Chapter 213 Big guy, your pattern is too small

“Rhythm? What kind of rhythm? You little dog, you are famous.”

Old Yi glared at Ye Tian with an angry look, and said.

“Seeing the tricks, you don’t know that I have 1.4 trillion in the US stock market. If this wave of market is used well, it will not be difficult to double the capital!”

“Double? Do you think it is 14,000 yuan? Any number, once it reaches a certain magnitude, then think about it, but is it as simple as one plus one equals two!”

Yi Laoyu has a long-term focus.

“The problem is, I haven’t reached a certain magnitude yet!”

“One hundred and four hundred billion, but it hasn’t arrived yet? Ask Xiao Ren, how much is their company operating for so many years? Your amount of money for playing tickets is about to catch up with the total market value of top companies like him. NS.”

“Boss, your situation is not big enough. Look at the family companies in foreign countries. They are tens of trillions, tens of trillions, and they are still meters. Where can I go, and I want to earn Yes, it is the opponent’s money, naturally the more the better!

“All right, you can figure it out, and we can act with you.”

Old Yi nodded.

Ren Woxing also echoed: 20 “Boss, then I will convene the board of directors to discuss the shares in a short while, you can decide when the specific news will be released!”

“OK! Big brother, you can release the news.

Ye Tian nodded and said.

After speaking, I hung up the video.

Ren Woxing was left alone by Yi Lao.

“Xiao Ren, the matter about the boss is absolutely confidential. You know it yourself. If you don’t describe it to other directors, you can use the name of Situ Xue.”

Let Woxing nodded solemnly.

“Lao Yi, I understand this. It is too shocking to make a lithography machine with a two-half one. Don’t worry, even if I die, I won’t leak it out.”

“You do things, I can rest assured, so be it, I’ll give you another piece of advice, boss, don’t have any extra thoughts, otherwise, the consequences will be serious.


Seeing the solemnity on Old Yi’s face, Ren Woxing nodded fiercely.

Then, turn off the video.

After thinking for a while, the secretary was called.

Immediately notify all shareholders and convene a board of directors. Shareholders, big or small, must be present.

On Elder Yi’s side, his expression on the video is not as calm as before.

Almost immediately, several other bigwigs were also called to the conference room.

“Everyone is not just turning the gold bricks into gold mountains, but gold mines! You said, how can this little boss be so powerful?”

“Why, Lao Yi, are you finally feeling curious?”

“I’m a little curious, this is completely beyond our understanding.”

“So, the most important thing for us now is not to wonder why the boss is so powerful, but how to make people not curious about him!

“According to your statement, the little boss is afraid that this time he wants to turn the rice stock market upside down. At that time, it will be difficult for him not to attract attention. You also know how shameless the opposite is. Once you get furious, you can do everything. come out.”

“Yes, we are not happy now, we must be fully prepared.”

“Hehe, it seems that we were calculated by the puppy again this time. I said how he managed to get the lithography machine to the villa. It turned out that he knew how much trouble he would cause and was going to let us give it to He wiped his ass very hard.”

“This puppy is really good. But it fits his species very well, it’s greedy!”

“Shadow Guard, send it over, anyway, we old men don’t have anything to do. It is important to protect the country’s important weapons.”

“Yes, in addition, inform the Dongcheng Guard that the villa is fully fortified within one kilometer of Yunding One. It is a restricted area. All food and supplies must be professionally inspected.”

“This little boss, didn’t he calculate us, just let him taste what is called protection!

“Hey, that’s a good idea! See if he is still playing and thinking about it!”

The boss’s discussion is over.

In the villa, Ye Tian accompanied Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xue for breakfast.

And rejected Situ Xuedou’s proposal.

Come again to the warehouse that has been transformed into a laboratory.

Lao Zhou and Lao Zhang are studying and familiarizing with the operation details of the lithography machine.

Seeing Ye Tian coming in, the two stopped their movements, and Lao Zhou said.

“Boss, the internal information you want, Mr. Yi has sent someone to open it for you, and you can check it at any time.”

Ye Tian nodded.

Came to the main control computer.

Enter the s-level permission password that you can get.

Into the database.

I have to say that the s-level authority is really a bit against the sky.

In this special database.

It almost contains all the unknown technologies and secrets on the normal network.

For example, for a raw material, as long as you enter the name, you can immediately display the location of the world’s distribution, the top manufacturing companies, the market price, etc., a detailed batch.

Ye Tian after a brief browsing.

Just opened the system.

He can manufacture a lithography machine now.

But there is a big difference between being able to manufacture and being able to manufacture from start to finish.

Especially the more advanced the lithography machine, even if the required technology is increased by 1nm, the required instrument precision is increased geometrically.

And Ye Tian’s question 437 is even bigger.

What he has to do is to solve the problem of the lithography machine thoroughly.

Even if it’s as subtle as every part, you need to be able to manufacture it yourself.

Moreover, in the face of some domestic scarce materials, he has to refer to the materials in the database to find alternatives. Completely break the external monopoly.

This is definitely a huge project.

Even if Ye Tian’s intelligence is combined with the help of the system, it is definitely not something that can be completed in a short while.

Fortunately, after last night, the dog god coin in the system mall has increased by tens of billions.

Almost all the intermediate and advanced technologies that have not been perfect before can be done.

Set a good goal.

Ye Tian’s mind began to jump back and forth between the system and the database.

With the continuous addition of basic technology, the names of materials have been listed by Ye Tian and given notes.

The time flies and the morning has passed.

Because Ye Tian has a lot of technical knowledge before, it is not too troublesome to master more advanced technology this time.

By lunch time, the canine coins in the system mall were almost exhausted again.

The mastery of massive knowledge made Ye Tian’s eyes brighter.

The names of materials and minerals summarized by him are as many as tens of thousands of words.

“Pass this list to Yi Lao, and collect it as quickly as possible!”.

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