Chapter 240 I’m gambled this time

“What should we do now, we have no money to use. Looking at the other party, we are rushing up unscrupulously. This is good news. It’s too watery, right?”

“Is there any way, we are originally lagging behind, although the lithography mechanism has already caught up, but it is only catching up, and it has not completely surpassed, so there is not much advantage.

Moreover, our good news can only be aimed at promising people. For the rotten pears, it does not have much impact. As long as the other party is strong, it will be difficult for us to beat it down.

“Damn, this is uncomfortable, what else can the boss do?”

“I don’t know, I guess the boss hasn’t thought about so much this time. After all, what I thought at the beginning was just making money here, and the other is going to go down. How can rotten pears fall, who would have thought that the other party would come to draw such a trick from the bottom of the pan. Revitalize yourself.”

“However, the problem is not too big. This kind of artificial promotion is not like good news after all. It can bring about the growth of the general trend, and there is a limit to the promotion. Even if we don’t make a profit, we can’t lose much.

It’s a pity that these brothers who invested later have little money to make. ”

“Isn’t it? We are so unlucky. I heard that the net worth of the people you invested in first has increased several times on average, so we just came in and paid the bills.”

“The god of stock is about to show up, I don’t believe in what you are betting, can you not have a back hand? This shouldn’t be. 453”

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I really have no future. The boss bought the rotten pear stock. I feel that it is purely that there is more money and I can’t spend it. I just find a plate that I can eat and throw it in. Who knows that the other party is struggling so hard. .”

“Hey! Then you can only accept your fate?”

“It should be, but it’s hard to tell. The boss is best at making miracles. Maybe he really has something to do.”

“Look, the boss has moved!”

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Tian has already placed his paw on the mouse.

And the computer screen is the trading page of Xia Guo electronic stocks.

“No, the boss wants to sell stocks?”

“No, the other party is waiting for us to drill in now, boss, don’t be impulsive.”

“Yeah, take good care of our Xia Guo stocks. No matter how we manage over there, we can still get some blood back. If we make less money, we will make less money. This will have to plunge into it, but it will ruin the family.”

“That great god will help you analyze it. If you buy it again, is it possible to exceed 75%? Look at the boss like this, I’m afraid it’s hard to rush.”

Following Ye Tian’s actions, the live broadcast room exclaimed. Those who were more stable just now were panicked.

Because of the explanation of the barrage god just now, everyone realized that once the mandatory acquisition was started.

That’s not a matter of stocks rising or falling, it is very likely to lose everything in an instant.

As for the success of the acquisition, everyone didn’t think about it at all.

That is at least about ten trillion yuan.

Such a huge sum of money, let alone an individual, even a country, I am afraid it is impossible to get it out in a short time.

Therefore, once in the set, there will be no other possibility.

“Barrage God, do it quickly! Give the boss some data, otherwise you really have to do it.”

Seeing Ye Tian sell the flying stocks one after another, which are still growing.

Everyone was completely panicked.

“It has been calculated. If the outstanding shares before the rotten pear accounted for half of the market value, then his total market value would be 15 trillion. Seventy-five percent, or 11.5 trillion, we sold these stocks and smashed it in. , And not too dangerous.

But if the outstanding shares accounted for 60% before, the total market value of rotten pears should be about 12.5 trillion, and 75% is 9.3 trillion. We now hold 6.6 trillion, if we buy again 2.7 trillion yuan, which directly meets the requirements.

The barrage god spoke up.

But he just finished speaking.

Ye Tian has already sold out the stock.

All funds returned.

The final figure just stopped at 2.7 trillion.

Sometimes God’s will just trick people like this.


Looking at the number that seemed like a curse, everyone’s heart raised their voice (cabj).

Because anyone who passes a little bit in mathematics knows it.

This is definitely not a half-and-half multiple-choice question.

On the basis of the other party’s tradable shares occupying 60%, there are still 70% and 80%.

Even many listed companies will flow 100% of their shares into the stock market for financing in order to better expand their scale.

Since the development of Rotten Pear, in order to avoid risks, as long as he does not say it himself, no one will know how far their tradable shares have reached.

Moreover, now it is not a gambling on luck, but a gambling on fate.

The money this time is because of the second investment.

Almost all the homes of 15 million people have been emptied.

If the money gets stuck, God knows how much panic it can cause.

Watching this scene.

In the past few days, this is the third time someone woke up from sleep.

“Boss, the big thing is not good!”

The panic on the face of Yi Lao’s personal assistant instantly made Yi Lao still confused.

“what happened?”

“U.S. stocks, something went wrong over the U.S. stocks!”

“Oh, where did you say the little boss? That little guy didn’t keep his hands this time, I’m afraid that he made a profit. I have already known this, so I used it to panic like this?”

Old Yi cast a fussy look at the assistant.

“No, it’s not a profit, but it’s about to collapse!”

“What? Crash, it’s impossible, right? What happened? Didn’t the little boss prepare so many back players?”

“The key point is that the other party has set up the table now, and it is no longer a matter of no success. As long as the little boss buys this time, it has nothing to do with the stock price.”

With that said, the assistant hurriedly recounted what he had seen.

The more I listened, the more frightened Yi Lao was.

Because he had never thought that Ye Tian actually invested another round before the market opened.

Moreover, two trillion yuan was obtained.

Therefore, the current situation is not within his consideration at all.

But now, this painful situation has really appeared.

And for the first time, Yi Lao thought of the 15 million.

If something goes wrong with this f*ck, I’m afraid the world will be in chaos.

Suddenly, Yi Lao lost his sleep at all.

He quickly took out the phone and called Ye Tian.

But the call hasn’t been connected yet.

He already saw that Ye Tian’s claws had been clicked.

A big list of 2700 billion.

Directly cleaned up most of the stocks that were still rapidly rising rotten pear stocks.

In the cloud time, the rotten pear stock held by Ye Tian has reached 935 billion!.

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