My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 777 Master can’t do this job anymore

Immortality world.

It is peaceful, spring-like all year round, and willow branches are fluttering.

The warm sun sets, covering the entire land with a golden coat.

However, it is in this peaceful and quiet environment.

Lu Changsheng's mood was completely opposite to that.

Lu Changsheng was seen sitting on a wooden chair. Beside him, a huge bone-winged snake and tiger lay next to Lu Changsheng like a puppy.

However, the Bone-winged Snake-Tiger was not sleeping, nor was he acting out.

Instead, his eyes revealed infinite grievance.

Because during the conversation between Lu Changsheng and Mu Fusheng, while chatting, one hand was unconsciously pulling out the few hairs on the body of the bone-winged snake and tiger...

During this time, in the world of immortality.

Because the spiritual energy is extremely abundant, being by Liu Shu's side will have a huge bonus on understanding the power of Tao and breaking through realms.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng sometimes creates elixirs, and after refining them, he will test the properties of the medicine on the bone-winged snakes and tigers in advance.

Simply put, although these elixirs sometimes have strange effects, most of them have a huge improvement in cultivation strength!

Today's Bone Winged Snake Tiger, due to various factors, has completely transformed its physical body, and its bloodline has also evolved.

More importantly, the realm has reached the peak of the God King realm...

There is only one step left before you can step into the realm of the Divine Emperor...

The Divine King Realm is the realm before the Divine King Realm.

Even if it is placed in a high-latitude realm, it can still become a powerful force.

But what about now?

But it became like Lu Changsheng's plaything.

He was lying on the side without daring to move. When Lu Changsheng stretched out his hand and then closed it, there was a tuft of hair in the palm of his hand...

Seeing this scene, Huang Qian shook her head helplessly and murmured: "If I pull it out again, the hair will almost disappear..."


Lu Changsheng said loudly: "What? Are you causing trouble again?! Look at this time, those little bastards have just arrived in the mid-latitude realm, right?"

As Lu Changsheng shouted loudly, he used more force with his hands.

Suddenly, the Bone Winged Snake Tiger howled.

This tug almost pulled off his skin...

Mu Fusheng shivered on the other side of the jade pendant and said in a trembling voice: "Master...Master, I...just found out..."

"Just found out?"

Lu Changsheng gritted his teeth, his hands became stronger and stronger, and his speed became faster and faster.

The bone-winged snake-tiger trembled more and more.

"Don't tell me that you just found out, Mu Fusheng, Mu Fusheng, how much do you trust me as a teacher to give you this important task?"

Mu Fusheng heard this.

I felt helpless.

No, it’s okay if you don’t want this trust!

According to the speed at which senior sisters and brothers are causing trouble, I can't stand it no matter what!

"Don't make any excuses! If you were faster, wouldn't things be better?"

"Next time, let Xiao Hei cook and you eat it all by yourself!"

After saying that, Lu Changsheng threw the jade pendant away angrily.

He squeezed it with his palm, turned his head and looked at it, and was startled.

"Huh? Gouzi, why is all the hair on your body missing?"

"Is it the shedding period? Warcraft also has its hair shedding period? But it won't be so violent, right?"

After hearing this, the Bone Wing Snake Tiger glanced at Lu Changsheng with a resentful look on his face, then flapped his huge bone wings and flew away into the distance without looking back.

It’s just that back view, as resentful as it is...

Lu Changsheng looked at Huang Qian aside and asked, "What's wrong with him? Is someone bullying him?"

Huang Qian rolled her eyes and went to practice on her own.

the other side.

Mu Fusheng stared blankly at the jade pendant as the light dissipated, with a horrified expression on his face.

It was as if I heard something terrifying.


Mu Wan'er patted Mu Fusheng on the shoulder and said, "Junior brother, you are in good hands."

Then he couldn't help laughing.

Shi Sheng on the side reminded: "You have to call me senior brother."

Mu Wan'er immediately stopped laughing.

Mu Fusheng was panic-stricken.

Looking back at Hongying and the others, he said with a dull expression: "How about... brothers and sisters, please tell Master that if anything happens in the future, it will be your own fault?"

The food cooked by Senior Brother Xiaohei?

Is that something humans can eat?

The kitchen immediately exploded upon seeing it!

When eating, you probably have to carry a few detoxifying pills with you!

This is even more serious than senior brother being punished to sweep the mountain!

Hongying said with a smile: "If you don't say no in the future, it won't matter, right?"

"Look, by taking the initiative to tell Master, you are not asking for trouble?"

Hear Hongying's words.

Mu Fusheng's expression became even more frightened.


after? !

Immediately, Mu Fusheng had the idea of ​​contacting Lu Changsheng again.

Master, I can't do this job!

Change someone!

Hongying asked curiously at this time: "But Brother Priest, when did you place the talisman behind them?"

Mu Fusheng said helplessly: "I was there when you started fighting. I thought the other party might escape, so I laid the talisman first."

"After all, with the character of senior sister, she will definitely not reconcile with the Hehuan Sect easily. Rather than doing this, it is better to weaken the other party's strength."

Hongying said with a smile: "You must have heard the reason why we have enmity with the Hehuan Sect. Do you want to stand up for junior sister?"

Who is Hongying?

A generation of empress, in charge of so many people.

How can you not guess what others are thinking?

Mu Fusheng's expression froze, then he scratched his head and said, "Senior Sister, don't tell Master."

If Lu Changsheng found out, Mu Fusheng would not only be unfavorable to Hongying and the others, but would also get involved.

I guess...

It's not just as simple as eating a meal cooked by Xiao Hei...

It is estimated that from now on, the leftovers from Xiao Hei's cooking lessons will have to be given to Mu Fusheng!

"Okay, okay, let's talk about what the situation is now."

Hongying asked: "What is your relationship with Senior Brother, Xiao Hei and the Infinite Purgatory?"

Hear the words.

Mu Fusheng told the story in detail.

After listening.

Hongying's pretty face turned cold.

"So, Qi Sha Dao is still targeting Xiao Hei's body?"

Mu Fusheng nodded.

"Then where are Xiao Hei and Senior Brother now?"

Mu Fusheng said: "Senior Brother is at Tianjian Peak, and Senior Brother Xiaohei is at Immortal Ape Village, but I have already used the jade pendant to inform them of your arrival, Senior Sister."

"Senior sister, please follow me to the Holy Talisman Sect first. Once the senior brother and senior brother Xiao Hei have finished handling the matter, they will come over."

the other side.

Within the Hehuan Sect.

After Ke Mei learned about Yuan Xianzhi's four soul cards being shattered.

The aura of the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm surged out!

The men around her were all blown away, and blood spurted out!

After learning the news, Xie Hongyi rushed over immediately and asked in shock: "Master, Elder Yuan and the others were killed?!"

Ke Mei's charming face was filled with murderous intent.

"The news said that Fu Zhuan was killed by Fu Zhuan. Only the Celestial Realm Fu Zhuan could kill the four people of Yuan Xianzhi..."

And the one who can do this?

Ke Mei raised her head and looked in the direction of the Holy Talisman Sect, her face filled with endless chill!

ps: There is still one chapter left. I will update it after I get up after sleeping. It means that I will update three more chapters today. On average, is it good or not?

My disciples are all qualified by the emperor

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