Chapter 201 Seeking the miracle of the performance day’s return rate

A group of advertising securities companies are arrogant.

Fans in Ye Tian’s live broadcast room couldn’t refute it.

Because they really couldn’t understand Ye Tian’s current operation.

It feels like grabbing whatever you want to buy when there is nothing to do.

No technical content at all-at all.

Ye Tian didn’t care about so much.

After buying and leaving, Wu’s mother had already prepared dinner.

The family sat around the table.

Looking at the extra Wu Lan.

The barrage suddenly became lively again.

“Hey, why is there another girl?”

“What girl, she is also a goddess, okay!”

“Boss, the harem is getting bigger and bigger, where can I find so many high-quality beauties.”

“Looking at this new beauty, she seems to be a ruthless character, military boots, camouflage pants, camouflage vest. Wheat skin color, seems to have a bit of muscles, at first glance, she is an athlete.”

“Fart sportsman, this is definitely a soldier, okay? The army boots alone are special military supplies. Most people can’t buy them if they have money. Moreover, the clothes and pants, if I remember correctly, are the real special forces costumes. The colors used are quite different from general camouflage uniforms.”

“Soldiers are not uncommon. I have never seen such a beautiful soldier.”

“The boss is one thing and two, and he has so many girls alone, so he won’t let people live.

“That is, the first two goddesses will be given to you, and I will ask for the latter one, and I will raise it too!”

At the dinner table, because of Wu Lan’s joining, the atmosphere of today’s dinner was also a bit weird.

Because Wu Lan seemed to be hit by Ye Tian.

After the dinner table, he didn’t say a word, and started eating with a bowl in his hand.

The appetite is a bit surprising.

Originally, because of Ye Tian’s presence, Wu’s mother would do more when she was cooking.

I was afraid that Ye Tian would not be able to eat enough.

Today there are more people, and Wu Ma has prepared two more people.

But Wu Lan was like a bottomless pit.

Eat as many dishes as there are on the table.

What’s more speechless is that he doesn’t even vomit the bones.

Like chicken bones, thinner fish bones, they are all chewed directly and swallowed completely.

So much.

Ye Tian’s family usually takes at least half an hour to get a meal.

This time it only took less than ten minutes to complete.

It’s not that everyone is eating fast, but that they don’t have to eat.

After Wu Lan showed a talent that even Ye Tian couldn’t match in eating.

The whole family fell into a sluggish state, so quietly watching Wu Lan perform alone.

It turns out.

This woman can really eat.

A table full of food, she killed most of it alone, not even the soup.

The most amazing thing is that after eating, everyone looked at her belly, but there was no bulge at all.

Then he stretched and ran back to the yard.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian to see that the violent woman carried a decorative stone ball at the entrance of the villa on her back and did a leapfrog on the lawn.

“Boss, she doesn’t want to retaliate against you and eat you down, right?”

Situ Xue swallowed her saliva and said in astonishment.

Dai Xiaomeng looked outside and shrank his neck.

As a woman, she really feels terrified when faced with the appetite of the other party.

Even when my boss and myself were poor, they couldn’t eat so much.

Is there really no problem with the body after such overeating?

But Mother Wu, watching Wu Lan eat the food cleanly, her face was a little joyful.

Since I came here, it is the first time that there are no leftovers leftovers. It is gratifying.

After the audience was astonished in the live broadcast room, barrage began to emerge.

“The brother who said just now that you want to grab your sisters when you smash pots and sell iron, please come out and tell you how many pots and catties of iron you have in your family. I will calculate for you.

“This f*ck is too edible, it looks pretty slender, why the appetite is so terrible, the table of food just now does not add up to ten catties or eight catties, and it can be done by one person. The new big stomach King?”

“Fortunately, the boss can make money, otherwise, if you stand up with such a girl, you will have to be eaten!”

“What kind of money can I make? It’s about to close, and I made less than one percent. I’m so embarrassed to say that I can make money?”

I have to say that since those who advertised in securities companies entered.

Weird words of yin and yang are there all the time.

Simply discuss the appetite of Ye Tian’s new girl, and they can also find opportunities to taunt.

“Enough, you guys are endless, run other people’s live broadcast room to advertise, not kicking you, it’s not bad, say you are addicted, right?”

.0 Seeking flowers…

“A group of silly securities companies, after eating a few hot si after the boss, they really take themselves seriously? When the boss is making a lot of money, why didn’t you see you come out?

However, it was luck that there was an obvious increase, and there is no end to it. You have the ability to destroy the Murong family with your own ability like the boss, take everyone to the U.S. stock market, and beat Naidi and Ake with statistical tables! To any one, Laozi’s name is written upside down. A group of follow-up dogs really regard themselves as a person. ”

“That’s right, it’s not your fault to slap ads, it’s the fault, you don’t recognize yourself. Didn’t you see the boss but just thought that there was too much money and nowhere to put it, so you just bought a rotten pear stock? If you want to make a move, you will all be dumbfounded.”

“Heh, just play, it’s obviously Jiang Lang’s talent. If you have the ability, you can let him take a shot. Let’s see? Really when the stock market disaster is a joke, if you want to take action, take action? A bunch of idiots.”


The live broadcast went to war again, and Dai Xiaomeng, who had been staring at the barrage, also pouted this time.

In the little girl’s thinking, someone can scold herself, but scold her boss, not.

Ye Tian noticed that Dai Xiaomeng’s expression was wrong, and turned his head to look at the barrage.

The brow furrowed slightly.

Looked at the time on the wall.

Jumped off the chair and came to the computer.

“Boss, there are five minutes to close the Hong Kong stock market!”

Situ Xue sensed Ye Tian’s unhappiness, his eyes lit up, and he quickly followed and reminded.

Ye Tian nodded.

Open the stock trading column.

It doesn’t matter whether the rotten pears are rising or falling.

Direct clearance.

Soon, all the stocks were sold.

Ye Tian’s total assets came to 10.5 billion.

In less than one hour, 10.4 billion in principal, only earned less than 100 million.

“Oh, the old trick is repeated again!”

“This is what you said about the real shot, oops, it’s scary, I’m trembling!”

“No ability means no ability. Isn’t it to create a daily profit rate for us to see? Come on!”

The ridicule in the barrage sounded again.

Ye Tian’s gaze also looked at the Hong Kong stock market.

The Hang Seng Index was 7200 points, 7100 points left the city, 100 points more.

At this moment, there are three minutes left to close.


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