Chapter 215 Do the multiple-choice questions for the puppy

See Wu Lan like this.

Hu Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Ye Tian embarrassedly, with apologies in his eyes.

“Sorry, boss, sister Xiaolan has always had this character, it really needs to be polished.”

Ye Tian nodded, and was not prepared to care too much.

Back to Situ Xue’s side.

“You were looking for me just now?”

“Hmm! Have you seen the news? A press conference was held earlier this morning. It means that Xia Guo already has chip manufacturing capabilities. Starting today, we will provide great support to the electronics industry.”

“Furthermore, at the press conference site, the relevant technical personnel also regarded the production of lithography machine as a demonstration. It is said that the daily production capacity of several lithography machines that have resumed production can meet the consumption of a medium-sized semiconductor company for a year.”

Situ Xue said excitedly.

“That’s it, I knew it before I came back!”

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and said.

“Damn, you knew it a long time ago, then you didn’t know to tell me, which made me worry for so long yesterday.”

After speaking, Situ Xue’s eyes began to gleam.

“In this way, this wave of good news is afraid that our stocks will take off directly. And not only the US stocks, even the domestic stock market, I believe it can also usher in a take-off.

“It’s okay 437. The sanctions have only appeared for a day or two at best. Before that, domestic electronics companies hadn’t been like that. It could only be said that the decline would not be so severe.

Situ Xue nodded. Then it seemed to remember something, and he opened his eyes and looked at Ye Tian.

“Boss, shouldn’t all of this be in your calculations? You know that the US stock market will definitely target us, so you deliberately lead the battlefield to their turf, and then anger them to suppress them to the greatest extent, and then harvest?

“It’s not bad, there is progress, even these can be thought of.”

Ye Tian picked up the corner of his mouth and praised.

“Damn, really?”

Situ Xue was a little unbelievable, if it was as she thought, when did the layout of Ye Tian begin?

When suppressing Nadi and Ake?

Or when he was officially preparing to deal with Murong’s family?

This step by step seems to be irrelevant, but it is closely related!

In this way, the many unreasonable actions of Ye Tian before were all explained clearly.

For example, knowing that the other party will suppress, but also desperately impacting the broader market index, while making money, will completely anger the (cabj) party.

“Stocks are originally used to play. The real big players will never passively wait for the stocks to fluctuate. You have the knowledge to be a banker. When everything can be a bargaining chip for you to make money, you are Really won!”

Ye Tian explained calmly.

“It’s no wonder that no matter how hard I work, I always have so little income. It turns out that it is not that the technology is not in place, but the structure is too small.

Situ Xue nodded in agreement.

I couldn’t help but hugged Ye Tian’s head. The beautiful eyes that looked at Ye Tian were full of admiration.

“You can be aware of this problem and prove that you still have salvation. You don’t want certain people, your mind is simple, and your limbs are simple!”

Ye Tian stretched out his claws disgustingly and pushed Situ Xue who was drooling on his face, and then pointed out.

On the side, Wu Lan, who was acting as the door god, trembled, and his chest was up and down.

Surprisingly, he didn’t say much.

Although she is arrogant, it does not mean that she is indifferent to outside affairs.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, Ye Tian’s performance this day is also in his eyes.

Enter the U.S. stock market with a shocking wealth of 1.4 trillion, while making money while turning over the opponents who killed them.

This is exactly a kind of chivalrous spirit in disguise.

It is the highest state she has pursued in her life.

Based on this alone, Ye Tian is completely qualified to treat her as useless.

“Boss, Sister Wu Lan is a girl, so don’t keep talking about people. Today we didn’t think so much, so we ran out in the yard to bask in the sun.”

Dai Xiaomeng took a peek at Wu Lan. It was a little girl and couldn’t help but persuade him.

Ye Tian can naturally listen to the words of his own girl.

Nodded, indicating that he would not care anymore.

On the contrary, it was Situ Xue, but the landlord again touched Ye Tian’s neck.

Looking at Ye Tian with a tangled look: “Boss, why do you think you are a dog? If you are a person, I will definitely marry you.”

Ye Tian’s madness just now seemed to be aimed at Wu Lan, but between the lines, it was revealed that they were all concerned about the two girls in the family.

Where can I find such a warm dog?

Ye Tian’s body trembled slightly.

Then he glanced at Situ Xue with weird eyes, and quickly pushed him away again.

Speaking of the topic of becoming a human being.

He really thought about it.

According to the current growth rate of wealth.

It is definitely not difficult for him to collect 100 billion.

Even if it were not for long-term development, he still needs to learn more technological skills and purchase a science and technology park.

Within a few days at the latest, he will be able to settle the amount of money to become a human being.

But, is it time to transform now?

As I said before, there are many things a dog can do without any harm, and he can do whatever he wants. No one will be suspicious.

But once you become a human being, what you will face is definitely not that simple.

After all, it is still a matter of strength.

It is definitely not a good thing to become a human being before the strength is absolutely against the sky.

Of course, the current Ye Tian is much easier to become a human being.

Because relying on the foundation laid during this period of time, which step you take is a matter of thinking.

So the oppressive feeling before is gone.

It also relieved a lot.

Moreover, there is still a big problem in becoming a human being.

My two sisters

Thinking of this, Ye Tian is no longer willing to think further.

Forget it, wait for Invincible to talk about it later.

With a guilty conscience, he looked at the women on the left and right, Ye Tian shook his head and stopped thinking too much.

Unexpectedly, Situ Xue didn’t plan to let him go.

Instead, he looked at Ye Tian with a playful look, and the corners of his mouth evoked a beautiful arc.

“By the way, boss, if you are a person, sister Xiaomeng and I, who do you want to marry?

Ye Tian’s body trembled again.

Then he glared at Situ Xue fiercely.

Why does this evil woman always love which pot and not open which pot?

The puppy only does multiple choice questions.

Adult dogs are still pooh.

What am I thinking!

Ye Tian used his head fiercely again.

“Neither? Then you want to choose Lily?”

“Li, your sister, believe it or not, I will bite you!”

Ye Tian said angrily. .

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