Chapter 238 Officially go to war

“Boss, something happened to me, you don’t comfort a few words, but ridicule, what is the meaning.

“Do you still need me to comfort you? I don’t care, what kind of radar is yours. I want a hundred here. I want a larger range that can detect all signals.”

“No problem, wait for me to buy the Xia Ke Industrial Park. I will build what you want, and just give me the money.

“Money, money, money, you know money in one day. Isn’t it enough for you to earn tonight?”

“That’s nowhere, my pattern, you don’t understand!”

“Stop talking to me, you can figure it out tonight!”

“What to do?”

“Fight hard, the other party is bullied to the head, you guy will make them feel better?,

“I thought you would let me converge.”

Ye Tian smiled.

“Have a shit, since they are shameless, don’t give them a face, give me death, and we will bear it if there is a problem!”


Hanging up the phone, his face is more relaxed.

It was not until 8 o’clock that Liu Qiang opened the live broadcast.

“Come here, our stock god is finally here!”

“Boss, we are ready, do you think there is a play to rush to eight trillion on 20 tonight?”

“Eight trillion, who do you look down on? Our principal is more than 600 million, and only rushed to 8 trillion. Isn’t this a slap in the face of the boss, at least 10 trillion!”

“Anyway, my house has been optimistic, boss, you can figure it out.”

“I am optimistic about the car. I expected to buy a family car, but in the past few days, I ran several times in the Auto City. I saw hundreds of thousands of cars from one hundred thousand, and every time the plan could not keep up with the changes. Can the boss give us a final word today?”

As soon as the broadcast started, barrage flew all over the sky again.

I have to say that since Ye Tian stocks stocks, the audience in the live broadcast room has changed significantly.

For major events related to the financial market, it is more concerned than anyone else.

The news that was promising before is now almost unknown to everyone.

At the same time, Ye Tian and others were also surprised to find that the number of people in the live broadcast room today was much higher than usual.

オ After a few minutes of broadcasting, it has reached about 8 million, and this number is still rising.

As for the barrage, in addition to the predictions of old fans, there are also a lot of new voices.

“This is the legendary stock god?”

“My God, our stock god, it’s really a two-half, this is too outrageous!”

“Several trillions are actually in the hands of one and two Kazakhstan, which is awesome.”

“Well, boss, I just became your fan today. Can you give me a chance?”

“Same opportunity, everyone is a fan. Boss, you can’t favor one another. The big ones have made money. Can you let us newcomers share a piece of the pie?”

“I also want to contribute to our gdp growth and seek the success of the boss.

As the number of people grows, more and more such words appear in the barrage.

Situ Xue was shocked.

Knowing the inside story this time, she couldn’t help but cast her gaze on Ye Tian.

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Situ Xue’s face was happy.

Cleared his throat.

“Since there are so many new friends today, let’s break the list today and open another round of investment. The investment will be open for half an hour. Please speed up.

After speaking, Situ Xue called Zhao Yang directly.

After a while, Wushuang’s product purchase channels opened.

The barrage fell into calm.

After half an hour.

Zhao Yang called again.

“Mr. Xue, it’s incredible, this time the data really exploded!”

“what’s the situation?”

“After opening the channel just now, the accumulated registered users have officially reached 20 million, and investors, 15 million!”

“Add the previous ones?

“No, there are so many investors this time!”

“How is it possible? Isn’t it only 15 million people in total, and most of them have invested before?”

“The problem is, they invested again this time. The total investment is two trillion yuan!”


Situ Xue swallowed her saliva and looked at the barrage.

“Are you all crazy?”

“Hey, Goddess Xue, it’s no wonder that we, who asked you to give a chance, then we don’t have to give charcoal in the snow.

“That is, this time I wanted to make up for my regrets, but I really took out all the money from the bottom of the box, so I left 50 yuan for cigarettes.

“I didn’t vote too much, just called in my parents, seven aunts and eight aunts, goddess Xue, don’t you think it’s too much money, right?”

“It is everyone’s responsibility to improve gdp. We are making contributions to the family.

Situ Xue couldn’t laugh or cry.

But after laughing, I didn’t think it was a big deal either.

If she had encountered this amount of money before, she would be frightened, but now.

Money is already in the clouds, and this wave of reaping is fame.

Today this must-win battle is over.

Even if there is no such battle in the future, just based on the reputation in the financial world at this moment, I am afraid that Wushuang is definitely a stable giant.

Twenty million users, this is completely out of the circle.

As for Ye Tian, ​​it is even more indifferent. The big guys have already spoken, and if they want to fight fiercely, he will only think that there is little money, how can he think that there is too much money.


The channel was closed and the US stock market officially opened.

In front of the big situation and good news.

The stock market is no surprise.

The appearance of the 10453nm lithography machine in Xia Guo is definitely earthquake-level news for the world.

Almost immediately, the domestic electronic stocks held by Ye Tian began to improve in an all-round way.

The speed of improvement is much faster than yesterday.

Less than an hour.

As the main domestic electronic stocks, Youwei Group has increased by 40% compared to yesterday.

Other major companies have also increased more or less by more than 20%.

All the spectators who watched were in joy.

However, the situation is a bit strange on the other major force, Rotten Pear, in Ye Tian’s hands.

As if convulsing.

The stock price has been fluctuating up and down.

There has never been a complete downward trend.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian didn’t get used to him either.

Resolutely, in the eyes of people’s expectation, one trillion yuan was poured into it to buy or sell.

The weird thing is, just when everyone felt that one trillion could not be used up.

The list that Ye Tian hung up, but slowly began to disappear.

Finally, it was completely consumed.

“F*ck, this rotten pear has a big appetite, it can actually buy a trillion.”

“It is worthy of being the main stock of the U.S. stock market. I like this market. Otherwise, where should we put the money behind?

“Yes, it is the first time that I hope that the stronger the enemy, the better, is this considered a tendency to suffer malaria?”.

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