Chapter 232 Take off in place

“It’s a bit longer? It’s a bit longer? We are the latest generation of drawings. Normally, if it is to be fine, it will take at least half an hour for the first rubbing?”

“Half an hour? Mr. Ren, you too underestimated the boss’s lithography machine. Don’t say that there is a running chip now, even if it doesn’t, the boss relied on manual diy, and it didn’t take half an hour to get things done. Yes. But now we are talking about nonsense. Whether it succeeds or not, you will know by looking at the finished product.”

With that, Lao Zhou nodded to Lao Zhang.

The latter quickly took out the wafer and started cutting.

After a while, the wafers were packaged, cut, and sealed.

After screening and checking in front of the three people in Renwuxing, a set of data appeared in front of them.

“Mr. Ren, the chip lithography is completely correct, and the yield rate is 100%.”

With that said, he handed up the chips that had been cut just now.


Ren Woxing and others swallowed wildly.

Boss with staring eyes.

With trembling hands, he took the dense chip, and his eyes burst with unprecedented light.

“Oh my God, it’s really successful, our Pangu No. 1 machine is finally available!”

“Yes, Mr. Ren, this time we really took off. With this chip, we will have at least several years before we have the opportunity to launch an epoch-making product that can be directly developed.”

“Lao Zhou, lithography again at full horsepower, calculate the specific time.,

Ye Tian looked at the excited people, felt that the data was not detailed enough, and said again.

Then, he seemed to think of something.

He quickly asked Lao Zhou to stop: “Mr. Ren, come here this time, did you bring a photographer?”


Let me go stunned, and then his eyes fell.

Instantly understood the meaning of Ye Tian.

This person, but several trillions have been smashed into the US stock market. Today, let myself see all this with my own eyes, and the purpose is self-evident.

“The boss waited a moment. The other people I brought stayed outside the villa. I immediately notified the people from the Propaganda Department to bring in equipment.

After speaking, let us start calling.

It didn’t take long for the two men to carry the shooting equipment into the warehouse.

Then it was a precise arrangement to incorporate the various perspectives and equipment of the lithography machine into the shooting angle.

“Go ahead, call me when you get it done.”

Faced with so many shots, unless Ye Tian is stupid, he would choose to be on the cusp of this storm.

Closing the door of the warehouse, Ye Tian and Dai Xiaomeng ran to the lawn and took a breath of fresh air.

After half an hour.

The warehouse door was opened.

Ren Woxing and others rushed out excitedly.

“Boss, it’s so awesome, you lithography machine, it’s so awesome!”

“What’s wrong?”

“In half an hour, 200 lithographic wafers, all of the wafers are excellent grade products, the yield rate is 100%, and this yield rate is all on the basis of excellent, not even an ordinary chip.”

“Isn’t this all right?”

“Yeah, well, it’s really great. The efficiency of your lithography machine can directly enable our Xia Guo’s semiconductor business to take off. It is too powerful. The lithography efficiency of 200 wafers in half an hour is better than the current world. The strongest lithography machine known on the list is four times faster!

As for a wafer, at least 100 chips can be cut out, that is, one hour, your lithography machine can produce 40,000 chips. There are 960,000 pieces in one day.

Moreover, you are still in a completely undamaged state, and there is no waste of obsolete products or raw materials at all.

In such a comparison, the capacity of your machine is at least equivalent to 10 of the world’s top lithography machines, and this ten times is still in all aspects. ”

“Yes, with this efficiency, the number of mobile phones manufactured in the world in half a year can reach about 200 million, and it can definitely be rolled out globally in one year.

The more I speak, the more excited.

Youwei everyone in the warehouse just now blushed, cheering in their mouths.

Dai Xiaomeng looked at them and couldn’t help laughing: “It looks like it’s really hot inside.”

Ye Tian is no surprise.

As a machine builder, he knew these data well.

Let them see it as they please, it’s just a preparation for the next step.

“Mr. Ren, since the machine is okay, can you officially start work on your side?”

“It is necessary. After I go back, I will order the major parts factories to start construction with all their strength, and strive to be in the shortest time. No, if we want to release a new generation of mobile phone money in Rotten Li, we will withdraw from our Pangu No. 1 machine!”

Let me squeeze my fist. 0

Full of confidence.

Ye Tian frowned.

“Mr. Ren, I’ll give you the benefits you want, but you can’t stop me from making money. You have to eat this meal one bite at a time!”

Let me blink a few times: “Boss, can you be more specific, I don’t understand?”

“There are fluctuations in the stock market, and there is profit. I think I lost so much money in the U.S. stocks. I don’t want to turn around a few times and come out again. Isn’t it a big loss? And, as far as I know, rotten pears are not what you think. It’s that simple. You don’t want to see where the bottom line is?”

“The rotten pear still has a bottom line?”

“At that time, you will know. Go back today. You should make it public. You should make it public as soon as possible. If you shouldn’t, wait for my news.”

With that, Ye Tian called Ren Woxing once, and started muttering the plan directly in the voice mode.

Just now in front of the people in Renwohang, Ye Tian used Morse code monitors, and the communication was really uncomfortable.

Let Woxing listen and listen, swallowing again.

The eyes looking at Ye Tian were full of horror.

“Boss, it’s fortunate that we are in the same group, otherwise I’m afraid I don’t even know how I died at 1.9.”

“You don’t need to say compliments. I have no other requirements. Don’t hold me back. What you want to think about now is not how to fly into the sky, but to be steady.”

“Understand, starting from today, I will transfer the pre-stage center to infrastructure construction, and the rest will really be left to you.”

“OK, happy cooperation!”

He stretched out his hand and shook Ye Tian’s paw fiercely.

Let me go without wasting time, and leave with his subordinates.

Ye Tian returned to the villa after everyone walked away.

Situ Xue was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Seeing Ye Tian coming in, his eyes were a little unnatural.

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment, and jumped directly to her side.

“Do you have a lot of questions to ask?”.

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