Chapter 244 They have new ones, don’t we?

Indeed, in the financial market, the rotten pear is definitely a real behemoth.

The whole world can’t find a few individuals that can match it.

However, no matter how large a financial entity is, it can compete with a country.

That is definitely another scene.

What’s more, it is still one of the best opponents in the world in terms of economics.

For a while, Niaobusi’s face became a little pale.

“So, I don’t have a second option?”

“What do you say? Or you can do what you want and wait for the top to support you. I still said the same thing. Give me the money I invested. How about your love.”

Bird did not think for a moment and took a deep breath.

Looked at the assistant next to him.

“The plan starts!”

The assistant looked straight and walked out of the room quickly.

ten minutes later.

On the official website of Lanli, the latest news spread to every corner of the world.

“Oh my God, Rotten Pear 5 hasn’t been released yet. This time, Rotten Pear 6 has been launched directly! Is Rotten Pear Company crazy?”

“Yes, I originally read the introduction on Lanli’s official website. It was expected that the next generation would come out at least two years later. I didn’t expect the two generations to be pre-sold at the same time this time.”

“If this rotten pear 6 wasn’t so cool, looking at this body, this screen, and this brand new operating system, it would be a dream phone!

“It is said that Rotten Pear this time is a surprise for our loyal users. The pre-sale price of the world-class Rotten Pear 5 in terms of technology and design has dropped by 30% directly to give back to our support over the years. Even people who think that rotten pear 6 is expensive can definitely use rotten pear 5.”

“The rotten pears are good, I will book now, rotten pears 5 and rotten pears 6 are the same.

With the discussion of people all over the world.

A detailed evaluation data of Rotten Pear 6 also appeared in the public’s field of vision.

And this data makes those who don’t understand mobile phones also completely crazy.

One by one fluent and practical program pages, one by one unprecedented operation mode.

Everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

Smart phones can actually be smart like this.

Each of these technologies is completely like the future world, okay?

For a time, not only the users of Rotten Pear, but also the users of most other mobile phone brands were directly and firmly attracted.

Moreover, this kind of thing that even ordinary people can see is good or bad at a glance.

Those companies that specialize in software or related programs were also deeply shocked and joined the professional discussions.

It can be said that under the careful preparation and promotion of Rotten Pear.

In less than half an hour, Rotten Pear 6 has directly become the hottest topic in the world.

Even on Xia Guo’s side, the people who didn’t sleep also saw relevant news for the first time.

Then, many people who had fallen asleep were awakened by their companions to study the magical magic machine.

at the same time.

The Ye Tian live broadcast room where most of the night owls of Xia are gathered.

At this moment, the pot has been exploded.

“Oh my God, did you see the news just now? This time it’s miserable,|! ”

“What’s wrong? In the middle of the night, what else can happen? Isn’t the biggest thing that we are rotten pears?”

“The rotten pear broke out. If you don’t know, go and check the rotten pear-related news. This time something really happened.”

“Huh? I just looked at it, and now the first topic in the search is Rotten Pear launching the pre-sale Rotten Pear 6. Is there any problem with this? Didn’t you say that you withdrew from the pre-sale before?”

“Damn, what kind of eyes do you have, have you seen the specific content? This time, it was Rotten Pear 6, while the previous one was Rotten Pear 5. Isn’t it a level thing at all?”

“Uh, I’ve never used a rotten pear phone before. I really don’t know the difference between five and six.”

“Let me describe it to you. Two years ago, what kind of phone did you use? It was the kind of poor old-fashioned phone with a flip cover and a small screen? Now? Most people use large-screen three-button phones.

So, two years ago, did you know that mobile phones will develop into what they are now? Do you know that mobile phones can have so many functions?”

“And the current rotten pear 5 and rotten pear 6 are this kind of gap. Rotten pear 5 represents the current top technology, touch screen.

Rotten Pear 6 directly achieves a full-screen sliding design, and each page can be swiped like a book. All kinds of pictures can be stretched or zoomed out with two fingers.

Just tell me, this kind of thing that completely crosses the current mobile phone technology, your heart is not moved!”

The explanation of professional mobile phone enthusiasts changed the faces of the audience who imagined that he described the picture.

Opened the webpage one after another and started searching for related content.

The more they look, the paler the people’s faces.

“Boss, have you seen the news about the rotten pear? What should I do now? The other party has made a big move!”

“What is a big move? It’s just as good as using a nuclear weapon. Who can resist?

“How could this happen? I finally took all the stocks, but when this happened, the stocks of the rotten pears were over!”

With the scream of barrage.

Everyone was horrified to find that Rotten Pear had fallen 3% of its stock price within half an hour, but it suddenly rose back within a short period of time, and it exceeded the previous reserve price by 1%.

And, as time passed, it started to increase almost at a frequency of one or two minutes.

At that terrifying speed, cold sweat broke out on everyone’s heads, and their faces paled.

*I rely on, this growth rate directly exceeds the previous improvement rate at the opening of the market! It’s too fast!

“It’s miserable, what should we do now, didn’t you just say that 1% is used as 10%, and now, if we increase by 1%, are we also losing 10%?

“Boss, is there any way to do it? The market will close in one hour. If the loss goes on, it will reach at least 50% by the end of the market. We can’t even keep our capital!

“Boss. You must have a way, right? You dare to play like this. (Li Zhao) It’s absolutely impossible to resign, right?

In a hurry, everyone looked at Ye Tian.

At this moment, various discussions are meaningless.

When a person is in despair, he will subconsciously think of the person he trusts most.

Ye Tian looked at the barrage like the waves.

Take a deep breath.

The paw was placed on the computer keyboard.

“Everyone, can you look at the news more comprehensively? As long as he has new technology, don’t we have it?

“We? What do we have?”

Everyone was shocked.

Then, he saw Ye Tian paw start to open the webpage.

And it is a promising official website celebration.

The moment the web page appeared.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Because what greets you is a gorgeous and outrageous mobile phone.

Compared with Rotten Pear 6, this phone is more eye-catching in appearance. .

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