Chapter 210 The lion has a big mouth

“Then the boss is looking for me?”

Ren Woxing nodded solemnly and asked.

“Hello, Mr. Ren!

Ye Tian saw that the time was about to come, and said aloud.


As soon as the voice fell, let me go but my eyes widened.

After watching Ye Tian’s video for a while, he arrived: “Just now, were you talking?”


Ye Tian nodded.

“You can speak??”

Let Woxing swallowed his saliva, expressing his incomprehension.

“With the help of a voice translator, there is no need to make a fuss. Let’s talk about business, Mr. Ren!”

“Uh, well, you say!

Although it’s still a little unbelievable, I didn’t feel anything wrong when I saw the big guys, so I didn’t want to get entangled anymore and spoke out.

“Then I’m straight to the point, I hope to deepen cooperation with you!’

“Cooperation? We should have cooperated before, right? You and Situ Xuexue are together, and I heard that there are also shares in International Light. We have a strategic partnership with International Light.”

“It’s a strategic partner, but it’s not enough!”

Ren Woxing frowned, some did not understand what Ye Tian meant.

Ye Tian also didn’t like to go around the corner, and said directly: “I hope to use 10% of the equity in International Light in my hand to replace the non-tradable equity of 20,433%.”

“Huh? Boss, are you sure you are correct in the data? Replace 20% of our outstanding equity with 10% of the equity of International Light? How is this possible?”

On the side, Yi Lao listened to Ye Tian’s words, also the star-eyed boss, with a face full of doubts.

Ye Tian nodded affirmatively.

“Mr. Ren, you heard that right, that is, 10% of the international light, replacing 20% ​​of the equity.

“Little boss, do you know what you are talking about? People are promising, but the trillion-dollar group, your international light, so far, according to your stock price, it has only been dead for less than 50 billion. You won’t be awake yet, right? ?”

“No, I am sober, I am giving President Ren a great opportunity!”

Ye Tian’s words are persuasive.

“Oh my God, you are holding billions of shares worth a few hundred billions of shares. You also said that you are giving them a chance. Boss, you ask me to help the contacts, you are going to kill me. Bar?”

Lao Yi bulged his eyes and didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh in the face of Ye Tian’s whimsical words.

On the side, Ren Woxing frowned, but did not taunt too much, as if waiting for Ye Tian to give a reason.

Ye Tian turned around and came to the front of the lithography machine.

At the moment, light is shining in the lithography machine.

“Mr. Ren, as far as I know, the biggest expenditure in these years should be in scientific research, right?

If my investigation is correct, most of your annual profit is invested in chip design and operating system upgrades, right?”

Let me nodded. Instructed Ye Tian to continue.

“If I say that I actually let you use 20% of the equity to permanently save this research and development funds, do you think you are making a profit or a loss?”

“Permanent? That would naturally make a lot of money, but is it possible?”

“Why is it impossible?”

“As far as I know, your research over the past few years has yielded great results, and you have been able to design chips independently. However, you can only design chips. You have no way to implement them. The biggest problem is the lithography machine.”

“Boss, what you want to say is that there are lithography machines now, right? The relevant department has notified me of this. This time in the hands of Murong’s family, we have seized two lithography machines… The production capacity of the lithography machine is sufficient to deal with the sanctions imposed by the United States.

Ren Woxing frowned and looked at Yi Lao, thinking about Ye Tian’s purpose of saying this, is it because the above is going to use the lithography machine to do something about himself?

Yi Lao noticed the gaze of letting us go, and the old and cunning man shook his head quickly.

“Xiao Ren, don’t look at me like that. The two lithography machines that were just captured were originally used to benefit the country and the people. We will never think of you badly.”

After speaking, he glared at Ye Tian: “What do you guys have (cabj), can’t you finish it in one breath?”

Ye Tian smashed his mouth and continued to say: “Mr. Ren, what I want to talk about is the lithography machine, but not the two lithography machines. It is mine. Still returning to the topic just now, you have the ability to design chips. , But the new generation of chips you designed, are you sure that the two lithography machines you seized can produce?”

“No! The latest chip we designed is for the use of a new generation of security systems, and has reached the 12-nanometer level. Otherwise, if we still use the old generation of security systems and chips, we will not be able to keep up with the upgrades on the rotten pear. Sooner or later. We were eliminated. The moment we were eliminated was when the rotten pears dominated the Xia country market.”

“This is not right. So, I have a suggestion. Don’t wait for the chips of the two lithography machines. You can directly start the manufacture of the latest generation of mobile phones. Here, I will handle the chips for you. In other words, The sky-high R&D expenses that you spent before were not in vain. This expense definitely exceeds 20% of your shares, right?”

“You do it? How do you do it?”

Ren Woxing’s face was shocked, as if listening to a fairy tale.

12nm lithography machine, but now the world’s top semiconductor production equipment. It is also a key machine tool used by the United States to counterbalance other countries, how could it fall into the hands of one and two!

Ye Tian seemed to have known that Ren Woxing would have such a reaction, and looked at Yi Lao.

“Big brother, tell him, what is this station behind me!”

Old Yi glared at Ye Tian who was full of air, and then he reluctantly spoke out.

“Xiao Ren, the one behind the boss is also a lithography machine. The country spent 10 billion to buy it from him!”

“10 billion?”

Let Woxing’s eyes widen.

As a promising man, he knows the price of key equipment such as lithography machines well.

Today, the world’s top lithography machine has a price of less than 2 billion. Why does the country spend 10 billion to buy a lithography machine?

What is this thinking?

Old Yi looked at the other person’s eyes, knowing that he was despised, and gave Ye Tian an angry look, and then he opened his mouth to explain.

“To tell you the truth, this lithography machine was designed and developed by the boss independently. When we seized the two lithography machines before, the chips of the two lithography machines had an accident, and the boss used him to develop it. This lithography machine has manufactured the chips of the two lithography machines and programmed the operating system. Otherwise, the two lithography machines can only be used now.

Where is the waste? For this reason, we have given the sky-high price of 10 billion yuan as compensation. 1

“Hey, sir, let’s talk as long as we talk, can we not distort the facts, what is the sky-high compensation of 100, my machine is obviously worth 10 billion? And as long as I am willing, I will put it on the market , Even if 20 billion or 30 billion, someone will rush to ask for it, do you believe it?”

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