, it’s for sure. Didn’t you watch the official website of Rotten Li? There is already a concept video of Rotten Li 7, and all aspects of the functional design are about to be perfected. I absolutely crush Rotten Li 6 and this charm 1.

“Damn it, Rotten Pear is going to save yourself. If Rotten Pear 7 is about to come out, and this charm 1 is nowhere in sight, I feel that I can bear it for a while. waste money.”

“Well, I really need to wait and see. I don’t really believe that a country that has just developed a high-precision lithography machine can have how much output, unless it can contract the three high-precision machines owned by their country. The sharp lithography machine produces chips for itself alone. But, is this possible? Xia Guo, big and small electronic companies do not need to eat?”

“According to the analysis upstairs, I can almost possibly. Youwei is indeed making false propaganda this time.

A series of words appeared in the conference room of the Financial Building.

The sorrow on everyone’s faces just now suddenly unfolded.

“Soros, I have to say, you are intriguing, we are far behind the dust, your previous amazing record is really not in vain.”

In a good mood, the bird could not help boasting.

Niaobusi shook his head: “We still don’t be happy too early. After all, rumors are just rumors, not facts. If we want to completely regain the initiative, we need to turn them into facts.”

Niaobusi was taken aback for a moment, somewhat unclear.

“As far as I know, your mobile phone industry, from pre-sale to sale, has always been known for its slowness. Therefore, what you said just now is only a wait-and-see at best. If there is really a mobile phone inventory that can be shipped, you incited it. The rumors are self-defeating, and, now, those who are watching are only people who understand mobile phones. Those who do not understand mobile phones will consider this.

Much? So the current situation is still very unfavorable to us. You can see this by looking at the stock price. ”

…0 Seeking flowers………

The crowd followed Soros’s words and looked towards the stock market page.

His face suddenly sank. After the rumors just now, the stock price of Rotten Pear has indeed stabilized for a while, but now it has begun to fall again.

And not only has it gone down, but it has now fallen by more than 5%.

“Damn it! What should we do now?”

“In a short period of time, there is only one way to turn the rumors into reality, and then you use the fastest speed to launch the so-called rotten pear 7, otherwise, the consequences do not need me to say.,

“How to turn rumors into reality?”

“What do you say? The reason why we made this rumor is that we don’t believe that Youwei really has such a large output and real supporting technology? Then we will attack this with all our strength, but, no matter what, today’s battle is If you lose, everything depends on the next operation. It is possible to return to the game.”

“You mean, put pressure on their sale?”

“Yes, this time, it is no longer something that the financial battlefield can handle. We must spread the battlefield into reality. This two-half is our allies!”

“Why? Erha is an allied army? What do you mean?”

“Heh, haven’t you seen it? The audience in his live broadcast room is crazy and they are all booking mobile phones. This group of people has booked, at least tens of millions of units, and because of the overwhelming propaganda over us, this The number of reservations within an hour is definitely an astronomical number.

Even if you put this figure in the heyday of your rotten pears, I am afraid that it will not be satisfied for a while, it is even more impossible if he is promising.

So what we have to do now is to make this number a task that they absolutely cannot accomplish, and the effect will come out when the time comes. The rumors will become reality. The current crisis is directly lifted. “NS.

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