Chapter 236 Cramped skin

Upgrade advanced intelligence.

Without hesitation, Ye Tian clicked to upgrade his basic attributes.

And this time, the upgrade cost has reached 10 billion.

Ye Tian couldn’t help but feel pain.

Originally I wanted to keep some Dog God Coins for emergencies, but now I have used them all at once.

As a result, the basic attributes such as strength and agility that should have been upgraded together can only be temporarily shelved.

People really can’t stop no matter when it comes.

When there was no money in the past, Ye Tian felt that he had dozens of millions, which was completely enough.

Now it is worth tens of hundreds of billions, but it is often stretched ~ hardly.

Still working hard to make money.

Long sigh.

The information in Ye Tian’s brain finally started to be integrated after his intelligence was strengthened.

After a few minutes.

Ye Tian opened his eyes.

There is clarity in my mind.

The speed of thinking has reached an unprecedented state of horror.

It can be said that he can basically analyze the origin of the other party’s composition and function at the first time when he sees anything.

It feels like the creator, looking at the things he created, there is absolutely no secret to hide.

In the dog god system, the title of Ye Tian has also become the king of information.

Compared with the previous masters of information engineering, this title is not just a bit more domineering.

Rather, in this field, he has reached the real king level.

Jumping out of the bed, Ye Tian bit Dai Xiaomeng’s notebook and opened it on the bed.

Then I looked at the various things displayed on the screen, and in my mind, those things became the simplest 0 and 1 without having to call up the background program.

Open a website at will.

Ye Tian got the administrator authority by operating in two or three times.

Get all the secrets of the other party at a glance.

Situ Xue and Dai Xiaomeng blinked their big eyes to watch Ye Tian’s operation, their faces were full of horror.

What level of hacker is your boss?

And with their horror, Ye Tian has already opened the Rotten Pear webpage at this moment.

With just a few clicks, the Rotten Li backstage data appeared in front of Ye Tian.

Then, Ye Tian followed the background data and entered an unknown page.

The first time I saw this Ye Tian.

Situ Xue exclaimed.

“This is Rotten Pear 6?”

Swallowing saliva, watching Ye Tian restore the garbled page to a picture that ordinary people can understand, Situ Xue’s face was unbelievable.

Because in her consciousness, even the mud five has not been on the market, and now she actually sees a cooler mobile phone picture than the rotten pear five.

This shape, this fluency, is not on the same level as the rotten pear five.

“Boss, is this the design of Rotten Pear 6? Or a concept machine?”

Ye Tian shook his head, a hint of playfulness appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Neither, this is the finished picture.”

“Finished product? Rotten Pear 5 hasn’t been released yet, why are all 6 finished products?”

“This is where the rotten pear’s confidence lies. It can also be said that this is the secret of rotten pear’s ability to develop to such a scale. Come and harvest leeks over and over again.

Situ Xue frowned.

“If this is the case, then the news that Youwei released before does not pose any threat to the other party? It may even become a weakness of the other party’s attack!”

The more he talked about it, the more shocked Situ Xue: “Also, you said yesterday that the other party had designed a trap for us to drill, wouldn’t it be this?”

Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

The claws did not stop.

Follow the previous page and continue to open other pages.

Soon, another brand new page appeared.

This time it is still a picture of a rotten pear phone.

“Damn, rotten pear 7!”

Situ Xue’s stared boss: “How much are we behind? This rotten pear is too outrageous.”

“You can rest assured that Rotten Pear 7 is really in the concept stage and is still under study and design.

Ye Tian smiled.

“Boss, what are you going to do with these things?”

Situ Xue breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, her eyes showed light.

“The old rule is to use the other way to give back to the other body. Don’t they love to expose and contribute for free? Then contribute enough, I will see if their companies over there look at the ready-made technology. Don’t study.”

…0 Seeking flowers………

“As for us, it is definitely not possible to learn. You can use your own technology directly, so you don’t need to learn it!”

Having said that, Ye Tian made a compressed package of all the two pages and their detailed information.

I found the address book of Ren Wo Bank and sent it to it.

After a few minutes.

Ye Tian’s mobile phone video sounded.

The screen appears.

The first thing that catches the eye is the extremely horrified face of letting it go.

“Boss, this you sent me, is it true?”

“When did I send you something, can you not wrong the good people?”

Ye Tian quickly withdrew the relationship.

I was stunned, and he immediately paid attention to Ye Tian’s meaning: “Yes, yes, how could this kind of information be sent to me by the boss? Obviously, a kind anonymous person donated it to us.,


Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction.

“Then this information is sure to be true?”

“How do I know, but the well-meaning anonymous person is said to have obtained it from the rotten pear. The authenticity should be no problem.”

“Then he was a great help. No wonder the boss didn’t let me announce all the news. It turns out that the other party was hiding so deeply. If we really just targeted Rotten Pear 5 to suppress it, I’m afraid that we don’t know how it died in the end.”

“So, what do you think now?”

Ye Tian asked.

“Well, boss, what do you think I should do?”

“This time the latest chip, the first thing that satisfies is promising, and other electronics companies want to rise, it is not that simple. There are many new technologies. According to my idea, those technologies can be used by other companies in our country to learn more. I will

If you don’t believe it, they won’t be able to study the new technology in a while. They don’t know how to use this ready-made one!”

Ye Tian was very interesting.

Let me swallow it.

Showing a wry smile.

“Boss, you are trying to get the other party cramped!”

“If possible, I hope that they will not even be left with scum, but this goal is a bit too big. I am afraid that it will not be achieved within a period of time. Your task now is to send the technology to our people first.” ,

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