Chapter 10 Cents

I have to say that the influence of King Hua Tian is definitely not overshadowed by Xia Guo.

Originally it was just a somewhat curious Erha, after the simple handshake just now.

Before I knew it, my identity completely changed.

Because anything related to Huashen is definitely not a trivial matter.

Directing room.

The director of the program group was also ecstatic at this time.

He couldn’t think of it, one and two ha.

Surprised myself one after another.

In addition to his own personal performance.

It also brought a goddess to the program group that could attract the audience’s attention.

The most important thing is the interaction with Huashen!

This is something that even the program crew can’t do.

Because of the program group, it is a great honor to be able to invite Huashen this time.

How dare to ask Huashen to do anything else.

Unexpectedly, this Erha, at this moment, is helping myself so much.

He even thought about the topic of tomorrow’s hot news.

There was the moment of shaking hands with the two masters.

This newly-launched program can definitely arouse the interest of the absolute majority of people.

At that time, as the director of Xia Country, his status will definitely rise.

“Give it to the lens, give it more of the lens!”

Compared to the next audition.

The director did not hesitate to give Dai Xiaomeng and Erha once again tilted the exposure rate.

And it turns out.

After watching dozens of dog performances.

The audience is also very happy to see Loli and Erha more.

at this time.

The brief introduction of Dai Xiaomeng and Erha has also ended.

The supporter is in Dai Xiaomeng’s expectant gaze.

A lot of the promotion bonus was sent to her.

For the sake of intuition, the bonus is directly delivered in cash.

Holding huge sums of money.

Dai Xiaomeng’s eyes narrowed into crescent crescents.

“Wow, it really doubled!”

“Boss, the rent for our new home is available, and the big meal is gone.”

The money was counted twice.

After confirming that it was two thousand yuan, Dai Xiaomeng excitedly hugged Erha’s neck and handed the money to him.

Erha rolled his eyes.

The paw lifted.

Pressed on Dai Xiaomeng’s hand holding the money.

The latter pouted, as if he had been used to Erha’s behavior a long time ago.

With a little unwillingness, he put the stack of money on the ground.

“What are they doing?”

“I don’t know, but looking at the action, these two guys seem to be very interested in money.”

“It feels like sharing the spoils!”

“Impossible, what’s the use of a dog taking money!”

The speculation voices of the audience are still one after another.

The action of one person and one dog has already told everyone the answer.

Seeing Erha’s proficient claw, Qian pushed Qian to a position between him and Dai Xiaomeng.

Then, the paw was placed on the top of the money, and one was pushed down in front of Dai Xiaomeng.

Another Bala, put it in front of me.

“God, you really are dividing the money.”

“Awesome two ha, I actually know that you have one point and one point each.”

“Puff, you think too much upstairs.”

“Is not it……”

The barrage argument came to an abrupt end.

Everyone laughed at the discovery.

Except for the first one hundred yuan.

The money behind, although Erha is still Bara one after another.

But all Bara came to him.

Dai Xiaomeng waited and waited eagerly.

Until the money is divided.

Then he pouted in dissatisfaction.

“Unfair! I did my best too, boss, you can’t do this to me.”

Erha simply ignored his protest.

Looking at the ticket in front of him, the dog’s face showed a rare solemnity.

Use the two claws of the messy banknotes together, neatly arranged.

Then he pushed to Dai Xiaomeng again.

Then he put his paw on and pressed it, and his eyelid lifted slightly.

“I see, I see, it’s all yours, petty fellow.”

Hearing this reply, Erha nodded in satisfaction.

Watching Dai Xiaomeng roll up Qian Haosheng and put it in a small concealed pocket under his neck, he looked back.

“This operation blinded my 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!”

“This dog will definitely be promising when he grows up, and now he knows how to make money!”

“Goddess Little Meng, hurry up and take your boss to college, don’t delay the child.”

“Finally know what it means to have a kind of fun called watching others raise Erha! It’s so funny!”

“Is this the legendary dog-like appearance? The dog’s appearance, the human mind?”

“I have to say that the IQ of this Erha has definitely surpassed any dog ​​I have ever seen.”

“It’s more than just surpassing the dog. I’m afraid that even many people can’t compare to him.”

The audience thought so.

The nearest judges.

The heart is also making waves.

Professor Tang Ming and Master Guo Yifeng almost completely squatted to the stage at this moment.

Two pairs of eyes watched Erha’s every move without blinking.

As for Huashen.

The gaze looking at Erha was even more scorching.

As far as this two-ha now shows, it basically fits the word smart that he wants in his heart.

The only pity is that Erha has not shown much emotion since his appearance.

It’s too cold.

However, there are many competitions in the future, and I believe there are still many bright spots that can be unearthed.

Thinking about it, Huashen whispered a few words to the assistant.

“After the show is over, you can tell the screenwriter Zhang, and ask if the main character of the new show is set as a two-half, the changes that need to be made are not big.”*

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